* Posts by Reece

1 publicly visible post • joined 26 Feb 2009

Aussie internet-net will be drawn wider


Senator Conjob

Time to come clean buddy, this has past the point of niavity. No one could possibly believe that you really are so simple as to not be able to see the ramifications of putting this filter inplace. I am calling you a liar Sir, it is time to stop hiding behind your lame 'wont someone think of the children' line as this is so obviously a distant last on your list. IF we are going to be censored, there needs to be the most strict of measures to be sure that ONLY illegal material is to be put on this list. Not some mamby pamby excuse blah blah 'THINK OF THE CHILDREN' and then quietly add on 'other unwanted material'. This is underhanded and although it may be very Government orientated, it is unAustralian. Wake up, think about what you are doing to our country and come clean!