* Posts by Sheridan Williams

4 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Mar 2008

Elderly Bletchley Park volunteer sacked for showing Colossus exhibit to visitors

Sheridan Williams

Re: Appalling!

It's only £2 to see Colossus or £5 for the whole National Museum of Computing. You can visit this without paying £15 to see B Park.

Sheridan Williams

Visit The National Museum of Computing for only £5

It's only £2 to see Colossus or £5 for the whole National Museum of Computing. You can visit this without paying £15 to see B Park.

Sheridan Williams

Visiting The National Museum of Computing

It's only £2 to see Colossus or £5 for the whole National Museum of Computing. You can visit this without paying £15 to see B Park.

TNMOC takes over 5,000 students a year to see its museum, you are welcome here of course.

BBC Micro creators meet to TRACE machine's legacy

Sheridan Williams

Bletchley Park

As Rob says, I founded BEEBUG together with Lee Calcraft in 1982. Amazingly from a single small advertisement in Personal Computer World ( a magazine I contributed to for many years) over 10,000 people joined Beebug in just 2 months. Many had not even got the BBC Micro they ordered yet. Beebug grew to over 30,000 subscribers and lobbied Acorn to improve its service to its customers.

I have since retired and am helping out at the National Museum of Computers (http://www.tnmoc.co.uk) at Bletchley Park. I urge people to visit the museum not only to see working BBC Micros, Apples, ZX80, Amstrads Superbrains etc. but also the amazing Colossus rebuild. Colossus was the world’s first electronic computers, beating the American’s ENIAC by several years.

Sheridan Williams