* Posts by mark 63

902 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009


Canada founded on 'relentless pursuit of beaver'

mark 63 Silver badge

so its not the maple leaf?

I asumed there was a difference between "national symbol animal and flag"

mark 63 Silver badge
Paris Hilton

so its not the maple leaf?

I asumed there was a difference between "national symbol animal" , and flag

We like zombies… because we are zombies

mark 63 Silver badge

zombie genre

Although i do like the odd zombie film , I think it should have remained a one off idea , ie when romero did his first 3 , not a "genre" to repeated over and over again.

Are we that obsessed with the idea of our own dead bodies coming back to eat people?

I think a return to the sorcerer controlling the zombies would be a nice variation, but modern audiences would no doubt say "Oh, its gone all like magical and sourcery and stuff - thats just silly"

Father-of-three attacked teen after Call of Duty jibes

mark 63 Silver badge

Jay and Silent Bob stylee!

is your name xxxxxxx

did you write xxxxxxx

"How many people wanna kick some ass?........

Too much information

mark 63 Silver badge

me too

I'm in that boat ot the mo

in middle of big workstation OS upgrade, i wont say which its embarrasing.

most bespoke apps made by other contractor not working

users constantly wingeing that "it looksdifferent" or "the letters arnt big enough, i want 800x600 back"

Crap alchemist jailed for poo-into-gold experiment

mark 63 Silver badge

the umpteenth pun.....

You cant polish a turd!

This just in: Brussels shatters CRT cartel

mark 63 Silver badge

CRTs now free

you cant give em away these days!

over privedged noobs!

spoilt they are!

I've got 500 CRTs right here if anyone wants one - it'll save disposal costs.

Don't tell the Cartel tho - they might come round and smash my kneecaps!

4chan founder bashes Facebook, Google+ on identity

mark 63 Silver badge
Thumb Up

well said!

good point & well made agellos

I cant imagine what those two thumbs down are for , probly from Jake and some other pfy

You only have to look at the purile stream of idiocy below most utube videos to see this effect.

I'm not saying you should never be able to be anonymous but it should be the exception rather than the rule.

I'm sure Halifax bank wouldnt repond too well if you tried to open an account in the name of

Mr. 7337 h4k0rZ @ all-ure-bank-R-belong-to-us

mark 63 Silver badge

you dont *have* to facebook

if you dont wanna use your real name , dont use faceb of the google wotever it is , those are apparently for people secure enough to use their real name.

If you think back to the original social networking site - "Friends Reunited" - what would be the point if your friends didnt use their real names? same with facebook, the entire concept requires people tell people who they are.


Nipples and teen lesbians sexy even when ironic, ASA rules

mark 63 Silver badge
Black Helicopters

34 complaints?

34? is that a lot? is that public outrage levels?

So all i have to do to get my competitors adds banned is complain 34 times?


I bet in this case it was John Carmack prepping for his 'Rage' release

DeLorean goes electric for 2013 roll-out

mark 63 Silver badge

@Christoph , re gullwings

They have actually retained a very innovative safety feature which does the opposite of what you suggest . The car John Delorean copied from (which looked pretty much the same) was tagged the "worlds safest car". It even came in colourslabelled 'safety green' , ' safety red' etc

The gullwing doors were put there explicitly to make opening the doors easier when in close proximity to something else (e.g in a crash) Those doors extend from the car only 6 inches on their way up, whereas if you open a normal car door six inches you couldnt get a sheet of paper out , never mind a person!

probly dont work too well if its on its roof though :)

ICANN rescues time zone database

mark 63 Silver badge


The vultures that bought the wreckage of the astrology company must have been over the moon to see that the whole internet was using their database to tell the time!

So are ICANN continuing to breach copyright? , or using a different source? or payingh royalties to the vultures.

Can you really trust a database made up by a bunch of astrologers???

BOFH: Where's my free fondleslab?

mark 63 Silver badge

S: This show is awful!

W: Terrible!

S: Disgusting!

W: See you next week?

S: Of course.

mark 63 Silver badge

wrong audience

maybe apple and alienware realise that the people reading this are not gonna have thier opinions and tech purchases swayed by a funny story ,. hence no pressies.

If somone in the daily mail had done it, they'd be swimming in I-things

OccupySF BOFH runs protest network on pedal power

mark 63 Silver badge

"However, one bright spark managed to cobble together a new converter that downstepped the 12 volt supply directly to five volts much more efficiently, using mail-order parts and a bit of ingenuity."

These things have been available off the shelf for years , and more recently stepping up too

Man charged in nude celebrity hacking case

mark 63 Silver badge

121 years in federal prison?

is that a Pound-me-in-the-Ass prison?


Flashback: The Quest for Identity

mark 63 Silver badge

great language

you have an entertainning turn of phrase sir!

urging him to get his ass to Mars New Washington.

various aliens, robots and alien robots,

amidst the running, jumping, climbing trees and putting on make-up, (thanks eddie)

guys in purple capes informing us that all our base were belong to them.

splodgy, squelchy sounds of aliens squidging about their home planet.



Half of Whitehall's websites axed in a year

mark 63 Silver badge

main website?

"All the relevant content has been moved to the department's main website."

Well thats a fiver a year saved on the domain name

Hurrah the economy is saved!

Gas bill climbed £13,000 after correct online reading given

mark 63 Silver badge

"Turns out it is down to a weird feature of their website which would put other customers looking to save a few pounds at the same risk of being over-billed by ten thousand odd."

That'll teach the penny pinching bastards!

Hospital data boob: Records left in bin room got binned

mark 63 Silver badge

its more complicated than that

"take a standard steel drill and put a hole through the old drive casing & platters."

Although this would in my opinion destroy the data beyond retrieval , It wouldnt meet current standards. Mainly because you you didnt pay through the nose to have someone else do it - the difference being that person has a government EEE certificate.

I think they shred the drives , then feed them to shark with a frikkin laser on its head , that is then sent out sea 10 miles and detonated. This ensures safe data destruction.

Premier League loses footie decoder case

mark 63 Silver badge

re "It's not as simple as that"

I thought the same thing about home use, but I'm sure it was made clear to the judge this was a pub landlady, by the price if nothing else , so this seems to have cleared the way for tobacconists to go stock up in greece too!

Adobe: crashing 100 million machines not an option

mark 63 Silver badge

re bloated!

Bloated! not kidding!

Never has a simple document reader got so far above itself , 100's of useless "features" that a simple document reader has no business having.

go back to .txt I say!

whenever an email is sent round our building with a pdf attached , or a link to one, there will always be half a dozen Adobe reader installations that have out of the blue decided to stop working , or stop being integrated in the right way.

Lancs shale to yield '15 years' of gas for UK

mark 63 Silver badge

Thing is NomNom, we're already totally reliant on fossil fuels.

I think from the extensive reading I've done on the subject we are heading for a giant size crash which will mean nothing less than the end of civilsation as we know it.

It'll go something like this:

-Fuel runs short

-hauliers go out of business, therefore other busineses fail

-people cant get to work

-nothing in the shops

-locally produced stuff in the grounded trucks sold off locally

-no fuel fuel for farmers - crops go unsewn/harvested

-people are getting hungry

-authorities struggling to retain order

-military efforts to secure new oil result in death all round and fail due to lack of fuel

-gangs roaming the streets scavenging what they can

- Fire, Brimstone, dogs and cats living together etc

The end

I dont know at what point someone (govt) might decide to build nuclear stations, or mass wind turbines, but the right time has already passed.

So if this little pocket of gas is going to cushion us, in the same way an airbag will save you if you car went off the cliffs ov dover, then all the better.

Suggested reading:

"The Partys Over" by Richard heisenberg

mark 63 Silver badge
Thumb Up

whiny greeny

when this story was on the news last night , there was was a whiny greeny saying we shouldnt use the gas because "its fossil fuel" !!?!?!?

Doesent he know about the 80 million barrels of crude oil burned daily?

Does he have some secret answer to the energy imminent energy apocaypse that we dont know about?

I'm all for environmentalism , but I'm not worried about our greenhouse because i know the amount of fossil fuels we use is shortly going to decline a lot faster than we could ever have enforced on ourselves.

...And as a Blackpool resident - Yes bring it on , You can use my back yard!

Stick a few windmills up while your at it.

BOFH: I'll get my bonus even if it kills, well, someone

mark 63 Silver badge

tried it

i had a few monitors at my house from last project like this, and I recently decided to remove all the spare CRT tellys from my house.

at the the end of the day, you cant give a CRT monitor or telly

tried free ads the local paper and freecycle , took a while but they eventually went on freecycle, the telly anyway - the perfect working order IBM 20" monitor had to go tip . ( recycle centre)

mark 63 Silver badge

cant move for 'em

I currently looking at 500 keyboards in a skip - all in perfect working order, not too mention same amount of 19" CRT monitors

Why couldnt we just upgrade the base units?

its eco vandalism!

Newzbin2 pirates prepare to sink BT web block

mark 63 Silver badge

@ mr. Coward , Posted Friday 16th September 2011 09:11 GMT

I think what the poster meant is that this will illustrate to the child porn sites that if they too make a local client tool then they too could defeat the BT blocking system

Dyson spouts hot air

mark 63 Silver badge

the mind boggles

"draws air through a mixed flow impeller, which is then accelerated through a 2.5mm aperture set within a loop amplifier"

the whatnow? anyone got a diagram?

'Find My Car' iPhone app finds anyone’s car

mark 63 Silver badge

ball on areiel

you know those balls you put on the ariel so you can find your car - every car should have one of those!


mark 63 Silver badge

still not buying it

sorry Chris, not buyin it, agree with faceless man

my ex's abusive ex had no problem working out where i lived , by recognising her car, without the help of a shopping centre ANPR cam.

Also your your theory depends on the villian getting a call from the henchman informing him target is shopping - so what difference does it make where the car is?

Or if it does make a difference he could use the time honoured tradition of wondering round the car park looking for it, like the rest of us .

mark 63 Silver badge

ok , hit me with the Thumbs down

Once again , i cant see how this matters at the end of the day.

I mean, that data is also available to anyone who was standing outside the shopping centre all day.

So come on , someone give me clear cut example of how this is a disaster,

Paris , cos i'm obviously too stupid or niave


mark 63 Silver badge

tell me more

I'm intreaged, does it work as well as on a pc?

can you adjust the sensitvity etc?

can you map keys to controller functions in any combinations?

do you have to join special servers that permit that? or is it a transparent replacement?

can you play any game or special ones that arecoded for it ( like CS as mentioned above)

mark 63 Silver badge


"everyone is lumbered with it." true but i still dont like it

For me the Mouse & Keyb system crossed a very important line - being able to control the game as fast as you can think, rather than waiting for the commands to take effect

(the newest analog consoles do provide for this, technically , but no human can control their hands on the analog range of those mushroom things as well as they can a mouse)

Theres a good reason they dont have cross platform fps games, a 4 year old with a mouse would easily pwn a veteran clan member on a console controller.

MPs blast dole-office-online plans

mark 63 Silver badge


".... and what are they doing having internet when they're not supposed to have any money , its no wonder my grant is so low!"

Hacker defaces Irish Catholic paper: 'Gotta love false hope'

mark 63 Silver badge

Anonymous tards

The anonymity offered by the internet really brings out the worst in people. They just run around on a verbal 'shooting spree' .

I was horrified this morning at the torrent of racial abuse commented on a particular video on youtube showing some indian chappies . I know thats where you find the worst kind of dickheads but i really was surprised by the vehemence , vulgarity and the quantity of racist remarks.

(i'm white btw)

These were people just hiding behind their youtube Nicks, The Reg seems to go a step further and offer this extra layer of "anonymous coward"

is there no accountability in the world?

Crooks rent out TDSS/TDL-4 botnet to the clueless

mark 63 Silver badge


Theres legal issues with "cleaning" peoples machines , like what if you break it and its doing vital life dependant work? and blocking the IPs - well they do change from time to time , so you'd also be blocking innocent people with no malware.

Much of the human race made up of thieves, says BSA

mark 63 Silver badge


I dont know if you'd get the hand treatment for stealing software from the western infidels , only for eastern things, like letting your wife go to school, or out in public

mark 63 Silver badge


I could do with transporting to the colonies, I'm gonna hve to £1000 for someone to fly me later this year

mark 63 Silver badge

bad example

Isnt shoplifting a copy the same as downloading it from a torrent?

apart from the cost of a disk and some cardboard ( 50p) ?

sorry to be pedantic )

true the lost sales dosent hold up completly, but if there are 100 pirate copies then maybe that represents 10 people who would have actually paid for it if there was no chioce.

Electric cars: too pricey until 2030 (or later)

mark 63 Silver badge

Why then do we need more cars now than we did 20 years ago?'

cos the world population increased from 5.3 billion to 7 billion.

mark 63 Silver badge

ecars are a myth

batteries are not a source of fuel, you still have to charge the fucking things, with power from a power station burning fossil fuel - the price of which will rise as fast as petrol - COS ITS THE SAME STUFF

9/11: The day we lost our privacy and power

mark 63 Silver badge
Paris Hilton


I dont get it. How can all this surveillance prepare for the 7 billion hungry people with nothing to lose? Is it a way of weighing up whos "up against the wall" first?

Lost memory stick had 87 NHS patients' info unencrypted

mark 63 Silver badge

Its not the whole of the NHS

here at my department of the NHS , all laptops are encrypted and no staff have access to the usb port or cd drive. all network ports are locked to their machines mac address. All emails are scanned .

Theyd have to go to quite some effort to make that mistake here.

mark 63 Silver badge

what data was it?

does anybody ever stop to think if the data was actually dangerous?

if it was just a list of appointment times then who cares? although i suppose best to take the line all data is confidential.

...but i remember the days, when i was a kiddie in the 70's, BT used to publish what was known as a "directory" , and in it was everybody who had a phone's Name , Address and phone number!!!

ahhh, the memories , more innocent times eh?

British warming to NUKES after Fukushima meltdown

mark 63 Silver badge

cant live without.survey

my top 3:



3. shelter .

4 heat/energy

Everything else is a bonus,

Here are the results of that survey

34-bottled water ffs!

note none of my top 3 are in there, exept token mention of food at 16 & 21

I guess for this to mean anything you have to know the context, or way the questions were asked . Which they arnt really saying

1. Sunshine 2. Internet connection 3. Clean drinking water 4. Fridge

5. Facebook 6. NHS 7. Cooker 8. Email 9. Flushing toilet 10. Mobile phone / smartphone 11. Tea and Coffee 12. Washing machine 13. Shower 14. Central heating 15. Painkillers 16. Fresh vegetables 17. Vacuum Cleaner 18. Kettle 19. Sofa 20. Shoes 21. Fresh fruit 22. Google 23. Car 24. Hair straighteners 25. Public transport 26. Laptop 27. Chocolate 28. DVD Player 29. Wristwatch 30. Make-up 31. Flat screen TV 32. Wedding ring 33. Tumble dryer 34. Bottled water 35. Ebay

36. Bicycle 37. Ipod 38. Air conditioning 39. Disposable nappies

40. Light bulbs 41. Spell-check 42. Sat Nav 43. Push-up bra 44. Nintendo Wii 45. iPad 46. Gym Membership 47. Season ticket to your football club 48. Freezer 49. Xbox 50. Twitter

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2035634/Facebook-vital-flushing-loo-say-Britons.html#ixzz1XXjt4HrM

mark 63 Silver badge

Facebook more vital than a flushing toilet

I dispair. I really do.

Parliament has no time for 100,000+ signature e-petitions

mark 63 Silver badge
Big Brother

Democracy in action!

all show and no go

they can talk the talk , but can they walk the walk? no

all the gear and no idea


What a beutiful , simple , cheap idea this was to connect the populace to the government , to give a real feel of openess , communication , and democracy.

And now its "we've not got time" FFS these issues should go to the top of the queue, they are the ones that we , the people , their employers , ie thier boss, want discussing .Not whatever other naval gazing bullshit they had scheduled.

I guess they realised that some of the questions might be a bit unpleasant for them.

London public transport tap-cash plans will be 'entirely safe'

mark 63 Silver badge

a fair cop

fair enough , ui know now a little more after reading the post above yours.

I shall direct that icon shamefacedly at myself!

mark 63 Silver badge

100% secure ? gosh i'm impressed

"You cannot extract enough information from a card to spend someone else's money," he stressed"

How can you spend your own money then? at the very least someone could grab whatever information IS available , put it on a blank rfrid chip and use it for free london transport.

Court bans man called Peter from calling himself Peter

mark 63 Silver badge

I'm Brian , and so's my wife!

wont be using that google real names only thingy then
