* Posts by Waffa

5 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jun 2009

Greedy datagrabs, crap security will KILL the Internet of Thingies


its a five star people and communist fathers dream... as once its standard...

... the upgrades will be glorious.. the upgrades will be glorious

do you even want to imagine the global plan once the thingies are standard and they have thought out some needed reason for why your toaster needs to be connected to Health and Safety server in Seattle ... then the future upgrade will be final.. and the vibrations and all the extra that can be send or implemented per group of people ... is wet dream...

advancements what and how can be heard by using electricity is be on what you have seen from science fiction movies..

but in the end... we are by far long before all that spiritually reachable by deeper ways anyway... if it may be called spiritual.. compared to REAL spiritual worlds where you can access after cleansing your self and taking magic mushrooms with a women... more then few times perhaps... then you know... specially after first time you become one new body... how and who has been accessing us so many way..

(just look in to bio fields research five star gov is doing and advancing...)

but as long there is still one human left to think or breath or love or dream none of the sides are giving up.. one because of worry other because of Hope..

Pirate Bay co-founder jailed for three years after massive CSC hack attack


just 3 years.. lucky actually

you know there is much more serious offences one can get JUst for staling money and (looking from Sam point of view) they did clearly something more then this..... hey 3 years, actually really lucky case and they had to had good deal that they got so little, think logically.

its rare they get guys like that from bare handed and by far on news they are not saying their adventures starting from teen-dom

If they got record you wanking somewhere.. they will keep it.. can be used perhaps for some kind of interrogation combination

UNIX greybeards threaten Debian fork over systemd plan


invading human cultures and eliminating them by mixing and dividing is old tool "they" use...

Try not to for instead take authority and if needed in group of 30 old geeks packed by some youth rebels weaponiźed with old hardware go and physically take over main center points to secure future of the development... the ones who surrender and join with cause or retreat... they are okey, the ones who attempt to show resistance shall be eliminated.

Seriously WHY these who are in the core of knowing where we come and where we go should go and find a new place and hope on peoples psychology to fallow them .. no these people who ruin software they will use all the needed politics from other arias of life to recirculate and block enough that goal is not reached.

Protect your ground. All as one organize on your own virtual war base start 24/7 as an team working out on these names and people who need to be excluded from the development, make clean house.. rather less good then few bad.

Seriously, this what is done in plant, politics, education, media, literature and other worlds is not different what happens in computer world, we our-self did not realize the size and importance of the happening for future generations (how many hundreds of years you think ahead...)

Work on fork prototype, work on making self backup virtual world.. from where you might need to remove some of your friends as well... but if they are real friends they will still help and mot attacking you for it. ... but most of all work on exposing these names in that aria who do not need to be in there.. there is so much other all in one solutions they can go and help with ... WHY in there where they not needed as the aim is something else ?

Does it make any sense am talking ?

... this is what they expect from us.. to separate... to separate.. to only retreat.. naah, we lovers, we look big picture and daddy is on our side in the end!

Google mocks Bing and the stuff behind it


WHY the hell google hides google news from some countrys?!?!

I would like to know: WHY the hell google hides google news from some countries like Estonia for example?

Thy have "scholar" and even groups and calendar link in usual google search but NO news link. I am sore more people would use news link because even some our newspapers are indexed and it's great way to see different news. if you click "more" you still can not get news. If u click "even more" then it takes to the page where u can find the news and then u have to type in what you searching for - how much sucks that? A lot

is there any reason for that?

Well.. i forget to say: you can ONLY get "more" link if you change google language to ENGLISH... if you use it in OUR language you even do not see "more" link and you will miss out most of the google features. I mean why the hell is google trying to block off most services (like news) from some other countrys?


Opera Software reinvents complete irrelevance

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this article is biggest rubbish i have EVER (on 6 years) read from theregister

Was this author working for Microsoft [who started boycott for Opera products] or is he from some other product marketing team? i haven't seen so bad journalism LONG time (in here, i would be not surprised if i would find this article from some yellow newspaper)...

i am so disappointed that i even can not comment it longer, SAD is only word that comes on my mind

I singed up for new account just to make this comment