* Posts by Geoffrey W

1320 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jan 2009

Web pages a little too style over substance? Behold the Windows 98 CSS file

Geoffrey W

Re: Well I'm glad it's not just me

Battle ship grey every where isn't uniform and dull as washed out?

A chief technology officer in a time of COVID-19: Keep calm and make the most of the whole business suddenly realising how important IT is

Geoffrey W

Re: What about the Foot Soldiers?

Just to spite you.

Geoffrey W

Re: What about the Foot Soldiers?

And I'm not accepting your bleating about healthcare professionals complaining about their conditions. They are dealing all day with death and the chronically sick. If that was me I'd be clinically depressed and mad as hell if I wasn't properly equipped.

As for your last sentence...do you follow medical professionals around taking notes about what they wear in shops? How do you recognise them? The ones with the haggard expressions, red noses, and the haunted look in their eyes? I suppose you are seeing people still in scrubs so that must mean they have just put them on for the purpose of shopping, as opposed to them being too tired to remove old scrubs they have been wearing all day. Your compassion is overwhelming.

Watch out, everyone, here come the Coronavirus Cops, enjoying their little slice of power way too much

Geoffrey W

Re: "Now they are your best friends? sigh..."

Bob, if your posts are in any way indicative of your behavior IRL, then...See Ya! Been nice reading your insightful comments and measured thoughts. Lets meet up in the next life and compare notes about how it all went down.

Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! It's the American way!

We could all do with a bit of empathy in our systems, says Mozilla as it ships Firefox 75 in the thick of global pandemic

Geoffrey W

Re: I wish they'd stop messing with things that don't need "fixing"!

I'm not being snarky here, but I've been using the new Firefox and didn't even realise the address bar was different, in fact I'm still not sure what's different about it since I don't have the old version anymore. Perhaps you could be explicit about whats different, and particularly what's wrong with it, coz I'm durned if I can see it.

Internet Archive justifies its vast 'copyright infringing' National Emergency Library of 1.4 million books by pointing out that libraries are closed

Geoffrey W

Re: It has been explained many times ...

You totally missed my point and I never said copyright should be perpetual - Life plus a bit at most.

You said if something was unsuccessful then it must be because it was crap. I was making the point that because a work is unsuccessful in the creators time doesn't mean it's crap; ref. Van Gogh

Contrary wise; because something is successful doesn't mean it's good - Have a read of Guy N Smith for proof; or you could just take my word for it and save yourself some pain.

Geoffrey W

Re: It has been explained many times ...

RE: "... it probably wasn't really a very good work then was it?"

I know. Look at that Vincent Van Gogh geezer. He barely made a pittance in his lifetime so he must have been a crap dauber.

Geoffrey W

Re: It has been pointed out ...

RE: "Have you ever heard an actual author complain about public libraries"

Oh, I have, though I can't recall one at the moment and can't be bothered to search for one. I do remember wondering at the time I saw such a complaint "Why is it always the very big bestsellers who complain most about someone else not paying for their book?" It's as if they can't bear anyone nibbling pennies off their millions. Douglas Preston and/or Lincoln Child, perhaps?

As for the preceding poster...writing novels is not easy (see all the poorly written books self published on Amazon) and most authors, good or bad, don't make enough to live on and need second jobs. It's a microcosm of our current capitalist economy. I know it's a question of scale - they sell a lot of books so make a lot of money - but maybe a new economic model is required for us all. Universal income perhaps? The current economy is like the final moments of a game of monopoly where a single player is about to finally wipe out every one else in the game. It's the basic flaw at the heart of capitalism.

Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer, we'll keep the red flag flying here. Right on comrades! :-)

Infosys fires employee who Facebooked 'let's hold hands and share coronavirus'

Geoffrey W

Re: Once again, Social Networks and Work don't mix!

Another internet rule is that no matter the location or subject, people being what they are, crap will be posted and often. My wife is a member of a crotchet group - something to do with "Hookers" which sums up the general tone of the place - and I look on aghast at some of the fights that go on there. Who would ever imagine crocheters could be so unruly?

Geoffrey W

Re: Ah, that old chestnut.

And here's another old logical fallacy chestnut...two wrongs don't make a right. Pointing out the wrongs of another country does not exculpate the wrongs of the original country. Can't we point out the wrongs of all countries? Some of them continuing unabated to the present day. It's a matter of context which country we're criticizing at any given moment. We can criticize Britain on a more relevant occasion, and I know for certain I will. Nothing I like better; just not now.

Beyond JAMstack: Next.js creator on hybrid rendering, TypeScript and Visual Studio Code

Geoffrey W

Re: 'Just drop in this script' to run their ads.

RE: "Does targeted ads even work well"

This question has been asked ever since advertising was invented, in magazines, newspapers, radio, TV. It works.; it's been studied (do your own googling) If it did not work you can bet it would have been dropped long ago. And if random advertising works then you can bet targeted advertising works even better. It's sad but advertising is something I fear we will have to learn to live with. The only escape is if civilization collapses and I think I prefer advertising.

Microsoft throws a bone to those unable to leave the past behind: .NET 5 support on the way for Visual Basic

Geoffrey W

Re: VB.net, not Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Not sure if I'm misunderstanding your comment but Option Base statements got left behind when VB.NET took over from VB6. It's base 0 or bust.

US telcos tossed yet another extension to keep going with Huawei kit despite America's 'security threat' concerns

Geoffrey W

Re: Swapping out fo...

Quite. There is as yet no hard evidence of Huawei malfeasance, only suspicion, whereas the US CIA, or one of the TLAs, were caught intercepting shipments of networking kit and fitting their own hardware inside it, which is more than a suspicion. Hypocrasy of the highest order, but of course the US are the good guys so whetever good guys do is obviously a good thing. Bah! A pox on them all.

If you're wondering how Brit cops' live suspect-hunting facial-recog is going, it's cruising at 88% false positives

Geoffrey W

I hate being a skeptic but... I think 8 matches with 1 True is far too small a sample size for a success rate of 12.5% to be meaningful. Also, to get a True positive means you need another photo to match against so the fact that out of thousands of faces it only recognized 8, or thought it did, probably means that the Scuffers do not have a vast database of photos of all us potential miscreants and thought criminals. If you don't have a photo in the database then it isn't going to recognize you. The chances of a known naughty just happening to walk past a particular camera in a particular street must be...not very good. Of course this is another baby step in the UK along the road to big brother. Our betters must go to sleep at night praying to the big Scuffer in the sky to wake up in China.

Disclaimer-This comment is a first draft and poorly thought out and may contain errors, factual, logical., or grammatical.

Japan would like to offer 5G firms cheap loans – because subsidies are only bad when Huawei gets them

Geoffrey W

Re: This outrageous!

Airbus' Best Friend Forever is currently Boeing. 10,000 thumbs up from the Europeans!

German taxpayers faced with €800k Windows 7 support bill due to Deutschland dithering

Geoffrey W

Re: So much for German efficiency

IIRC That company wasn't even in the ferry business, leased boats or not, and had no prior experience of ferrying. They could have gotten me for half that price.

In Rust We Trust: Stob gets behind the latest language craze

Geoffrey W

Re: Do...While

VB (I know, I know...)

x = IIF([condition], [True_result], [False_result])

El Reg sits down to code with .NET for Linux and MySQL, hitting some bumps along the way

Geoffrey W

Re: Any MS devs looked at this?

Sabroni asked a very reasonable question, seeking reasonable replies. Do you and Bob have no self control or ability to say nothing? It's tiresome and boring and makes you look faintly ridiculous. It's clear you, at least, do have things to offer to the forums from your apparent long experience, but this is not one of them. We all know the views of both of you by now so can we not take it as read that you are going to say this (again...and again) and you just walk on by with a zipped lip.

Geoffrey W

Re: Any MS devs looked at this?

Translation: I agree with the bad man, even though we've only ever seen the toys in a shop window while running past and trying not to see the nasty things. Our wooden, hand carved, boring, toys are far superior and so are we...

Don't press the red b-... Windows Insiders' rings hit by surprise Microsoft emission

Geoffrey W

The good news, or bad news - depending on your outlook (no pun intended) - is that the start menu may have been re-designed! Engadget has a story that calls it Hideous! I can't get beyond a short summary and a single photo of it, which I do not much like. For some reason Firefox will not let engadget pages load and I'm not bothered enough to work out why or use another browser. Perhaps someone else can have better luck.


Anyway...good news for Microsoft nemesises...possibly something new to whinge about!

Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again

Geoffrey W

Re: And when we get shit code in Rust ?

They might find a few buffer overruns that C++ doesn't give a flying one about, and still run as fast as the C++ version. Are you saying that's a bad thing?

Geoffrey W

Re: Hummmmm

If they base their index on number of Google hits, then it seems to me to be more of an index of languages that users most need help with. I suppose it's as good a method as any other completely arbitrary method, short of asking actual developers what they use and how often.

Shrugs. In danger here of getting drawn into vituperative discussions about coding languages, which usually devolve into calling others stupid or screaming faggots, which is something I've been called after saying something mean about C++. I still don't understand why. This was Usenet so I don't know what else I expected. Perhaps coding in C++ is something only real men do, and anyone else must not be real men. God knows how women fare in these circles. But I digress...again...

Geoffrey W

Re: Hummmmm

With all due respect, is an index of the popularity of programming languages (based on a dubious and arguable methodology) really the best way to decide which language to choose for a given project, which is what tiobe propose you do when starting a new project? If I'd done that at any of my previous jobs they'd have slapped me very quickly, and if I did it now I'd slap myself.

Geoffrey W

Re: Hummmmm

Thanks. You and everyone else espousing RUST, not to mention the MS guy, have convinced me to give it a few tire kicks and a test drive. I've been looking at new, to me, languages lately to give my brain a work out, in a constructive way. This might be it! I feel that itch at the back of my head...

Microsoft has Windows 1.0 retrogasm: Remember when Windows ran in kilobytes, not gigabytes?

Geoffrey W

Commentard beware. ElReg is trolling you with that final little survey. Oh, they know you so well, and which buttons to push...

IVE HAD ENOUGH! iQuit. Jobs done. Jony cashes out at Apple to run his own design biz

Geoffrey W

Re: Might be beneficial

RE: "All black UI..."

Already done; ref. rock band and loudest thing in the Universe, Disaster Area, for it is they...

Visual Studio Code 1.35: Remote Development, TypeScript and (sigh) another new icon

Geoffrey W

Re: Some, of course, prefer to stick with the likes of Vim,

A single asterisk? What happens if you want to type an asterisk eg 5 * 2

Geoffrey W

Re: Some, of course, prefer to stick with the likes of Vim,

I'm curious...what is "bracket/brace/paren bouncing"?

I never heard the term or phrase and web search hasn't helped much...so I guess I'll say "huh?" too.

Microsoft doles out PowerShell 7 preview. It works. People like it. We can't find a reason to be sarcastic about it

Geoffrey W

You happy optimist, you.

Things will only ever "Just Work" out of the box once everything is controlled and specified, hardware, software, everything. Absolutely everything. That's how Apple can get away with saying it "Just Works" - by controlling the hardware. And even they can't always get it to "Just Work".

We're actually doing a pretty damn good job, so live with it and get on with your life...:-)

Geoffrey W

Re: No sarcasm you say

What kind of newt? Great Crested? If so you should be entered into a breeding program as you are quite rare. Well done, MS! PowerShelled as a newt.

Geoffrey W

Don't worry El Reg, your comment army will find lots to be sarcastic about - current comments not quite there yet but Bob is on his way...and Jake...and..Oh, you know who they are...

Introducing 'freedom gas' – a bit like the 2003 deep-fried potato variety, only even worse for you

Geoffrey W

Re: Sleep is a Good Thing(TM)

RE: "Who is making money from this? Who is living as if what they say isn't actually reality?"

The oil companies?

Well, not actually making money "From" it, but making money by denying it and carrying on as before. It's their documented strategy, and it has varied from total denial at first, to well, it's not as bad as they say it is, with lots of obfuscation thrown in and diversionary tactics and what-a-bout-ery. It's the same argument you used, but worse.

That tells me something. Aren't you ignoring the obvious?

Geoffrey W

Re: @ Geoffery Sleep is a Good Thing(TM)

I suppose Hell would explain a lot - Rising global facism, collapsing capitalism, President Trump, Prime Minister May! (!==Not), and a never-ending Brexit gobbling up conservative leaders and spitting out the bones to be squabbled over by primitive low level scavenger PM-wanna-be's. Sigh...will it be this way forever...?

Geoffrey W

Re: Sleep is a Good Thing(TM)

No there isn't. Rapture predictors have a 100% failure rate. What will it take for you to say "Oh, OK, perhaps the climate is changing for the worse"? A catastrophic event resulting in the collapse of civilisation? You are suffering from Freedom Brain!

That magical super material Apple hopes will hit backspace on its keyboard woes? Nylon

Geoffrey W

Upi mrrf s mre {V/

Microsoft Windows 10 'Burger King' build 1903: Have it your way... and it may still leave a nasty taste in your mouth

Geoffrey W

Sometimes all these "Issues" are a vital part of ones livelihood. Keep em' coming!

Besides, things changing, better or worse, helps keep the old thinker working at it's agile best.

Geoffrey W

Re: Windows 1903 background horror

Shush...let the penguins have their fun. All nits must be picked till they're down to the bones...

Boeing admits 737 Max sims didn't accurately reproduce what flying without MCAS was like

Geoffrey W

I believe that Boeing were allowed to certify their own plane as air worthy. Under funding of the FAA led to the FAA relying on Boeing to do the FAA's work for them. That is my understanding. Couple that with Boeing's desire to get something out quickly to compete with Airbus's new fuel efficient air craft which was already being delivered, and...

P-p-p-pick up a Pengwin: Windows Subsystem for Linux boffins talk version 2

Geoffrey W

Re: Exactly true

Ta! So nothing for me to worry about then. Nothing endemic and baked in and unfixed since windows XP, which is the impression I got from the quote, just an occasional glitch which will be fixed, just like happens now and again with everything, microsoft related or not.

Geoffrey W

Re: Exactly true

I'm genuinely curious about one thing you stated in your screed:

"MSFT still hasn't figure out how to do USB"

What does that mean? What experience or reality lies behind those words? In what way does Microsoft not know how to do USB and, presumably, Linux does...?

US foreign minister Mike Pompeo to give UK a bollocking over Huawei 5G plans

Geoffrey W

It wouldn't surprise me if Williamson was the leak but he didn't realise he was leaking. He was just chatting to this nice man who seemed to like him, not realising what he was saying, and what could be inferred; so when he claims he wasn't the leak he might not be lying, even though he was the leak. He does seem to have risen far beyond his abilities and has Brexit to thank for this, since May has quite clearly been scraping the bottom of the barrel for some time now for talented people to surround herself with. All the capable politicians have long since walked out on her, if there were any in the first place - lets say all the least incapable politicians have abandoned her, leaving her with this lot.

Cocaine, psychedelics, DMT? They sure knew how to party 1,000 years ago: Archaeologists make startling discovery

Geoffrey W

Re: Not really sure why this surprised anyone ?

GABA GABA HEY! We acshept you...youre my besht bud...hic!

May Day! PM sacks UK Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson for Huawei 5G green-light 'leak'

Geoffrey W

Re: Patsy

Tarantulas don't build webs. They're hunters. Just thought I should mention that.

Geoffrey W

Re: Patsy

The culprit was clearly Cronus the spider, Wiliamson's tarantula, which was lurking in a corner with it's multifaceted eyes watching everything the inferior legged invertebrates*** were up to. It's schemes are coming along nicely.

***Invertebrates - Creatures lacking a backbone.

Sinister secret backdoor found in networking gear perfect for government espionage: The Chinese are – oh no, wait, it's Cisco again

Geoffrey W

Re: Keys

OHHH! Goody! Here's another one to add to my list of Americans to entertain myself with on the weekend. Bombastic Bob, Big John, ST,...hmmm...you really need a better nick. ST doesn't conjure up Yosemite Sam like the others do. Come on dude, you can do better than this. You haven't mentioned the second amendment yet.

White House issues Executive Order on cybersecurity, including hacker Hunger Games

Geoffrey W

Re: Bad boss

Trump is the living embodiment of the PHB - Pointy Haired Boss - from the Dilbert comic...and yet Scott Adams is one of Trumps cheerleaders...what new kind of dissonance is going on in Adams head...I no longer understand the world...kernel panic!

Microsoft's Edge on Apple's macOS? It's more likely than you think for new browser

Geoffrey W

Yes it does. In what way doesn't it work properly? Elucidate...?

Geoffrey W

Re: It makes about as much sense

Using it in anger was probably the only way anyone ever used it.