* Posts by Eddy Ito

4662 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

Judge: Patent litigants behave like animals

Eddy Ito

Re: "Nice one judge." That I am afraid is utter nonsense.

@AC 00:21

I'd be tempted to put more weight to your ability to quote wikipedia if I had any confidence you didn't just edit the article you're quoting. Even if [4] is true I don't see what relevant knowledge an editor of NEJM would have about the cost of doing something she doesn't do and is clearly a skeptic of anything she hasn't been indoctrinated into and had she been around would have banned Hippocrates himself of using tree bark tea for treating pain and fevers. Yes, her bio is on the in-tar-webs.

Also it would seem likely that a smaller company would incur higher costs initially in part because larger firms are likely to have certain capital equipment on hand that a smaller company would not invest in until it was needed such as a centrifuge or mass spectrometer. As an analog, a small manufacturer might only start with a single milling machine when they are developing a product but a larger company may have many mills, turning centers, injection molding machines, etc. waiting for work which would substantially lower the cost of doing an additional project.

"so it looks like in reality it can be anywhere from $55 million to a MAXIMUM possible of 2 billion."

I must admit I have no idea what to make of this. To say anything has "a MAXIMUM possible" can only stem from a naivete that is so grand and judgmental I can only ask; what do we mere mortals look like from so far upon high? LOL, "a MAXIMUM possible", you've never heard of government, have you little one.

Eddy Ito

Re: Nice one judge

Let's not forget the FDA who makes the generic manufacturers jump through the same qualifying hoops to get their drug copies approved even though the process, ingredients and formula have long been known, haven't changed for ages, only long expired patents and are identical to the other half dozen manufacturers. Yet the bar remains high so the original company can keep their margins up. Meanwhile the big companies go on to develop a new drug that only treats a soon to be found incurable chronic condition because let's face it find a cure and sell a dose for a day or find a chronic condition and milk the customer for a lifetime.

Eddy Ito


The real tragedy is that it isn't be the other way around and given the court packing mantra instilled in every President by FDR it isn't likely to change any time soon.

Trekkie pays £45,000 for rusty shuttle

Eddy Ito

Re: this would make

Maybe after another $70,000 but does it have the headroom? Although it always struck me to be a bit like Tardis in that regard depending on the scene but then my memory is about as old and hasn't been "partially restored", which may be a good thing considering.

Facebook phone app attempts to seize ALL YOUR MAIL

Eddy Ito

Re: Simple

"Lawyers aren't allowed in small-claims court, are they?"

No, no they aren't. Muhwahahaha!

Eddy Ito


Everyone who has the FB app screwing with their contacts should immediately begin a small claims suit for the maximum amount allowed by their local laws. IIRC, here in California it's around $10,000. Do not join a class action, make FB defend itself in several million individual suits. Yeah, yeah, T&Cs blah, blah, blah, they still have to respond to each suit and maybe death, or at least being slapped silly, by a few million cuts will "learn 'em a thang or two".

Icon is only for the little mutha Zucker.

Samsung asks for US Galaxy Nexus ban to be lifted pending appeal

Eddy Ito

Re: Apple PR done well.

Let's not forget the Samsung F700 was announced a whole month after the first iPhone and was another rectangle with rounded corners and capacitive touch screen.

Why is it the fanbois scream the iPhone wasn't a copy of the Prada because there wasn't enough time between the two but somehow believe Samsung could make a copy in the same time frame? Perhaps everyone saw the writing on the wall well ahead of time and were working on similar phones and LG happened to win the race to market forcing everyone else with similar kit to show it off and likely add a feature or two in order to persuade folks to wait for the next great thing.

Let's be honest, Apple wouldn't care if Samsung had kept working with the original OS on the F700 and only care now because for some reason they feel slighted by Google and Android. The fact that Android began in 2003 and Google bought it in 2005 doesn't seem to matter. Seriously, was Apple so naive to think Google was going to use Android on their web search data center and not make mobile devices?

Apple hardware fixer Bob Mansfield retires from Cupertino

Eddy Ito
Thumb Up

Re: Bloody hell...

I was thinking the exact same thing but chalked it up to the ale, this being Friday and all, and folks either not getting that the quote is "5 bobs" or missing that one bob is 1/20 of a quid which would result in the same error when making an analog of dollars to quid. I didn't see any mention of dimes but two bits has been a quarter in these parts since early colonial days.

Eddy Ito

a nickel would be 1 bob not 5

Therefore it would indeed be two bits for 5 bob.

What I want to know is, how many bits can he do it for when any damn fool can do it for a nibble?

Obama is best Pres 'to beat alien invasion'

Eddy Ito

Just one question

No, it's not the whiny it angle bit but why is this in Reg Hardware? Odds and sods, sure. Science, ok. Even security, public sector or clouds I could see but if it's going to be in hardware there should be more discussion on which pieces of kit the Presidential contenders would use to, ermm, "beat off" the aliens. Perhaps Obama could ask Bill Clinton to pass a message on to Monica. I don't think Mitt has connections like that.

Eddy Ito

Re: Brilliant stats

You're being a bit silly aren't you? Of course it was a silly poll wasn't it? That's the wonderful thing about silly polls, they deserve silly answers.

I grant you that I would fall under both a and b but it is perfectly plausible to fall under b alone. That said I would fall into the roughly 3% who think the words unidentified flying object actually mean unidentified flying object and not the pimped out ride of tiny green space people who snack on the Limburger that the moon is made of. I also firmly believe the gubbermint is keeping secrets about top secret flights in experimental aircraft that likely make up ufo sightings. You see, it's a secret aircraft and therefore an object. If Joe Six Pack saw it flying about and couldn't identify it then it would be an unidentified flying object the gubbies are keeping secrets about.

Darwin alarmed by six-legged mutant cane toad

Eddy Ito

Re: soul music

I wanted a Soul but the wife insisted on a Honda.

Microsoft says tablets will trump PCs in 2013

Eddy Ito
Thumb Up

"Nonsense, I'm still rocking 640k in my PC."

What a coincidence, I have a 640k megabyte hard drive in my laptop also.

Apple wins US ban on Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1

Eddy Ito

"wtf is a design patent?"

It may sound trivial but many if not most ornamental designs aren't able to be covered by copyright or trademark. Some design patents cover things that are actually useful including ship hulls, toys, patterns that may appear on wall paper or cloth and let's not forget clothes, yup probably even that "aloha" print on that shirt you have in the closet. Granted the clothes industry is likely more interested in fake labels and trademark theft than dresses that look similar.

Since design patents tend to be pretty rigidly interpreted in court and fairly easy to work around and so likely slide through the patent office pretty easily with less consideration than a utility patent, if that's even possible today. Unfortunately it looks like someone didn't realize Apple were intending to patent right rounded parallelograms.

Stonehenge WASN'T built by ALIENS - Boffins' shock claim

Eddy Ito
Paris Hilton

Re: Stonehenge...

"Where the virgins lay."

I don't understand, then they wouldn't be virgins? Perhaps Paris can enlighten.

Posner to Apple, Motorola: 'And don’t come back'

Eddy Ito

Never gonna happen

"Both parties can appeal this. Apple are almost certain to do so."

Technically that's true but we are dealing with Justice Richard Posner who sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals in the 7th Circuit. That leaves exactly one court they can appeal to, namely the Supremes. Somehow, considering Posner's weighty reputation as a legal scholar, I think if either company went to the U.S. Supreme Court with this people in Hawaii would hear all nine Justices laughing in D.C. Besides, even if, by some miracle, the Supremes agreed to hear the case by the time it came up for trial it would be about the iPhone 45S and the patents would have expired anyway.

Sony deploys 11in Vaio to battle Apple Air

Eddy Ito

"... to battle Apple Air"

Won't be much of a battle unless Apple makes an Air powered by an Atom D2700?

Facebook loses face: Faced down in faceoff over face-placing

Eddy Ito

Give the little Zucker a break

He was confused by all the "Hey Mark, f* off" messages and thought it nice everyone was reminding him to tune in to the Stanley Cup finals.

f* palm, what else?

Firefox 'new tab' feature exposes users' secured info: Fix promised

Eddy Ito

Ok but

It doesn't make much difference for the folks who have the browser remember the login details for their bank anyway. I know I have it remember mine, granted it remembers bogus data including data for not only my banks but banks I don't even use. Hey, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean I'm not paranoid enough or something like that.

Apple flat-screen TV to ship by holiday season?

Eddy Ito

Re: And on, and on, and on.

The Grid Compass, introduced in 1982 was a "clamshell" portable computer that went up on Discovery in 1985. The Mac Portable was introduced in 1989 so not only was it not the first "flip top" there were laptops in space before Apple spit up a clam.

Rare AutoCAD worm lifted blueprints from Peru, sent them to China

Eddy Ito

Re: Competitive advantage?

We only know that China hosted the email addresses. It wouldn't be hard for one Peru based company to have conjured the worm to intercept the work of another Peru based company and then relay the data through the Chinese email host in an attempt to kill the e-trail.

Beast? Rules? Because Europe has historically been such a paragon of virtue? Please do look at Africa and notice most of the mess was left behind when colonies became to much work and the imperial masters walked away. Now wonder why they welcome the Chinese who promise to help. Granted it's just another form of exploitation but at least the Chinese are using a carrot and not a stick to get what they want. And before my fellow Americans get too haughty, do I need to make a list of set-em-up-knock-em-down tin pot dictators like Noriega and Saddam?

LCD TV shipments slip for FIRST TIME EVER

Eddy Ito

Wait! There's more!!

It does get comical after a while doesn't it?

TV salesman: "Buy now and you'll get 3D, VHD, and supermongoHD cubed! But that's not all! What if I throw in more subpixel colours? That's right our new SuperTV Megaprime now has 256 different colour sub pixels! Now how much would you pay?"

Me: "Umm, about $10 or $12 per diagonal inch."

Pegatron named as Microsoft Surface fondleslab foundry

Eddy Ito
Paris Hilton

Didn't see it anywhere

Was there any say so of these having quad-G Little Transmitty Encoders fur gittin' to the intarwebs? If so, they might get those prices to fly with the usual subsidy and 2 year lockup. Otherwise it's just shoveling shit against the tide and I'm guessing MS Surfaces aren't surf aces at all.

Fatties are 'destroying the world'

Eddy Ito

Re: so we're all agreed on this one then....

I humbly disagree. If you want to be on Obama's short list, that's fine but don't think you're taking me down with you. Mark my words agent xyz, Prez. O's reaper drones will mean the end of your whole alphabet organization.

TSA screeners spooked by Apple's 'futuristic artifact'

Eddy Ito

Re: jet toys

WTFO? They actually had to discuss toy fighter jets? What next, will they ban the MacBook Air because it has a pointy edge and could be used as a hatchet on someone. D'oh! I've planted the seed now haven't I.

Intel slaps Xeon Phi brand on MIC coprocessors

Eddy Ito

fee fie fo fum

I'm certain Intel is thinking only in terms of fees and keeping them out of the hands of its rivals. Oh and as large and as many as possible, naturally.

'Kindness of America' snapper shot himself in 'act of self-promotion'

Eddy Ito

@Yet Another Anonymous coward

Actually in most places there is a requirement for reports and investigations when bullet holes start appearing in people. Hospitals and doctors are required by law to report any gun shot wound and I would assume police are required to investigate regardless of whether this git filed a complaint. Let's be honest, someone says "I got shot and he went that way (pointing with the other arm)" and the po po are supposed to shrug it off if he says "Just sayin', I'm not complaining".

The least he should be charged with is whatever local reckless or negligence statute the state has and I hope he gets a big fat bill for any medical or emergency attention he received since it was clearly an elective procedure.

Facebook CTO jumps ship for new horizons

Eddy Ito

Re: Hmm

It won't change much. Taylor strikes me as guy who is well on his way to becoming a serial entrepreneur. Don't forget he left the GOOG shortly after their IPO, surely with a reasonable pile of cash, and started that FriendFeed thing which sold to FB and he came along for the ride. Naturally with the FB IPO he wants to spin off with a second pile of cash and start something else like FoneFeed or some such which will have its own IPO or will be sold and he gets another cash pile to repeat the cycle.

This is the kind of guy I can respect. Planting the seeds of a company, employ a bunch of people, nurture it as far as he can and when he reaches his limit of ability sets it in more capable hands. The beauty is that each time he does it he pushes his limit a bit further so the companies he starts have a better chance of survival each time and maybe one day the most capable hands will be his.

FCC: Let's kill analogue early, fob diehards off with converter boxes

Eddy Ito

"If the FCC wanted to make a rational decision..."

But it isn't about what they wanted. This is government so in addition to being a compromise that makes everyone unhappy, we shouldn't forget the palm grease lubricating the entire government decision making process which eliminates any chance of rationality.

Purdue researchers add ‘wakelock’ cleanup to phone power research

Eddy Ito


Buy stock in energy and battery companies, write "free" apps that suck more than a hemi powered dragster and kick back while the dividends come rolling in. Hmm, doesn't seem to be a business plan that will impress a bunch of impatient VCs so back to the drawing board.

Skype launches in-call ads

Eddy Ito
Big Brother

Got one thing right

“users will see content that could spark additional topics of conversation that are relevant to Skype users and highlight unique and local brand experiences.”

I can guess what the topics of conversation will be. Probably something along the lines of "WTF? Another dating site ad for homosexual Catholic retired black transgender females of Japanese decent? Maybe I should opt back in to the demographic filter."

Since, as Rufo so deftly indicated, they'll be listening in anyway to figure out what might be "relevant"; does anyone think they'll be giving the DHS a freebie? You know, scan it for the those saucy words that make an NSA agent's pulse quicken and make a recording. I'm sure they can work out the details in 3 point font on page 143 of the 197 pages of the new and improved EULA and T&Cs.

Microsoft so sorry for limp wedding tackle gag gaffe

Eddy Ito

Just so I'm clear

Getting Alvin & the Chipmunks to put their nuts in a vice and sing was the best they could do after Stevie B's ape prancing about the stage?

Fair enough.

Intel to target TV viewers with facial recognition ad tech

Eddy Ito


"the idea of a television that watches and reports back on the viewer could well prove unpopular"

Unpopular? Do you think?

Windows 8: Not even Microsoft thinks businesses will use it

Eddy Ito


"I went from DOS to WfW (3.11) to 98 to NT, to XP, to 7"

You could have saved yourself a bit of time by jumping straight from 3.11 to NT. The only complaint that sticks with me about NT4 was its separation anxiety when the network went down.

Eddy Ito

Re: Good thing for Linux

I wish it were true but if half of all enterprise users are in fact running XP there is little hope they will suddenly jump ship for Linux instead of just waiting it out until 2014 to see if MS comes to its senses. And I suspect if folks starting to switch to Linux as April 2014 draws near it would be an event which would likely smack some sense into MS. It will depend on how swiftly MS acts that which will determine what sort of foothold Linux might achieve.

Sean Parker launches Chatroulette killer: For why?

Eddy Ito

Re: Why has video not taken up it's mantle?

"I've seen plenty of articles suggesting that telcos are worried about becoming simply commodity players... Well, if they got their act together and actually started moving towards integrating the video into the network like this, without the need for apps or other providers"

There's the rub, getting their act together would require creating a standard that works with their competitors and that only comes when differentiability and lock-in are placed on the sacrificial altar and that's one more step along the road to commodity bit pipe provider.

Even if they did manage to find the holy grail of common protocols and lock-in I don't think the uptake would be that high anyway given how and where phones are used. Generally it's bad enough when I call someone only to hear flushing, etc. in the background and know they are in the bog, with video calls being on the same line I can only pray they use the audio only button to answer it. Then again, it would bring new meaning to the phrase "fat fingered the phone".

LOHAN seeks failsafe for explosive climax

Eddy Ito

Re: sticking pin

I had the same thought since the spring pressure acting on it might make the frictional forces exceed the pull developed by the chute at altitude. I was thinking something that utilized a mechanical advantage so the pin doesn't need to hold the whole spring load like an old school railway knuckle coupler.

Microsoft crowd-sources next Win Phone apps using Android

Eddy Ito


Just when you thought it was over. Now we have Microsoft releasing "smartphone beta part deux". Pity it will never be on iTunes to complete the picture. Simply wonderful on so many levels.

Oz sysadmin says Windows 8 not ready for business

Eddy Ito

Plain and simple, MS missed

I've played with W8 on an old (circa 2006) single core 2 GHz Athlon64 and I have to admit it was pretty snappy even with only 1 GB ram and an equally old nVidia card. I didn't expect much from such outdated hardware and it wasn't up to par on keeping up with heavy workstation duty. Pro/E 5 did run admirably well but compared to modern workstation computin' iron there was no real comparison. Sure it wasn't exactly the most convenient set up but the old beast ran reasonably well and certainly better than a D525 Atom I'm using as a lite HTPC.

That's when it hit me, when I ran the HTPC and W8-Metro side by side I suddenly knew exactly where Metro belongs, on the set top. I switched the Athlon64 W8 combo to the TV with VGA and a speaker cable, I did mention it was an old video card, and proceeded treating it like an HTPC sans remote because I didn't really want to put in the time. It worked well enough but was still a bit clunky and no remote was going to really help or so I thought.

I happened to glance just under the TV and that is when I saw it. Figuring "what the hell", I gave it a shot but it just didn't work. Either my hardware is too old and won't recognize the USB connected Kinect or W8 isn't Kinect ready, actually I know now it's the latter. This is where the title I chose comes in. It would be a total no-brainer to have a virtual touchscreen operated by a Kinect. The Kinect could be switchable or net ready and be able to be shared between an HTPC and Xbox assuming they weren't the same thing so you could both record the [insert unmissable tourney here] and finish level 2 of Halo 421 or some-such. This is what MS missed, the perfect blend of home theater experience and mobile UI. I say that because while the whole "Smart Glass" thing could be cool, I'm not feelin' the luv and please get Metro off my workstation and in my Media Center. Please.

Oh for the patent trolls, Mr. Myhrvold, it's trivial and I've hereby published this prior art and could use a million other remote systems like Nintendo's, Sony's, zigbee, cell phone, radar or sonar mapping, bat shit stink detectors and other methods and systems that should be obvious to those skilled in the art, so fuck off.

Firefox 13 now available for download

Eddy Ito


"Do you have a URL?"

Sure, here you go; http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/all.html

Just so you know, here's a quote from the FAQ:

"Releases will be maintained for approximately one year, with point releases containing security updates coinciding with regular Firefox releases. The ESR will also have a two cycle (12 week) overlap between the time of a new release and the end-of-life of the previous release to permit testing and certification prior to deploying a new version."

Translation: To us, one year is a long time so the current Expected Stable Release is 10.0.4 and 10.0.x is scheduled to die at 10.0.8 which should overlap the second ESR of the next series which should be 17.0.1.

Eddy Ito

Re: Question for Firefox users

That might just have me going and having a look to use as a backup browser. The moz team lost me at 12 when on my Win7 laptop a bare install of FF would crash on start, every time, no plug-ins, no add-ons and java disabled. Same across all users, even a new account, so it wasn't a corrupt profile. Oh well, moved Iron to default but I'd rather use something other than IE as second string.

Bloke with spanners attacks LOHAN's dodgy plumbing

Eddy Ito
Paris Hilton

Re: Water in REHAB is a good idea, Water in the Vac pump is not

Seconded, if for no other reason than I'm dying to read the article.

I'm sure Paris knows a thing or two about fingers and butter.

Special Projects Burro pops his hooves

Eddy Ito


A pint to celebrate the life and memory of a very special burro.

LOHAN sucks 27 inches

Eddy Ito

Re: Performance loss at altitude?

I agree that at altitude there is less to suck but the setup does beg the question. What is being measured? If you are measuring vacuum and getting 27 inHg that would indicate you are 27 inHg, or 13.26 psi, below ambient. If we consult the handy chart you so thoughtfully provided we see that nominal atmospheric pressure at 3,000 ft is only 13.16 psi. Given that information I can conclude that you must have performed the test on a day with a high pressure weather system in place and it was likely quite a nice day. I say that because if a low pressure weather pattern was providing a dreary day then there wouldn't be 27 inHg available to suck.

What you really want to know, as stated above, is absolute pressure which is a bit trickier without an absolute pressure sensor. Fortunately we have this handy material we can use as a substitute if we know the temperature, it's water. If you grab a chart, this one at wikipedia should do, you'll notice the vapor pressure of water at 20 degrees Celsius is 17.3 mmHg so a 20 ºC glass of water placed in REHAB will boil once the absolute pressure reaches that mark.

Now then, you know what to do so off you go and see if you can suck her down to the point she boils over.

Volvo claims V40 is first car with an airbag for pedestrians

Eddy Ito

Re: Good idea

"There's prior art - Jaguar won a safety award back in 2006 for exactly this idea."

So there's a 90% chance it can be patented in the US given the current "grant it and let the courts find out if it's valid" system.

-- patent troll

Facebook underwriters accused of hiding forecast

Eddy Ito

Look on the bright side

At the rate it's going it should be valued fairly by the end of the week for a buy in for anyone who is interested. That is, of course, unless you want to wait another week when it should become a decent buy. Let's see assuming a drop of 7% per day for ten days, that's about $18.50, hmmm better wait an extra few days just to be sure.

Ballmer says 500 MILLION 'users' to 'have' Windows 8 in 2013

Eddy Ito

Re: "the navigation is streamlined and intuitive..."

I think he is saying the final release will have a pair of silky tapered orbs which are controlled by a matched set of nipples. Meh, it couldn't be worse than having Metro on your workstation and IMHO a much better replacement for Aero eye candy.

Facebook jumps then slumps in first few minutes day's trade

Eddy Ito

Staying away, far away

First there were 421 million shares floated and out of that only 43% were offered by Facebook Inc. Now consider that if this was such a great deal, why were the remaining 57% of the shares available from Facebook insiders? My take is that a whole bunch of folks who sold those 240 million shares are pretty happy with their take and many are probably looking to jump ship for the good life.

Seriously folks, if they were expecting the price of shares to rise dramatically, why wouldn't they hold the shares until after the IPO popped and rake in a lot more cash? I'd wager it was because the best value for them was to get paid now.

Seeing ads on Wikipedia? Then you're infected

Eddy Ito

Re: I have a serious question:

There is a problem with taking ads and it means that people may see articles as being less objective. It could also create a potentially legal situation where an advertiser may feel tempted to rescind funding if a page appears that is less than flattering by, lets say, implying the advertiser is a baby eating, syphilitic, gonorrhea ridden, necrophiliac bitch; perhaps even by using stronger and less kind verbiage.

Facebook co-founder renounces US citizenship pre-IPO

Eddy Ito

@Charles 9

"Wealth isn't really CREATED--it's FOUND. Like petroleum. Its wealth value was always there, but someone had to locate it underground first and then figure out how to refine it into useable fuel before its value can be tapped. People invest in new technologies in exchange for a share of this value should it work out."

So we agree that petroleum is a commodity, good, it's a start. I won't say the "Mona Lisa", "Venus de Milo" or "Statue of David" wasn't always there and just needed to be found by the artist because it's really immaterial to the discussion. The problem is that you're not even recognizing a rather large sector of the economy, services. In service sectors absolutely nothing is found as it is based on the utility people derive from the services, in either free time, a particular expertise, a pleasant atmosphere or whatever else. Perhaps it's having someone tend to the lawn or a night out at a restaurant on Mother's Day. I see how it gets confusing but once you figure out quickie take out food joints first sell convenience and the food is only for differentiation, it becomes a little clearer.

Case in point, one of the wealthiest people I know is a school chum who was waiter for 20+ years but he didn't "find" a plate of food and decide to sell it for $37.50. He just provided a level of service that was beyond the expectations of nearly everyone and retired in '07 at 39 years old, bought a boat big enough to live on and moved to Belize. He didn't find anything, he made it.