* Posts by ChrisM

169 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2009


Revealed: Inside Apple-bothering Proview's crumbling factory


Re: Re: Lame

Meh, angles on the story...

Fail for me and my spelling and my autocorrect


Re: Lame

There is this thing in journalism called due diligence.... Checking facts and sngles on the story...

I'm no fan of apple but you do take it a bit far...

Southwest One gets £10m IBM loan amid 'staggering' losses


Proper Post Mortem Needed

First, what was the original tender specification.

Second, what was the final org design

Third, what CR's were submitted during build that meant a fundamental change to that design.

That should give us an idea of what went wrong.... Usually these problems start with a poorly specified task and the rest is knock on....

Heartland Institute documents leaked


Just proves what I have always said about the AGW debate... Both sides are filled with people who won't let the facts get in the way of their beliefs....

Its the most important debate in my lifetime and it needs to be done dispassionately and sensibly without the hyperbole.

LibreOffice debugs and buffs up to v.3.5


The problem is.....

No one cares, unless you have a FOSS fan in the family or your company has taken the leap into the unknown world outside the Microsoft bubble then for most people productivity software = MS office.....

The other problem is that even if people have heard of it then most of them will not change out of inertia. The thought of learning the differences (perceived, I know from trying it out that the interface was perfectly usable with only a few small ones) means that most won't bother and will continue either pirating or buying the home office version of MS.

Anonymous hackers leak Scotland Yard-FBI conference call


Damint, now i have to change the combination on my suitcase

US tweet deportation: Chilling behind-the-scenes photos


Yes, but what was Optimus Prime's reaction.... Is he not defending the free world any more?

10 years ago today: Bill Gates kicks arse over security


Thankyou for making my point in a more eloquent fashion than I could. The tone of your comment and the 'pull your head out of your arse' comment has automatically made me less likely to trust what you have to say even though you may be a world reknowned expert on information security for all I know.

You misunderstood the 'bedroowm warrior' part by seeing that as an ad hominem when it was a plain appeal to improve the level of debate on this subject.

Nowhere do I endorse the windows security model and even contrast it by the more easily securable *nix (nothing is completely secure unless you remove the user from the equation), hell its better than it was but would you prefer to still have autorun by default, no prompts and checks about running install programs and wide open ports. Who in their right mind would?


The security debate is necessary (and not that boring). What is boring is the vitriol and bile spewed out, the use of examples from years if not decades ago to make a point about the security position of a product now.

It appears to me that the windows product is trying to lock down the product without losing usability whereas the various Linuxes (Linii?) Are working at the same problem from the opposite direction. That movement benefits us all... The mindless namecalling just makes you look like a bedroom warrior and cheapens any valid points you may have


Insert Penguin Fancier joke about windows here

*Yawn* All been done before many many times. Can we actually have a grown up debate without the Microshaft, MicroSuck$, M$ etc etc stuff...

It's just boring now

Boffins hack evolution, create SUPERSOLDIER ANTS


Supersoldier Ant

Never mind him, it's supersoldier Dec we should be afraid of...

The Commodore 64 is 30


Amazing, took me back to 1990 and crowded round my mates amiga watching demo's.

Also sent me looking for the truly awesome Jesus on E's and the epic Jesus on Cheese

Samoa takes day off to skip International Date Line

Paris Hilton

There were competing Prime Meridians. Greenwich won, Paris lost

Paris because..... Just because


Or someone who has been traumatised by tubgirl

New Chinese space plans are all about security and strategy on Earth


I'd rather vote for Ron Jeremy myself

Spire crack brings Siri to jailbroken iPhones


Just as a matter of interest... Has anyone asked Siri how to jailbreak an iPhone?

Might be fun to see what the response would be from inside the walled garden. . .

Nick Cave smashes speed camera with Jag



Considering where the speed camera was located (and not fixed yet) he was very near to dropping the kids off at the pool...

Mac market share slips worldwide



That would be Apple with a worldwide share of 6.26% and a US share of 14%

USA != World

Russians demand flying cars and telepathy


Perpetuum Mobile?

I want the cheloinian mobile!
