* Posts by Geoffrey W

1320 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jan 2009

Ooo shiny! First Visual Studio 2019 sneak peek here in time for Chrimbo

Geoffrey W

Re: Start page

I think (based on the article, not experience) the point here is that the start page has been disconnected from the IDE. It pops up and you select what you want to do before you enter the IDE. Apparently there is now also a wizard to step through for new projects. I will reserve judgement until I use it, probably not for a while if my clients remain as stubborn as ever, as I'm still on VS2015/VS2013/VS2010.

Your last paragraph resonates; remove a project from a solution and that project then appears at the top of the last used list. Even if you change your mind it's still useless as you can't use the list to add it back to the solution again.

Dog with 'psychotic tendencies' escapes home to poop on his neighbours' pillows

Geoffrey W

Why on earth would anyone downvote you for that? Are you being punished to teach you better El Reg behaviour?

GCHQ pushes for 'virtual crocodile clips' on chat apps – the ability to silently slip into private encrypted comms

Geoffrey W

Re: Trying reasonableness?

@ Yet Another Anonymous coward

Is my sarcasm detector malfunctioning in the opposite direction? I read that as sarcasm but down votes disagree with me.

Oh, I wish it could be Black Friday every day-aayyy, when the wallets start jingling but it's still a week till we're paiii-iid

Geoffrey W

Re: You need to work for the FCC

I think it's a visual pun rather than aural. The Pai man himself is rather good at visual jokes as he seems designed to be disliked at first glance, even if you don't know what he does.

Court doc typo 'reveals' Julian Assange may have been charged in US

Geoffrey W

Re: Guess he's screwed then, as he always knew he was...

Yeah, murder by the state is always a good thing; especially for those with character flaws such as, oooh, lets think, quite few sociopaths in this very thread. You beautiful people you.

Geoffrey W

@Mr Lout

Explain how Assange is preventing us from having a good rest. Are you really so obsessed with him that you lie awake at night fuming at his dastardly evasion of blind and pure justice? You need more love in your life. Get a cat.

And because you dislike him so intensely you would like for him to be cast into the Kafkaesque darkness of the US security dungeons...On second thoughts, don't get a cat; it doesn't deserve you.

That Old Time 2018 IT songbook: Verity, Verity - give us your lyrics, do! We're half crazy, all for the love of you

Geoffrey W

Re: Great stuff, Verity!

My favourite Tom Lehrer is "The Irish Ballad", and my favourite version is by Barbara Manning (she titles it "Rickety Tickety Tin"). She does it totally deadpan without humour and it is sinister to the power 3. Go sing that on the bus.

Geoffrey W

Re: Yay! Stob!

I'm not sniping or nit picking so don't take this the wrong way, but it's been less than 2 months since the last one, on the occasion of the columns 30th anniversary, which doesn't seem far too long to me. I'm only pointing it out in case you've been missing the Stobs so you can seek && gosub to it.

YouTube supremo says vid-streaming-slash-piracy giant can't afford EU's copyright overhaul

Geoffrey W

When did YouTube add Slash to its video streaming and piracy portfolio? Can't wait to read what Susan Wojcicki, Satya Nadella, and Sundar Pichai get up to on their bi-annual team building workshops in Las Vegas...

If Shadow Home Sec Diane Abbott can be reeled in by phishers, truly no one is safe

Geoffrey W

Re: Gullible and feeble minded?


'He must be stopped': Missouri candidate's children tell voters he's basically an asshat

Geoffrey W

RE: "Where the hell have you been the last few years?"

Trump hasn't lied under oath yet.

Geoffrey W

Re: Nice joke but

Actually I do agree with you and generally try to avoid it. I suffered a lapse. Cynicism has it's place but sometimes it needs to be shoved in it's hole.

Geoffrey W

Re: Can't believe this

You don't need to just take his kids word for it; he publicly confirms their statement himself on his radio show for all the world to hear.

Geoffrey W

Re: Go non-IT Articles, Go Reg

Riddle me this Mr Nigma...Whats the difference between a flying pig and a politician?
















The letter F.

Geoffrey W


By "Governments Toppling" he probably means the failure of more moderate parties and the rise and election of more extreme parties - single example Italy. Many more to chose from.

Clinton wan't busted for opening his zipper; he was busted for his instinctive denial of such activity - ie for lying about it. Trump will probably fall for similar reasons. It will be his taxes that get him, like Capone, or his denial of something that is factually supported. They will ask him a question they already know the answer to and when he lies he will go down in flames. And then we shall live in the Pence World...Beelzebub help us.

These are just minor nit picks and I upvoted you.

Geoffrey W

Re: A bit of honesty

I think I'd rather vote for a duck than any of the current global crop of cognitive dissonants (sic - I made up that last noun)

Grumbling about wobbly Windows 10? Microsoft can't hear you over the clanging cash register

Geoffrey W

Re: !!!!!

@Archtech "The predicament of the Windows user is exactly that of the boiling frog."

No, it really isn't. A boiling frog will be boiled and die. Smoking will likely give you cancer and kill you. Using Windows will not kill you. Neither will Linux. Over the top hyperbole does not prove your argument.

Geoffrey W

Re: !!!!!

The reason people stay with Windows is Pain. The pain of moving to an entirely different operating system is greater than the pain of sticking with Windows. The pain of moving to FOSS is functional. The pain of moving to Apple is financial, and functional. Life for most ordinary people has enough pain in it than to invite more pain by moving to a different OS. Not everyone has a tame tech sponge to soak up that pain for them, so why would they switch, assuming they even know there is choice?

After having assumed the role of tame tech sponge for some people I no longer wish to take on the extra pain of helping others move to Linux. I'm no evangelist. I accept the choices of others. It makes life nicer.

Geoffrey W


Come on guys, you need to crank your anti Microsoft rhetoric up to 11! The world isn't hearing you! Lets call users even more stupid. That's always a good tactic! Get that clue stick out and beat some heads!

We need Bob.

You can do it!!!!

Break out the jelly and ice cream! Microsoft's Small Basic turns 10

Geoffrey W

BASIC bears about as much resemblance to VB as ASSEMBLY does to C.

Facebook names former Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg head of global affairs

Geoffrey W

Ah, the unnerving last triumvirate of UK political leaders who all looked physically interchangeable. Cameron, Clegg, and Milliband. For a while there it looked as if a central controlling entity was in charge of everything and creating a class of Stepford Leaders. I sometimes looked at them on screen and for a moment was unable to discern which of the three I was experiencing. Cameron was more polished and shiny, Clegg was blander, and Milliband was slightly off kilter; but otherwise they were interchangeable. Happily we now have chaos, entropy, and inexplicable back in charge, masquerading as strong and stable. Lovely!

Is this cuttlefish really all that cosmic? Ubuntu 18.10 arrives with extra spit, polish, 4.18 kernel

Geoffrey W

Re: "the system has a more modern and 'flatter' look"

RE: "Essentially, yes. It's another example of what happens when Marketing makes Engineering decisions. Sad, isn't it?"

It's as bad as when engineers make GUI and appearance decisions. I know; you should see some of my GUIs.

Someone's in hot water: Tea party super PAC group 'spilled 500,000+ voters' info' all over web

Geoffrey W

Re: All of them, eh?

Dennis Skinner is a lot closer to real power than you ever will be. He is an elected MP and he sits in the same room as the leader of parliament. He gets to do a lot of stuff locally and at least gets his voice heard nationally which is way better than a misanthropic voice in a marginal tech site commentary. Disenfranchising yourself is the lowest level you can sink to in an organized society, morally and effectually. The worst among the powers that be will seek perpetually to disenfranchise this or that group - look at what the Republican party is doing in individual states in the USA - why would you want to do what those in charge of you want you to do (ie to not vote)? The ultimate disobedience is to be politically active and vote, vote, vote!

Dating app for Trump loners commits YUGE blunder: It leaks more than the West Wing

Geoffrey W

Re: Well of course a conservative app will be shoddily made

P'raps it's a Liberal plot to "Out" Trumpers seeking new mates and friends, and is actually written by those alleged liberal silicon valley programmers.

And Libertarian is a very misleading label. It sounds like Liberal, but is actually more akin to Republican extremism. The current despot in chief is more Libertarian than Republican.

Mozilla grants distrusted Symantec certs a stay of execution, claims many sites yet to make switch

Geoffrey W

I'm tempted to make another inflammatory observation...Men tend to be more resistant to change than women. There, I did it! I tried not to but, being a man, was unable to change my normal behaviour. I've been getting too many upvotes lately, anyway.

Geoffrey W

Tech folk are deeply conservative and dislike change. The longer they have been doing something in a particular way, the more resistant they become to doing it another way. Young tech folk take to the new ways more easily but over time they too will develop a conservative resistance when some one again tries to introduce some change. It's generational, like pop music - parents always look at their sprogs music with disdain, and those young sprouts will in their turn age and come to deride their own sprogs music. C'est la vie.

And everyone loves to complain. It's a bonding exercise, where folk with similar gripes gather together to point pointy fingers at someone else, to justify and reinforce their own gripes. You can observe it in comments attached to Microsoft articles, especially Windows 10 articles. Fascinating, Captain.

On the seventh anniversary of Steve Jobs' death, we give you 7 times he served humanity and acted as an example to others

Geoffrey W

Well, yeah, except those word of mouth media opinions are also based on other actual encounters with the great one in elevators and offices and streets. Also based on encounters with the great ones semen and genes resulting in being born, an experience that also seems to have turned out a bit sad for his daughter; that on it's own is enough for me to proclaim Jobs an asshole of the first order. The only response triggered by your bare foot sidewalk slapping anecdote is he was a hebephrenic with enough resources to have helped himself be a better person - an opportunity he declined. I decline the opportunity to say anything nice about him. Not that he'd care.

Geoffrey W

Re: It's not April 1st, is it?

If you didn't spot the satire first time round then you either didn't read the article or you were too affected by your psycho-active drug of choice, be it beer or botanical in origin...I suppose beer is botanical too...

Geoffrey W

Re: He's probably rolling in his grave

Since when did coffee have corners? No wonder I get indigestion after my 10th cup

Geoffrey W

Re: It's not April 1st, is it?

The satire wasn't too obscure for him; he just did what most people on the internet do - He read the headline, got hit on the jaw by his knee flying upwards, and commented with a puzzled and angry and outraged disbelief that anyone else could think other than he does. I do it all the time so I know!

What could be more embarrassing for a Russian spy: Their info splashed online – or that they drive a Lada?

Geoffrey W

Whats wrong with a Lada? I'd be embarrassed if I drove a Ferrari or a Lamborghini...Someone might think I was a banker or some other leech like creature...Beelzebub forbid.

Microsoft's elderly .NET Framework shakes stick at whippersnapper Core while Visual Studio drops another preview

Geoffrey W

If only Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer could have met Bob at those critical moments in their lives...what a glorious and beautifully basic (pun or no pun intended: I haven't decided) C++ development world we could all be living in right now, slowly coding our open source masterpieces using a text editor with a bit of syntax highlighting and minimal platform assistance, wishing the editors developers would stop trying to earn enough money to eat and heat, or stop playing murder simulator games, and get on with creating a few more features. A slower world with lightning fast software that does very little, with time to leave our mothers basements and stand blinking tearily in the sunshine...happy...happy...happy...

Geoffrey W

Re: there can be multiple versions of .NET Core , .NET Framework is not so fortunate

Are you sure? I still maintain .NET 2.0 software for someone who doesn't want to get more with it, daddy-O, alongside 4.x, 4.y, and 4.z, all on the same machine. I think I even have some .NET 3.X on there too. I don't recall any problems.

Swedish ISP spanked for sexist 'distracted boyfriend' advert for developer jobs

Geoffrey W

Re: Negative towards who?

RE: "Yet another social media-driven outrage"

What a perfect description of the commenters in this very thread. Well Done!

30-up: You know what? Those really weren't the days

Geoffrey W

RE: "I expect her to be around for decades to come."

Well good! I hope I'm here to read her...

Geoffrey W

Re: "who had a computer at home (with a modem)"

What on earth do you still do with those "Acoustic Couplers" so that you know they still work? Who has a "Telling Bone" phone to fit them these days? Those things got me into my first bout of computer trouble when, as a student, we spent so much time on them we almost bankrupted the college. Oh, god, I wish I could misspend my youth all over again...I'd misspend it all over again.

Geoffrey W

Re: "who had a computer at home (with a modem)"

RE: "The problem was the modem - many computer didn't come with one, and they were expensive"

Gosh. My first encounter with a modem was a weird box into which you inserted your phone - the old style, proverbial, Telling Bone phone - into rubbery ports and hoped for the best. What were those things called? My long term memory chip is frazzled.

Renegade 3D-printing gunsmith Cody Wilson on the run in Taipei from child sex allegations

Geoffrey W

Re: I'm of two minds about this

RE: "The NRA is an educational/safety training organization that sells ZERO guns. Not one single gun has ever been sold by the NRA. I'm not quite sure what you're trying to insinuate here, but the power of the NRA comes from the members, not how many guns are sold. Whether we buy them or print them, the NRA has the same power."

Nope. Seems that's no longer true.


Tech to solve post-Brexit customs woes doesn't exist yet, peers say

Geoffrey W

Re: Loads of tech exists

Lovely. Can you guarantee that all this tech is ready to be deployed in the face of a resistant bureaucracy such as the EU and in a place as sensitive as the internal Irish border with its many points of access, before March next year is out?

Proposals such as saying the checks won't happen at the border but at some other location beyond the border don't really wash as all this is doing is moving the border a bit further away. It's still a border wherever it is, and the largest problem is entirely out of our control - the EU.

There is a void of chaos swirling around us and no one has the faintest idea how to fend it off. If I was looking at this from a historical perspective I would be excited by it. From up close - I'm frit.

Geoffrey W

I'm British but managed to hop a border years ago so I don't really have a dog in this fight and people sometimes tell me to shut up. I never do. People also tell me that I jumped out of a frying pan and into a bonfire since I now live in Trump-World...but that's another story.

What I see over there is you are all at the mercy of a Prime Minister who, while often being claimed to be vulnerable and weak, is actually impregnable. She can do whatever she wants, and if what she wants is to screw over all those ungrateful cretins who criticise her then so be it.

Why is she impregnable? She is impregnable because no one else wants her job At This Time! Mogg and Gove and Boris all understand that Brexit is a poisoned chalice and though they might have designs on leadership, they do not want leadership under these circumstances. Who in their right mind would? Brexit is going to hurt the UK and it's people no matter which way it goes, certainly in the short term, so none of the Three Brexiteers want to be tarnished with that taint and will thus stay outside of it. Far better to stay outside the tent pissing in and say later that if they had been leader things would have been much better for the country, than have their words put to the test.

So, if I was Theresa May, I would be tempted to hit back at the critics and give the bastards the very worst deal I could out of pure petulance and malice. Hopefully May is a better person than I am. If she isn't then you are, indeed, all fucked.

Good Luck!

Geoffrey W

Re: Majority of trade already outside of EU

Hate to say this but he might be correct...


Geoffrey W


Quick! Cross a border before they come to a standstill.

Microsoft's Jet crash: Zero-day flaw drops after deadline passes

Geoffrey W

From the article : "The other good news is that the Jet database engine is not terribly well deployed"

I was under the impression that the Jet database engine was deployed with the Windows operating system and has been for years. If that's not terribly well deployed then what is?

Am I wrong? Or is this a bug in some external layer to the Jet database engine, such as DAO, or something else, or whatever? Please tell me...I'd like to mitigate...

GG n00b lol! Amazon frags support for its own games controllers

Geoffrey W

Re: Billion dollar US tax-dodging megacorp fucks over it's customers

The world was always dumb, it's just staying dumb but in different ways.

PS Everyone is dumb in some way.

Linux kernel's Torvalds: 'I am truly sorry' for my 'unprofessional' rants, I need a break to get help

Geoffrey W

Re: Does Everest appologize to climbers?

Look! Look! Here we go again! Proving my point made above that kernel programming is manly and magnificent like mountains and warriors and eating raw meat! Uncompromising death and terror and merciless kaos, showing no mercy for the meek and hopeless, and the pathetically clueless. Look at the size of that programmers libido! How on earth did you end up with a cuddly penguin as your mascot?

Geoffrey W

Re: Linus

RE "If I was Linus I'd flip them the bird and go write a new OS and only give it to folks that have a GD clue."

So that's about 5 people huh? How do I get certified for this unique and exclusive club of elite people with clues? Damn! Wheres my clue? How am I supposed to be a cool dude if I can't find my clue? I've still got my towel (I'm sitting on it : It stops my bare bum messing the chair) - Does that count?

Geoffrey W

Re: Programming can make you madder .... but it is not cast iron guaranteed

No, Mr Mars, we're all quite mad. I present the posters in this thread as evidence that some are madder than others. There seems to be a sizable group that equates programming with other manly pursuits such as Warrior! and Predator! and Hunter! Pasty faced neck beards with overlarge sugared and caffeinated bellies lit by sleazy blue monitor light in dark rooms. We're over compensating for not being outside running in the jungle killing things with our bare teeth and sharp hands, and sacrificing virgins. Real men do not program kernels - they crunch them with their mighty teeth! We're all very sad. We write magnificent words in forums like we're Terminators, but look like Wally from Dilbert except more ineffectual. A mob of angry penguin nerds is a beautiful thing to behold. See!, See them waddle!

Geoffrey W

Re: He's Not Sorry...

We're not judging the general here, but the specific - Linus' apology for his own bad behaviour. Many here are saying Linus is wrong in his apology and was right in his previous behaviour. You placed your self among them by questioning disapproval of Linus' rants with a questionable accusation of your own.

Geoffrey W

Re: He's Not Sorry...

@Doctor Syntax

Is your defense of Linus based on extensive observation of him, or just your angry emotions reacting to his detractors? Come to that, are your attacks on his detractors based on extensive observations and knowledge of his detractors?