* Posts by mo

4 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Feb 2008

Feds bat for Boeing in rendition lawsuit



Rendition = The capture (and ownership) of political opponents or suspected terrorists by the United States government, and their removal to countries where the torture, rape, and/or prisoner abuse are legally permitted or overlooked

The State is all powerful, able to dictate its own terms, with no discussion except on its terms. Nothing matters, people who might see something wrong are 'Conspiracy Theorists'!!

The State is flying 'non-people' into 'no law' zones to torture them and claiming this is acceptable.

Email trail from navy man to London 'terror' site goes fuzzy


Funny if not so dangerous

It is funny that this sort of thing happens and there appears to be no one responsible for it.

Who is reponsible for creating this climate of paranoia and fear and who directs the arrests, and snooping?

Anything goes so long as the US State and its allies can continue to reduce liberty and freedom at home (habeous corpus), and bring foreign 'nations' under its 'democratic' boot. Today its an 'arab', tomorow it will be anyone the State decides is an enemy, even a white American. Too much State power which is extended into all areas of the life of individuals always leads to State terror and tyranny. The French Revolution is the archetype...it produced the Terror, and its Counter Terror genocide killing hundreds of thousands, including women, children and babies, all brought about through Assembly politics and the "Committee of Public Safety"

Boffin shortage will blight Blighty's prosperity


Modern economics

Capitalist states are not capitalist free markets and along a continuum they come closer to socialism than they do to true free markets.

People like Freidman and Hayek adopted by Mrs Thatcher (rolling back the State), was rhetoric only...there are still massive payments to the corporations. The US is basically a war economy, using Cold War and now the 'war on terror' to give massive payouts to corporations to fund R&D in war which have spin offs in the market. Universities have links to businesses and arms manufacture.

Hayek was probably given wealth by people who wanted to use his rhetoric to reduce welfare to the poor, not welfare to the rich.

Sceintists need to critically know about their position, who they are working for, what they are helping produce and how (politics and sociology), a narrow technical specialism which simply creates a technical person who knows how to produce the end product (possibly a WMD) without any idea of the big picture and how they help re-produce concentrations of private power, is a weakness.

PhDs in science are too narrow and they produce a technically proficient person who is unbalanced and a 'whore' who sells his/her services to the highest bidder no matter what destruction they create.

Sadam and the US/UK States have plenty of PhDs who help them make weapons and probably helped produce the Internet as a commerical spin off (is this really a good thing?).



Just another report encouraging the State to interfere with the labor market and to spend more money so that the universities can benefit?

Why not stop taxing us and leave us alone to pay for our own education? How is that for a revolutionary idea? How come professors who work for the State at Universities never recommend less State power? Less taxation?