* Posts by James

5 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jan 2008

Will your mobile squeal to the police?



"there is a limit to how often Flash can be written, so the OS will avoid overwriting things for as long as possible"

Wouldn't the wear leveling algorithm always try to save information in the place that had been used the least?


Exactly. Which area has been used the least number of times: one with existing data that needs to be 'overwritten' (written >= 1nce) or one without (i.e. blank, written == 0)?

CERN completes 'world’s largest jigsaw puzzle'


That's no moon...


Go Han, go!

US cruiser nails crippled spy-sat on first shot


RE: Momentum?

"Maybe I'm being a bit dense here, but if the pieces of the broken satellite carried on the original trajectory, why would they lose orbit so quickly after being hit? Surely it couldn't have lost so much momentum for most of the pieces to lose orbit so quickly?"

As far as I'm aware, the original satellite was losing speed / altitude due to atmospheric drag. The smaller sized remains of the satellite would have a higher surface-area:mass ratio, and would lose speed / altitude rather quicker.

Thigh-drive phone charger put through its paces



As far as I understand, your body is using energy to both 'push off' and take a step, as well as to stop your body collapsing to the floor at the end of a step. This device 'helps' the leg with this second part, absorbing some of the energy for itself.

You are still putting in the same energy when taking the step, but you are doing less work 'removing' that energy at the end. Kinda like adding gravitational potential and removing it each time your body takes a step; this device assists the removal of it. IANA expert in gait analysis, however.

Dell's Soviet style two-year plan results in fresh blade servers


dell.com: Product Details

"One of the only blade solutions with an integrated KVM switch"
