* Posts by Michael Thibault

927 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Nov 2008

Tip for darknet drug lords: Don't wear latex gloves to the post office

Michael Thibault

Re: for the summer

"You wear leather driving gloves when you have a wank??!!???"

He-men like to think they really have skin in the game, perhaps?

BONG! Lasers crack Big Ben frequency riddle BONG! No idea what to do with this info BONG!

Michael Thibault

"What is it called when you do the same thing again and expect different results?"


Fire brigade called to free man's bits from titanium ring's grip

Michael Thibault

Re: I keep seeing these

"Having a big blokey man with an angle grinder bearing down on your family jewels would probably discourage you from a repeat performance of that particular trick in the future..."

Not so sure; after the bright sparks, it's the same brain, after all. We understand that the blood complement is only sufficient to operate one head at a time, and ... here we are to begin with.

Michael Thibault

Re: Best bit

I also appreciate the warning; I am not that curious--yellow, black, or blue. That some people's lives are a warning to others is well understood, thanks.

Sad fact of the day: Most people still don't know how to protect themselves online

Michael Thibault

>Mozilla is developing products that advance privacy and security and is creating media content that serves to educate and advocate.

Which media is to be delivered within FF as non-offable PSAs (whether in place of the stuff µBlockOrigin snuffs out, otherwise in addition to the ads). You have to start somewhere, I guess.

What might benefit the public is a full-on, sleaze-and-scum tour of the covert goings-on that underly the monetary churn behind the cat pic dander, the social mud, and the half-assed vids that make the internet go 'round.

Malware infecting Androids somewhere in the supply chain

Michael Thibault

Re: Flake

It isn't about you. Sure, _you_ can root and re-install Android from scratch, and be secure thereby, but there's a common expectation, among the billions of purchasers of consumer goods that what they get on opening the package is what was put there--exactly, deliberately--by the manufacturer. And, let's not pretend that even single-digit percentages of those consumers are anything but completely copeless (and kept so) with regard to the words "appropriate technology". Which seems to be what has been applied here. Shame on the manufacturers for not having seen it coming and done something to prevent it, but that is the ever-devouring markets in operation...

The future of Not Reality is a strap-on that talks to my smarting ring

Michael Thibault

Re: Coming soon - non-invasive diabetes glucose monitor

>The article has an irrelevant eye-candy picture.

Sweat is exuded with near-perfect uniformity across the entire skin surface: true-to-life, or Not Reality?

It seems the marketing department is in on it.

Don't worry, slowpoke Microsoft, we patched Windows bug for you, brags security biz

Michael Thibault

'... enable automatic updates to receive the latest protections when available. In the meantime, 0patch. Couldn't make it worse, could it?'


Who will banish spy-cam drones from US skies? The FAA doesn't want to do it. EPIC disagrees

Michael Thibault

Re: Exciting new business opportunity!

"'and the easy-break mount means you only need to replace the fishing line if some snooping... [i]person[/i] flies over your property..."

The 'finder's fees' should keep you out of the red, I would think.

Pack your bags! NASA spots SEVEN nearby Earth-sized alien worlds

Michael Thibault

"100 miracle project"

... what's a heaven for?

Michael Thibault

>we can observe him to see how the Creationist lives in the wild.

And which member of the flock is the Creationist? Oh, I see! Never mind.

Michael Thibault

Does the knob go to 11?

BS Detection 101 becomes actual University subject

Michael Thibault

Re: Hmm...

There's the problem right there!

Hope it's not contagious...

Michael Thibault

Grumpy wrote:

"worthwhile to make Marketing, Statistics and Economics compulsory study topics for high school kiddies so they could tell when they were being lied to."

You do have to start somewhere, but I think an honest BS Detection course appearing in early primary school curricula is something to strive for.

In colossal shock, Uber alleged to be wretched hive of sexism, craven managerial ass-covering

Michael Thibault

Re: Just look at Uber's CEO

KW wrote:

"you forgot to include the quote in your rebuttal:

(SJF wrote:) 'On my first official day rotating on the team, my new manager sent me a string... He was trying to stay out of trouble at work, he said, but he couldn't help getting in trouble, because he was looking for women to have sex with.'"

The last line is, in fact, unclear, as--wait for it--it doesn't include quote marks; you could read it as being the sum of what the new manager wrote (apart from the "he said"), or you could read it as "He was trying to stay out of trouble at work", he said, but he couldn't... If you account for the ambiguity about what is being described, and to whom what text is being attributed, it isn't possible to say that "There's no other way to read that except as a proposal for sex".

Even so, just mentioning to a new 'inferior' word one about the nature of his relationship with his 'intimate partner'/girlfriend was a step too far in the direction of uncomfortable.

Michael Thibault

Re: Just look at Uber's CEO

I'm heartened to see that the majority commenting in the thread get the idea that there are not only lines you don't cross, but lines you don't even approach. Not surprised, though; I doubt there's much playing against type going on.

SJF wrote: "I don't know what I expected ..."

I'm willing to jump to the conclusion (yes) that the statement above is rhetorical. In real life, this was UBER. It is UBER! You'd have to be living long under a very-deeply-buried rock not to have just a tiny inkling that there is something a-twitch in UBER's public face. So there had, and has, to be something sketchy going on below.

Don't feed the juggernaut! Even if just the opportunity to do so activates the "But I Need It" reflex--whether you need it to get home, save money getting around, keep your ass from being transferred to the social sling, or you need it to exercise your chops and move your professional career ahead. Just don't do it; you're creating and re-creating the context and culture that you'll eventually be beaten down by.

Doubtless this little screed will be parked in the blaming-the-victim spot, but... ugh, never mind.

Installing disks is basically LEGO, right? This admin failed LEGO

Michael Thibault


Hang the Fuck Up? Could be taken two ways, though.

Huge if true: iPhone 8 will feature 3D selfies, rodent defibrillator

Michael Thibault

Re: Power button

> Apple will eliminate the power button.

Of course they will, as there's no point in having a power button when you've eliminated the batteries. DUH! Oh, and it's not "wireless charging", it's "wireless power". Thanks Nikola!

US visitors must hand over Twitter, Facebook handles by law – newbie Rep starts ball rolling

Michael Thibault

Re: So reality check?

And what hell is unleashed upon those who answer, truthfully, that they have neither a Twitter, Facebook, nor any other social mediocrity account?

Legislation is not magic, and legislators are not wizards, though they may be wishfully so.

The Register's guide to protecting your data when visiting the US

Michael Thibault

> Then you just recover later from your (ideally non US based) cloud backup....

This, presumably, after you've served your time, been deported, or both?

Explain! yourself! US! senators! yell! at! Yahoo!

Michael Thibault

Does anyone really care?


Get orf the air over moi land Irish farmer roars at drones

Michael Thibault

However fun and challenging, the trouble with a shoot-down policy is that the drone is likely already considered by the operator to be expendable, and shoot-down 'success' simply sends the miscreant to another potential target, with a different drone. The longer-term strategy should be to build in a large disincentive to anyone considering this type of recon and theft; as there won't be many people willing to steal in this way, the cost of doing so has to be borne by those who are--and seen to have been borne by them--in order to prevent the method from moving into the mainstream. Perhaps a honey pot, but one created after the fact of the recon having been spotted (to work around the get-out-of-charges because entrapment business).

In thinly-populated areas, the most economical means of spotting such drone-based casing is to use camera-based security. It will devolve into a technological cat-and-mouse game, though. Unfortunately, too, the net effect of the application of video cameras in defense against remotely-controlled video cameras is to create a hyperactive-self-surveillance society.

FYI: Ticking time-bomb fault will brick Cisco gear after 18 months

Michael Thibault

Re: Not a canard

It's subscription hardware obsolescence. Replacements? The first one's free.

USA! USa! Udia! India! India! Apple nudges iPhone production base

Michael Thibault

Re: This will work

Yes, there's the risk of finding a Brahma in the China shop, but when you consider that Apple's expected to begin production in mere months, you might be wondering if they've taken to building those assembly plants in shipping containers--just in case. 'Twould be a smart move, anyway.

Coming to the big screen: Sci-fi epic Dune – no wait, wait, wait, this one might be good

Michael Thibault

Re: And all this time, I thought ...

of the Bible as fantasy.

Michael Thibault

Re: Can't be a single movie

>Ask your local CIA for details...

You have their number?

Dark web hubs paying workers to leak corporate secrets

Michael Thibault

>no justification in any way for Criminal activities.

I don't disagree. However, that this new institution (*) has arisen at all could be taken either: as a sign that the milking of the largest number of humanity for profit to the benefit of an ever-shrinking number of the club has gone too far, and wants remediation; or, an opportunity for capitalists to innovate around a little *market excess.

Michael Thibault

Re: Insiders as a threat

>disgruntled employees

Probably more accurate to say: insufficiently-gruntled serfs. Everyone has a price, and everything becomes a commodity.

You're taking the p... Linux encryption app Cryptkeeper has universal password: 'p'

Michael Thibault

Re: Assuming makes an ass out of you and some guy named 'Ming'

>I will not lose myself again fixing other peoples [sic] stuff

I fear that you are missing the point.

Wow, look out, hackers: Trump to order 60-day cybersecurity probe

Michael Thibault

We'll wait for the tide, then.

Michael Thibault

King Canute, methinks.

Did you know? The FBI investigated Gamergate. Now you can read the agents' thrilling dossier

Michael Thibault

Re: Humanity fail.

@charles paul

Truckle isn't expressing attitudes. He's expressing opinions.

What, if any, is the implicit threat/menace/risk to you for speaking your mind? Any at all? Odd, then, that horrors (including 'limited sexual horizons') await heterosexual males for being forthright, no? Underneath your words is a particular flavour of gynocentrism...

In such a wide, diverse world as this, the prospects are vanishingly small of one's sexual prospects being absolutely limited for being forthright and outspoken--the behaviour you are (implicitly) calling out.

Opinions differ, in any case.

H0LiCOW! Hubble's constant update paves way for 'new physics'

Michael Thibault

Compare and contrast:

>the universe is expanding at an accelerated pace.

"the universe is expanding at an accelerating pace."

Japan's terrifying techno-toilets will be made foreigner friendly, vow makers

Michael Thibault

Re: Clarification

>Why isn't there an option to make spray go round in little circles?

You'd then have to provide an option for clockwise and one for counter-clockwise*, otherwise you'd be fingered for discrimination against one or the other preference. Let's keep in mind that the movement at hand is intended to simplify matters.

* counter-clockwise (CCW) != anti-clockwise

Korean boffins vow 1,000km-an-hour supertrain

Michael Thibault

Re: Tubes are cheating

There'd definitely be indications of a problem in personnel if any route requires a directional change sharp enough, and sustained enough, to make possible a vertically-banked wall-of-death turn. Fortunately, any such system would be automated, if it were possible or necessary; I suspect that the Gs thrown would knock out everyone on the train but the fittest.

US Marines seek more than a few good men (3,000 men and women, actually) for cyber-war

Michael Thibault
IT Angle

>recruit about 3,000 troops skilled in online warfare

You're going to turn a blind eye to any claims of relevant experience, of course. Right?

Microsoft sued by staff traumatized by child sex abuse vids stashed on OneDrive accounts

Michael Thibault

Re: So many problems on so many levels

>First MS should have asked for volunteers. Seeing the nightmare of depravity that some people are capable of is more than most people can take, let alone for long periods for time.

The point of the article seems to vary with the reader, but one aspect that gets short shrift is the effect on those doing the work over an extended period. It can't possibly be neutral. And, no, I don't believe that compulsion has to be overt; the threat, implicit or explicit, of losing you job, or having your chances of advancement coloured by whether or not you bolted the room when the subject of this particular task was raised is a real threat.

It seems to me that if anyone at all is going to (have to) do this kind of screening (and there are obvious issues with it happening at all, which I'll skip over for the moment), it seems to me that if volunteerism is to be considered, it's a small, advisable step to take further to make it a requirement of all employees (in this instance, at MS) to serve a hitch. A short one. Seems a bit draconian, but short stints for all would, I think, on balance, have a cohesing effect on the local culture, the humanity that is there already. I'm not advocating universality for that outcome as a pay-day, but to point out that hell is best understood if it's a shared experience. And, yes, I'm aware that there's one hell within the imagery, and one in its presence.

And, of course, knowledge being power and outrage being a strong motivator, iff the screening is to continue, then it would be very prudent to doubly-blind the screeners from any personally identifying information of onedrive users... (I catch the irony of double-blinding, btw, so no need for you to pivot on that term in any response.)

Internet of Sh*t has an early 2017 winner – a 'smart' Wi-Fi hairbrush

Michael Thibault

Re: Your Photo

Have you ever seen an empty shelf anywhere in a home? Shelving is where the real money is. And think of the possible applications! Shelves that search and inventory themselves is just the beginning. And don't forget cosy licensing deals with makers of things that fit on shelves. The mind boggles. Profit, here we come!

Michael Thibault

Re: $200 for all that tech?

>It is sensitive though...

Though almost certainly not to the boar that contributed the bristles... and whatever else along the way.

How the NYE leap second clocked Cloudflare – and how a single character fixed it

Michael Thibault

Re: There is the theory of the moebius...

>time becomes a loop

How do you know it's just one?

New Android-infecting malware brew hijacks devices. Why, you ask? Your router

Michael Thibault

Re: Infection Vector

>disable wifi configuration of the router

Small problem: the mouth-breathers doing the side-loading of the Shiny Golden Software (tm) are not only very unlikely to inconvenience themselves in this way, they likely aren't even aware of the possibility of doing so. Another small problem: these Android thingies appear to be mobile--the implication being that you'd have to disable wifi config on every router any such infected peripatetic Android thingy might come across, before it does so. Extremely unlikely.

The router tech is neither the problem nor the solution; the meat seems to have only the expected intelligence for what it is.

Barcodes stamped on breast implants and medical equipment

Michael Thibault

Re: But how to know if someone has an implant?

>a tattoo

Logistics! Where, exactly? Matching L and R? What effects, if any, could such have on children before they're weaned? After? All of a piece, in a strange way. The details...

‘Artificial Intelligence’ was 2016's fake news

Michael Thibault

Re: AI is as AI does

>odd and/or extraneous words that peppered the article

The first role for AI (Assistive Intelligence) will probably be spell-checking and grammar-checking. This world, the article, and this thread of comments, would all benefit immeasurably were that AI widely available. We're approaching that goal asymptotically, though; evidently, getting even there is a bit of a slog.

Folders return to Windows 10's Start Thing

Michael Thibault
IT Angle

Re: 17 inch penis!!

It's a head-scratcher!

In-air re-fooling, perhaps?

El Reg just saved your Wikipedia Xmas

Michael Thibault

Save your own X

> staff at the WMF - the fundraising alone employs 17 people

Sinecure much?

The Life and Times of Lester Haines

Michael Thibault

Re: Poorly worded writing in the article

>Is there a word for happy/sad at the same time?

If there isn't, there probably should be. Try this:


'Upset' Linus Torvalds gets sweary and gets results

Michael Thibault

Re: Linus needs to start looking for his replacement.


I hope he's happy (and that he will at least be content that far off), but I'm inclined to think the word you're looking for is "grumpily". On the other hand, maximum theater would begin with LT having a major snit, turning on his heel, and bolting.

Michael Thibault

Re: Linus needs to start looking for his replacement.

>Is there a clear path of succession, or would things just devolve into 10 forks from people with different ideas?

There is no contingent relationship. In fact, you can assume the forking a priori.

Sexbots could ‘over-exert’ their human lovers, academic warns

Michael Thibault

Does a "kill button for arachnophobes" turn the machine on arachnophobes who press the button? Slightly disproportionate as features go, but I can see how it's not entirely a bad thing.

Ancient water found in Canada is two billion years old – giving hope to Mars colony dreamers

Michael Thibault

Re: Mars Colony Dreamers

>lets [sic] just develop the technology and skip moving to Mars

In other words, send 'just the head'. If humanity ever gets its head out of its existential arse, it will realise that it has a duty to go to the stars. In baby steps, if needs be--but to go is a must. The moon having been reached, the next way-point for footprints is, necessarily, Mars. Sure, it's a larger leap, but it will have to be attempted eventually--and all the robotic exploration is merely a data-gathering, technology-perfecting run-up (see what I did there, and there) to landing, and standing, on the red soil.