* Posts by elpaw

9 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Nov 2008

Tesco's iPhone app gets barcode reader

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At least you get free (though ad-supported) Angry Birds

Still 59p+ on the iPhone

Extraterrestrials strafe Bosnian with meteorites


It's the Aliens targeting him

(of the Alien movie franchise) for living near a place called Predator.

Sony coughs to faulty Vaio notebooks


Sony took it's time

Dell has been offering warranty extensions for this issue for well over a year. I have already had it affect me on my XPS M1330

Mars rover stalks mystery space alien object


What exactly

What exactly is an alpha particle x ray spectrometer? I know what an alpha particle is, I know what an X ray is, but how do you combine the two?

NASA takes stick over feet and inches


Screw em all

I use electron volt, h-bar = c = 1 units

Herschel and Planck off to meet Lagrange


We should stop spending money on these

And just send tennis balls into space then

Brit nuke subs exposed on Google Earth


Are those crop circles?

Just outside the SAS HQ?

Softbank gives Japan free iPhones

Jobs Horns

More: It's simply not Japanese.

Not only is it not Japanese, it doesn't even look like it would appeal to the japanese. Their phones are pretty crazy things technologically, and stylistically its simplistic style flies in the face of hello kitty cartooned phones. The Japanese like a bit of colour and "cheese" on their phones.

Berlin bans handy iPhone metro app


@Copyright issue or resource management issue?

I could use firefox (or a paid-for browser) to access the Dutch timetables. Would that be a 3rd party app scraping data from a publically available database? I would say yes.

Whats the difference between that and a more-focussed app?