* Posts by redfish1

2 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Scottish Government scuppers Lewis wind farm plan



> doubt it's come from "scots" though, since scots is rooted in gaelic and seems unlikely that a very obviously germanic word has come from there.

I know it's veering away from the subject but it is generally thought that "Scots" or Doric originates from a Germanic language brought by Anglo-Saxons in or around the seventh century whilst Gaelic originates from the Celtic language brought from Ireland.

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The scale of the thing

I grew up in the Western Isles and all the people I talked to were against the proposal in its current form.

I now live in on the west coast of Ireland which experiences very similar weather as Lewis. There are several wind farms along the coast, the difference being that the number of turbines would usually be no larger than 10. There has been little or no objection to these local farms and although they are prominant on the hills people have got used to them.

I believe if smaller, local schemes of 6 to 10 turbines were proposed for the Western Isles there would be a lot less objection. But obviously there wouldn't be the same gravy train/kickbacks for landowners, contractors, haulage firms etc etc