* Posts by Joshua

2 publicly visible posts • joined 3 May 2007

DDoS attacks fall as crackers turn to spam



We've been tracking these bots and spammers that are all interested in getting Americans to buy illegal or false pharma products for almost 10 years.

AutoShun is our patent-pending blacklisting technology designed specifically to target and eliminate these guys from firewalls traffic.

Check it out, it's free for those who want it. There is a subscription for those who want it delivered right to their firewall...


Hotmail's antispam measures snuff out legit emails, too


SPAM Blocker - Just another mousetrap

The problem is that vendors want to deal with this problem by acting on the email message. What they should do is act upon the sender.

We have a tracking system that identifies BOT's and Spammers and shuts them down at the firewall, we also have a mail proxy that also addresses the emails as well.



Give me a call 913-685-6519, jbarnes@afferentsecurity.com

Joshua Barnes

Director of Business Development