* Posts by Justin Smith 1

2 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jul 2009

Met warns officers off photographers

Justin Smith 1

@ Jeff 10 re: Happens in US as well

For what it's worth, Jeff, most sidewalks in the US are considered "easements," which means the city in which the building is situated *requires by law* that the sidewalk be made available for the traversal of the public. Building security guards have no right, under such a circumstance, to order you off the sidewalk, whether you are taking pictures or not. If they don't like your presence, and so long as you are on a public easement, their only legal recourse is to call the police, possibly under the charge of loitering or some such.

Orange UK exiles Firefox from call centres

Justin Smith 1

I have two words for the IE6 afflicted

"PortableApps Firefox"