* Posts by Mark S Deal

1 publicly visible post • joined 25 Jun 2008

San Franciscans prep monument to US prez

Mark S Deal

A fine example

These "San Franciscans" have truly lost their way if they think such a demeaning mean-spirited act will not have a negative impact on America's already tarnished image to many throughout the world. It's easy to dislike those that don't like themselves. And it's a horrible example of what being compassionate and truly caring about people is all about. They remind me of adolescent bullies in school, who demean other kids, calling them names or writing ugly things about them on bathrooms walls etc. And they encourage the easily influenced kids, blindly following them like disciples in a cult, to engage in the same negative destructive behavior. How will San Franciscans justify this to their children, while trying to explain why bullying and demeaning others is wrong? Do as I say, not as I do? It seems this may have been their parents approach to teaching them to be kind and compassionate. And thus, the cycle continues, like child molestation is sometimes past along in families or in this case, being a negative demeaning bully being past along. People like this are part of the problem and should consider becoming part of the solution in order to create real change. And that change begins with each of them by setting the right example for all of our children.


Fort Worth, Tx. USA