* Posts by Gray

560 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jan 2008


Know what Ferguson city needs right now? It's not Anonymous doxing random people


Re: Ahh, vigilante "justice"

Don't assume that the alleged "death threats" are real. Consider the source. The Ferguson chief made that allegation, but he also gave an incomplete account of the fatal confrontation that has been totally refuted by eyewitness accounts from three separate witnesses, each from a different vantage point, and two of which were within very close proximity at the time of the shooting.

It's noteworthy that neither the Ferguson PD or the St. Louis county prosecutor's office has seen fit to recognize or take statements from those three witnesses; but have chosen instead to discredit at least one by implying "he ran away" and thus cannot be taken seriously.

Credible death threats? ... apparent cover-up motivations to date suggest otherwise.

And what is the excuse for failing to release documents which are available upon demand according to Missouri state law, immediately upon completion ... most importantly, the officer's incident report. Why is all of the information being suppressed and public documents being withheld?

The majority population of Ferguson, MO historically have absolutely no reason to trust or believe their police authorities. Why do some outside observers then take the "death threat" statement of an obviously frightened and incompetent police chief as gospel truth?

CIA super-spy so sorry spies spied on Senate's torture scrutiny PCs


No possible foundation of trust

In a climate of lies, there is no foundation of trust. The very air one breathes in Washington, DC reeks of dishonesty, deception, and hypocrisy. There is no foundation of trust remaining in that cesspit of corruption and dissolution. What a pathetic end for us.

Carlos: Slim your working week to just three days of toil


Double yer pleasure, double yer pain

The author asserts: "It would also help governments cope with populations that are both ageing and living longer, by keeping people in the workforce – and therefore in the taxpayer population – for longer."

Ummm ... maybe for the gov't employees, but I doubt it. At least from a US view, the point ain't to keep people in the workforce. It's to get rid of 'em ... as many and as soon as possible. And the only way US corporates are gonna pay full-time wages for three days work is if each workday is 15 hours long! But that ain't happen' nor will it happen.

Took a drive away from our tiny island today to the mainland shoppin' burg. Saw lots of "Help Wanted" signs posted about. No, Frieda ... it ain't that the US economy is pickin' up and the corporates are hirin' again ... it's the result of the latest employment practice. Nobody gets more than 12 workin' hours per week, paid at minimum wage rates. So each full-time "job slot" takes three people to fill it. Yes, that means three times more people are workin' than before, but three times more are slowly starvin' than before. Nobody's making a livin' wage under the new paradigm.

So, Mister Lottabux sez we kin look forward to workin' a three-day week! That's perfect for the US economy, cuz it means we kin work two jobs, and still have one day off to mow the boss's lawn, take his laundry to the cleaners, ferry his kids to their activities, and still have time to wax his limo.

Progress, ain't it grand!

Nadella: Yes I can put 2 THINGS FIRST. I will say them at the same time – CLOUDOBILE


Wet, cold, and blind.

Honestly ... a CEO tossing around terms like his product ties together the "artifacts" of people's lives; the cloud becomes a "backplane" of identity management and security; the place we will truly shine will be around "insights”; and we want to "stimulate the entire ecosystem.”

Really? This is the shining future of America's largest software house? The cutting edge of computing brilliance? This ... this deluge of drivel? This bullshit?

Ever been inside a cloud? At ground level we call it fog!

Perhaps this mentality is the reason MS has insisted that Windows 8 truly does offer an enhanced user experience. They cannot perceive reality in the fog.

Seattle TV news last evening noted that as many as ten percent of the Microsofties could face layoffs, and the region is bracing for the impact. A video clip featured an MS executive promising the great opportunity facing the displaced workers: he assured the TV audience that the region will see a new wave of entrepreneurs, new business startups, new developers, and a whole new upsurge in individual opportunity and enterprise.

Fog. Wet and cold. Blind.

Listen: WORST EVER customer service call – Comcast is 'very embarrassed'

Big Brother

Re: Not surprising

"and may well factor into their decision about who their next ISP might be – if they have any choice at all.

CHOICE?? What effing choice! As others have pointed out, here in the US there is no choice. In our community, Comcast has the local municipal franchise and others are locked out. There is absolutely no recourse ... except dial-up ... bwaaahaahaha ... competition?

The tape is only a small indicator of the contempt Corporate America shows the consumer.

FCC commish: We don't need no steenkin' net neutrality rules


Silly twats!

Yer just don't get it, do yers ... as the Chairman of a once mighty US auto builder once said (back in a day when his hubris was soundy criticized as being a touch too arrogant):

"What's good for [insert name of corporation] is good for [insert name of nation]!"

Shirley all that goodness can't be wrong, right?

German government orders local CIA station chief to pack his bags


Re: A pretty restrained response ...

@ AC: That would be all well & good, had not great journalists already revealed that not only did Obama's mum meet Obama's dad at the CIA Russian language school in Hawaii but some further claim that President Obama himself learned Pushtu and was meeting Mujahideen in Pakistan/Afghanistan in 1981.

Omigawd! Do you mean! "Barry" Hussein Obama is ... he is ... ohmigawd HE is the CALIPH?

wHO'd a THunK iT!


A pretty restrained response ...

Consider that the NSA was exposed by Snowden for monitoring Ms. Merkel's cell phone ... along with other rude silliness ... and now we've the one-two punch of two CIA plants dug out of her government.

I'd say she'll agree to a new CIA station chief on the proviso they send someone competent, and if they're going to plant spies, try to certify their competence as well ... just to avoid the embarrassment of on-going exposure, you know? Oh ... and an iron-clad promise that the NSA won't be planting any video peeps in her bathroom.

Meanwhile, back in the US, the CIA Director neglected to inform Pres. Obama that Merkel had rooted out the spies, and Obama was on the phone to her, asking for cooperation with some thing or another, totally unaware that she was steaming from both ears.

Obama should call the CIA Director to a private meet & greet, to open with an acceptance of the Director's letter of resignation and followed by a bum's rush out the back door.

But it won't happen.

None of it.

No competent director; no accomplished spies; no resignation.

Oh well, back to war with ... ISIL? the Levant? the Caliphate? Syria? Iran? Everybody?

Has that new Federal Reserve bond sale gone through yet?

(Hey! Don't blame me ... I'm just a U.S. taxpayer. I'm not in the loop!)

Global protest calls for canning SOPA-by-stealth treaty's IP bits


Turning blue in the face ...

... holding my breath waiting for that to happen.

"Thankfully, US President Obama recently suggested that the TPP's text will be released to the public in November."

Today's Facebook fury: Coppertone-like baby pic ban baffles US mom


Only corporations and governments allowed ...

If there is no resolution of the "post here, violate the law there" problem ... then as the world grows increasingly contentious it will be too dangerous for the average citizen to express themselves freely on the 'net, in text or image. In one extreme example, a fictional online story involving sexual activity between two consenting persons under the age of 18 is legal in the US, but illegal in parts of Australia. The author could be charged and prosecuted. Or an unflattering depiction of Mohammed in relation to fanatical believers could result in a fatwa of death.

Only governments and corporations could defend against such responses. An average bloke? Not a chance.

Perhaps this was the intended result all along ... the 'net is entirely too dangerous to leave in the hands of the citizens,

Snowden leaks latest: NSA, FBI g-men spied on Muslim-American chiefs


Re: Muslim-Americans?

It's pure bullshit! The use of the hyphenated xxx-American is totally intended to diminish the standing of the person/group so labeled. Otherwise, the appropriate label would be simply, "American."

America is a racist nation. Even our vehement denial of racism confirms the fact. Every non-caucasian person must needs be labeled to establish their place in the hierarchy, i.e., "Native" American, "African" American, "Jewish" American, "Muslim" American, and so on. To say this is not pejorative labeling is to say that segrated schools truly offered "equal" education to all.

One interesting experiment I've conducted in recent times is to enquire of my fellow citizens: "Do you think it appropriate that a Muslim should be elected President?" I'll leave the responses to your fertile imagination.

And of course, the NSA/FBI/et al are playing on these racist phobias in their labeling and monitoring. The scorpions cannot deny their nature.

NSA dragnet mostly slurped innocents' traffic

Big Brother

Too numb to care any longer ...

"... we are SO screwed."

Yes. But at the same time the American public is so enervated by endless revelations of privacy abuses that our screwing seems to be little more than a fait accompli.

Windows 7, XP and even Vista GAIN market share again


Re: 'Windows 9'

==> "One shall leave it up to the community to speculate what that title may be."

Ummm ... Windows Hit

Say that really fast a few times and see how it tastes.


Re: MS should have

yeh ... so the shiny new laptop must needs have a touch screen ... and what do I do with that heavy, clunky keyboard portion hangin' down from the screen? Take a set of shears and hack it off so's all I got to grab and fondle is the screen?

It seemed so logical to expect a touch-screen OS fer poke n' tickle slabs, and a keys-pointer OS fer regular gear ... until MS decided otherwise. Piss on 'em ... it's actually a MS marketing move to force all consumers to buy a monthly subscription package for slabs connected to the MS cloud.


Re: Ol' Grumpy

Mebbe it could be that the "Penguinistas" don't fancy getting into some silly-arsed contest to "make a step change"? Those who can discern the need for something different will make a self-informed choice; the others are perhaps better left alone. Go stir the shite in some other pot.

HOLD THE FRONT PAGE: US govt backs mass spying by US govt


Take it seriously?

Of course the report finds the government program to be useful and without fault. The State is not concerned with the security of the people. The State is concerned with the security of the State.

It is what it is.

Chromebook Pixel owners' promised free data plans being prematurely axed


It is what it is ...

Leopards with stripes? Zebras with spots? Panthers in pink tights? Scorpions with sugar tits?

C'mon, people! It's in the accepted gaming realm of political lies, party platforms, and a job waiting to be filled for every citizen who wishes to crawl out of the shelter, stand up, and make something of themselves ... right? These are deceptions and baldfaced lies and anybody who expects promises made in an advertising sales pitch to actually be honored is seriously maladjusted. Seriously. Next thing you know, you'll demand that Verizon apologize for delivering less than promised connection speeds and offer to refund a portion of the monthly fee ... about the time scorpions grow sugar tits in place of their stingers ... or there's a shortage of lawyers to sympathize over yer rights bein' bent.

FCC to spend $2 BEEELLION to install Wi-Fi in US schools


So you'd prefer to do without?

@ Preston:

So your premise is that your electric grid, your telephone, water, sewer, garbage, and all the other utilities are bollocks up because they are public utilities with varying degrees of goverment rules. My point is that you'd be pretty unhappy if you had no electric grid, telephone, internet, or the rest because the private providers didn't think you & your neighbors profitable enough to service, while at the same time lobbying your pols to forbid you from banding together cooperatively to provide it for yourselves.

I lived in a high mountain county in the western US that didn't get electric service until the 1960's, telephone service until the 1970's and television via high mountain repeaters until the 1980's, all because "private" providers couldn't be bothered to make the investment to extend their services. It took the government and low-interest loans and authorizations via the REA (Rural Electrification Act) to enable several thousand people resident in that county to do for themselves what private corporations were completely unwilling to do. And those same corporations fought the REA, the loans, and the rural cooperatives tooth and nail the whole time, calling the loans and the cooperatives "anti-competitive" socialism.

That same area now has a degree of broadband via the local telephone REA cooperative via fiber-optic cables that were laid throughout that state via another socialist program.

Try to understand both sides, rather than being a knee-jerk anti-government ass.


Nice that they're thinking of us, but ...

So those of us who live in the sticks 'n boonies will have to haul our laptop down to the library (assuming we still have one within twenty miles) or to the school parking lot (distance ditto, thanks to on-going rural school consolidation) to access the new FCC-subsidized broadband? Actually, it would be nice if they simply took a lesson from history and declared internet access services to be a public utility! Under those rules, similar to electric and telephone and such, if a private corporation wishes to make money serving an area, they are obligated to offer service to everyone in that area ... and not just cherry-pick the choicest clusters and bugger-all the rest! And if a private corporation doesn't want to get involved at all, the the Rural Electrification Act made low-interest loans available so ruralites could form their own cooperative. But first, we'd have to cut through all the slag that's arisen to make locally-generated community internet provisions all but illegal! Mayhaps FCC could look at that issue while they're feeling altruistic with our tax money.

As for that 2 Billion $$ over the next two years? Forget that ... the US is going back to war in Iraq/etc. and we're going to need that money to bribe the mullahs and the warlords.

Congress passes crackdown on NSA surveillance


Putting a caution on the NSA secret budget

It makes about as much sense as putting a dog collar on the pig to keep it from rooting around in the potato patch.

(Maybe it makes sense to the swineherders ... ?)

That's no plane wreck, that's a Google Wi-Fi balloon


Perhaps some sound signals as it came down ...

Thinking back on the nostalgic days of dialup modems and the lovely cacaphony of squeals, buzzs, snarls, pops, growls, hisses and whinging connection sounds ... those same sounds emitted from a loudspeaker as the cluster-pod plummeted to earth would be an appropriate signal that ... while all may not be well, it is not a life-threatening event ... unless you're standing under it, looking up ... waiting for a connection, maybe ??

Microsoft: NSA security fallout 'getting worse' ... 'not blowing over'


Entirely too simple?

"We have tightened the rules. Our agencies respect the new rules. Trust US."

Ayup. Trust regained. As simple as that.

Assange™ makes fresh bid for FREEDOM from Scotland Yard's 'physical encirclement'


Re: Met Plod Plodding a Crooked Furrow with a Nice Cushy Earner ... Well, it aint dangerous, is it*?

We Merikins invite Jules Assunge to Merika via our Sweedish satellite subserviants ... in the spirit of US prosecution 95% plea bargain efficiencies he is offered Door #1, lethal injection in the left arm, or in uproariously good spirit of accomodation, Door #2, lethal injection in the right arm. If this don't suit there is the option of the world-renowned Oklahoma "groin" injection replete with fumble-fingered needle probing and vein blowout. (Can youse Briti'cans spell 'deturrint'? We get hardly no repeat offenders!)

Oh, but wait ... ! It involves Merikin national security secrets! Sorry, but that's a secret court, secret evidence, secret verdict, secret imprisonment and permanently sealed records. Bye-bye boy-o! T'was nice knowin' ye!

Justice? Bwa-haaa-ha-ha do we got justice. Send 'im on over!

Come off it, Moon, Earth. We know you're 60 million years older than we thought


Here we have this loverly sandbox, and you don't want us old farts playin' innit?


Re: But the earth is only 6 thousand years old

Ayup ... 6,000 years, give or take a few days ... as more than a few of the US 'Tea Party' pols (including the one that heads up the House of Reps Science Committee) will affirm ... and as for that round object in the image accompanying this article? All them 'round' pix from NASA are falsified photoshop propaganda pieces. The world is, and always has been, flat ... the oceans don't run off the sides cuz the Good Lord said they mustn't. Now, about that stupid 'big bang' thing ...

Snowden's Big Brother isn't as Orwellian as you'd think


Not gonna happen

"Both the British and American governments should do much more to protect whistleblowing..."

Ayup, they should. They won't.

Office, IE and Windows in line for critical fixes from Redmond


After all this time ...

... if they cannot fix that malware swamp called Windows OS (how many years do these security gaps exist before patches arrive?) then rational thought might demand that they back away from Windows 8/8.1 ... fall back to restore Windows 7 ... and concentrate on FIXING what they inflicted on their paying market! Perhaps after another few years, Redmond could focus on something for the fondle-slab market.

Snowden never blew a whistle, US spy boss claims


No public trial; no public evidence

As Snowden himself pointed out in the NBC interview Wednesday evening on US television, he would be tried under the terms of the espionage act, which would essentially be a secret trial. The prosecution evidence, the testimony, everything in the trial would be classified and concealed from public view. The transcripts and proceedings would be sealed and never declassified. Only the inevitable fact of his conviction would be announced. Also, given the sensitive nature of his situation, it would be reasonable to expect he'd be held in solitary confinement, isolated in an undisclosed location with no hope of parole or judicial review for life.

Secretary Kerry's assertion that Snowden return to face a fair trial is a brazen propaganda deception. He fully understands the implication and application of the espionage act provisions.


We invite you to meet with us

As a previous American government said to Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce nation, "We have considered your objections, and we invite you to the fort for a review of the issues."

How about printing your electricity?


Re: umm, no

Also include the ancillary costs of compliance for US here in everyone-is-free-land: zoning and home-owner association permit fees for rooftop installations; home-inspection fees for same; public utility metering fees; annual fire & safety inspection fees for rooftop/interface/storage systems; quarterly tax filings for metered income-equivalency earnings; city/county/state impact fees (infrastructure amelioration and in-lieu of tax payments legislation); and so on.

Don't be trying to evade $$ owing to the established regulatory scheme of things.

Senate decides patent reform is just too much work, waves white flag


A reminder of relative powers

Arguing for reform, or for change to patent terms/limits, or for US elected officials to honor the nation and its citizens ... is totally ineffective. It is wishful, delusional thinking at best.

The ability to sway elections and field armies of lobbyists is a function of ca$h ... rivers of it.

Regard: two brothers inherit an oil business and mushroom it into a $150 Billion oil and industrial empire. Consider that each brother has $5 Billion in personal, liquid capital at hand. Let's break that down to something we peasants can relate to: $5,000 in pocket.

One brother donates $23 to a national public broadcasting network. When a film producer arrives with an unflattering documentary film about one of the brothers, the network decides not to air the film, ostensibly to avoid offending a major contributor. The brother still has $4,977 in pocket.

Both brothers are upset at political trends in the nation, and decide to create and fund a counter-balancing movement, donating $150 each. One brother still has $4,827 in pocket; the other, $4,850. The wrong political party is still functioning, so the two brothers pull out all stops and each agrees to up the ante. They pony up $250 each, for a $500 massive nation-wide media and lobbying campaign. This still leaves each brother with more than $4,500 in pocket.

A long-time political consultant to the brothers convinces them that a more effective way of realizing their political objective is to focus on the states, and their legislative bodies. This might even require a commitment of as much as $500 from each brother, bringing their cash in pocket down to $4,000 each ... 80% of their original "walking around" money.

See where this is going? We peasants simply cannot fathom what a Billion dollars really is, but if you break it down to mentally-recognizable numbers, it starts to illustrate the ability of the truly wealthy among us ... the Oligarchs ... to use their wealth as a weapon against us. And given the massive, literally inexhaustible bulk of that wealth, we will lose our democracy long, long before they run out of pocket money.

Thus, we are shocked! Simply SHOCKED when a US politician finds a coward's way of doing his Master's bidding ... and we are simply pissing into the wind as we wish something different could happen other than having it blow back in our face.

Microsoft walks into a bar. China screams: 'Eww is that Windows 8? GET OUT OF HERE'


For the Chinese, MS offers Win7?


'Microsoft Research slides' show touch-enabled Office - report


Re: I'm guessing whomever came up with this....

I'm convinced it's a matter of arrogance ... pure, unrestrained arrogance, if not thinly veiled contempt for the user. I first experienced this years ago with programmers who could not be bothered to a) step back and fix bugs, rather than charge ahead with yet-another "cool feature" and b) pressing ahead with change for the sake of change, because of a general "if it works, it's boring!" attitude. That, coupled with an impatient disregard for documenting their product, made the user experience more frustrating than productive.

Corporate interests are better served by all of the above (bug hunting is costly, documentation is an expensive, shifting target, and change for change sake keeps sales churning. Besides all that, mega-corp is a monopoly and the customer is locked in ... so who should give a flying freck about user concerns?

US negotiators in Singapore to unblock TPP negotiations


Re: The Best Solution: Kill TPP And Serve The Citizens Instead

"These clowns have ruined my country, the USA."

Yes ... well, that's the problem, isn't it? It's not their country ... they are multinational. If they should ever feel the need to flee the sinking ship, they (the oligarchs) have got private island estates and corporate jets to fly them there. Problem solved.


No surprises

A secret text, the focus of a closed-door negotiation process involving confidential efforts by undisclosed participants arguing unresolved powers to be granted private corporations exercising behind-the-scenes threats against unrevealed government economic and trade policies, affecting an electorate kept in the dark and excluded from the process ...

... how silly of anyone to be concerned. Anyone heard anything from Davos lately?

Latest Snowden leak claims NSA bugged ALL mobile calls in the Bahamas


oorah!! for the Job Creators!!

"... data processing for such information has been outsourced to US firm General Dynamics, which signed an eight-year, $51m contract with the NSA for the job."

There is hope yet for the lackluster recovery of the U.S. economy ... there's hundreds of new jobs there, and think of all the new construction jobs in the Utah desert when NSA finds themselves obliged to increase the size of their new mammoth data storage site. Yes, dear, we'll need those new jobs to pay the taxes to pay for those ginormous new data-harvesting contracts ... but that's not the point, is it?

Cisco's Chambers to Obama: Stop fiddling with our routers


No such agency

"There is no such agency that would be engaged in no such activity involving no such product for no such surveillance program in no such authorized fashion if any such authorization in fact had been contemplated, possible, or authorized ... "

Letter stamped "Return to Sender: Addressee Unknown"

Adobe blames 'maintenance failure' for 27-hour outage


Do not touch the switch ...

Adobe said: "We have identified the root cause of this failure and are putting standards in place to prevent this from happening again."

Umm.Hmmm. Taped a note over the switch on the panel: "Do NOT touch this switch (again)!"

There ... that fixed it.

EFF blows Snapchat a raspberry in gov't surveillance report


Re: Seems unblanced

Unbalanced ... no kidding! I run three blocking plugins in the browser -- noscript, ghostery, and adblock plus -- and every website has one or as many as a dozen Google reporting scripts that need blocking. Google is like a virus, contaminating everything that touches the web, fer crissakes!

Freck you, Google! And the slimy tendril you crept in on!!

Graphics pros left hanging as Adobe Creative Cloud outage nears 24 hours


Re: SaaS

And they did apologize!

(bwaaaa-haaa-ha-ha ... and they'll do it again the next time, ya betcha!)

Republicans turn up heat on FCC over net neutrality push


Re: Wake up Americans

Really, it is too late. America is divided in a political civil war. We've already suffered $40 Billion in senselessly imposed "sequester" cuts, with more massive cuts to social and regulatory programs coming. There's a good chance the Republicans will capture a Senate majority in November, giving them control of both Houses of Congress. When that happens, there will be a political bloodbath. President Obama will need a fistful of pens and late-night veto-signing sessions to limit the damage ... but that will be like trying to hold back the flood of G.O.P. insanity with a napkin.

As for "net neutrality" ... anything that smacks of public social interest is anathema to Boehner and his intemperate hordes of Tea-Party fanatics. And half of the American electorate cheer them on.

It will be something to see when the new Republican congress tries to wrest health insurance away from over 11 million newly-insured citizens under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Now THAT will be a political bloodbath!

Iranian hacktivists move into hardcore hacking against West, dissidents


Not just "dissidents," but religious minorities ...

Iran has an on-going, savage campaign of religious suppression, denying civil rights and judicial protections to their citizens who hold religious beliefs outside the state-sanctioned variant of Islam. Most egregious suppression, including seizure of property, exclusion from education, prohibitions against employment, denial of burial in any cemetery, imprisonment, mob-incited beatings, lynchings, and state-ordered death sentences, have accelerated in recent years against the fragmented Iranian Baha'i community. It is not surprising, then, that state-sponsored internet hacking would be conducted both within and without Iran as a campaign against that regime's perceived enemies.

A great fear of any repressive regime is the ability of the suppressed to find support and succor through the cracks of their prison walls.

Get BENT: Flexy supercapacitor breaks records


Re: Woven carbon-graphene shorts ...

Than again ... it might jolt loose a few of those pesky kidney stones?


Woven carbon-graphene shorts ...

Holy electron, Batman! That's a pretty awesome flux capacitor yer sparkin' there!

Windows XP market share decline stalls, Mac OS X surges


An obvious embarrassment

From this tiny corner of the world, the weekend sales flyers from the big box stores no longer show the gaudy tiles of Windows 8/8.1 on the screens of featured computers. One has to get out the Sherlock Holmes magnifying lens to even find "Windows 8.1" in the advert text! Visits to the local office supply outlet, or to WalMart's electronic section reveals the display computers gathering dust.

The graph shows that XP still has 2.15X the share of Win8/8.1 combined! ... 12.24 for the 8's, versus 26.29 for XP. That's gotta be a helluva an embarrassment for MS, after all the time they've been pimping Win8, and threatening XP users with apocalyptic disaster.

It also shows that the percentage of Win7 dropped in Jan-Feb, but has surged back, from a former high of 47.52 percent, and now shooting for 50 percent at 49.27, and still climbing. This is despite the fact that MS stopped all sales of Win7 dead in the water ... so it's supposed to be a bragging point that Win8/8.1 is creeping up on Win7?

One other observation: a local hole-in-the-wall computer shop is flying a huge banner across his storefront: "Windows 7 Here!"

Amazon granted patent for taking photos against a white background – seriously


Re: IP Gold Rush + US global enforcement of IP = Perfect Storm of stupidity

"The beast must be stopped."

Probably too late. The shift of capital has become a tsunami. America is now an oligarchy, no longer a democracy. Not to bemoan a young Croesus their inherited wealth, but their families control the boards of all major multi-national corporations and to protect their holdings, they now control the US government.

So the US Patent Office rubber-stamps corporate patent applications. It will stifle innovation, eliminate small developers, and ensure that only the titans of patent inventory will rule ...

Well, my golly, if a few hundred million PAC-bux here, and a few thousands of Washington lobbyists there can't convince the government to see things in a favorable light ... well, then ... one might just as well retire to the yacht and drive a few golf balls off the sun deck!

Anonymous develops secure data over ham radio scheme

Thumb Down

Sorry to spoil the fun, but ...

the stodgy old FCC has no sense of humo[u]r about certain things.

First, unlicensed use of the radio spectrum brings fines that run $10,000 and up, on a per-day basis at their discretion. If the violations become sufficiently public/egregious, they will take enforcement action.

Second, any form of encrypted communications over the amateur bands (ham radio) is absolutely forbidden by long-standing regulation. FCC has even less sense of humo[u]r about this violation. In fact, any private _business or commercial_ communication is forbidden on the amateur frequencies. Grab a handbook and read the rules.

It's pretty certain this article's suggested techniques will get an extremely negative reaction in FCC-land. (And yes, they DO have triangulation equipment, and a great volunteer amateur radio group that will hunt and locate violators purely for the sport of it.)

Gray ==> licensed Ham since 1962

Microsoft forms 'Special Projects' black ops team


Re: Surely this is just Microsoft Research under a different name?

Given that Google is developing the self-driving automobile, it seems prescient to expect Microsoft, in its panic to capture mobile market share, to embark on a stroke-and-stroll research technology reminiscent of the Monty Python concept of Silly Walks. Fondle them here, there, everywhere (beware open manholes). Aha: something suitable for Windows 8.x.x)

AOL confirms security breach from spam attack


Re: Weary, yes, definitely, but...

Ummm ... yeh, that too ... but the original warning was "to be weary of" ... which loosely translated could be taken to mean "damned sick and tired" of all this crap.

Lessee ... fountain pen, writing tablet, envelopes ...

"Hey, wife, where the 'ell did you put that packet of postage stamps?!"

Microsoft puffs up OneDrive, now with 1TB per head for biz users


Re: $5/month/user

But my wife's firm has all of their (her) data stored in the Microsoft server facilities in Ireland ... not in the U.S. ... therefore safe from the U.S. Gov't grasping clutches .... oh, wait ... drat!!!

Where'd we put that terabyte external drive ...
