* Posts by ImaGnuber

300 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jan 2008


US will sky spy-sat to eye spy-sats




US student planned to ice Chuck Norris



Ok forget the damn kid. This is much better.

Paris Hilton

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance is just a method for avoiding the necessity of thought and judgement and therefore responsibility.

NASA gets intimate with Phobos


Love it

Love these robot craft. So much more interesting than watching an astronaut do still another weightless backflip or some anonymous figure in a space suit floating around with Earth in the background.

Yeah, I know. Weird that those events have become so mundane*.

*Deliberate choice of word.

Metal Storm reveals pocket bunker-buster test outcome

Black Helicopters


Dodge might be feeling like he's been cluster-bombed but he did provoke some interesting comments.

The black helicopter because, well, I like helicopters.



"But hey ho, it was the Uk's superior firepower that won that battle...Oh hold on, no it was a bunch of tree hugging civillians, who deicided enough was enough and sat down and talked it through"

Well, no. The IRA was thoroughly infiltrated and it became apparent that attempts at aggression were being effectively countered by not so gentle men with nasty weapons, not to mention the quiet assassinations etc.

Effective talks were not possible until the aggressive ability of one side was neutralised by the other - by less than gentle means.

"To call people who oppose war tree huggers, is a very sad reflection on society."

Actually it's a reflection of the often human-hating, often unrealistic, and frequently violent behaviour of the 'tree huggers' themselves. They managed to turn their own 'movement' into an insult.

"It's not the weapons that kill, it's the assholes that start the wars."

Agreed. And until the world is free of assholes we had better keep working on our ability to defend ourselves.


Oh get over it

Oh dear, end of a long day...

It would be nice to see all the bleeding-heart think-of-the-children BS artists live up to their ideals and refuse to participate in or use the products of the military death-tech industry... in other words - Get Off The Internet! That's right - remember Arpanet? Or as it would be known today - Darpanet? The (successful) effort to create a military network capable of surviving all out war? Now known as the Internet?

I used to be one of you - until I woke up one day and realised that all the pretty, heart-felt yapping had absolutely nothing to do with the real world. Nothing. The arms race has been the way of the world since some monkey threw the first rock. Get over it.

Can't we just live in peace? No, apparently not (see other comment section regarding the acceptability of assaulting someone over lost luggage for a nice example of crap behaviour on a micro-scale).

Be prepared.

And let's send our soldiers out there with the most deadly weapons we can invent.

Don't want to see or hear about it? Close your eyes, cover your ears, and dance around singing 'Give Peace a Chance' etc.

Oh wait a minute... for all practical purposes you're already doing that.


@dodge et al

Right - 'death machines'. We'll send you into battle with an eco-friendly stick then? Oh no, wait... that might involve cutting down or maiming a tree.

It's the world we live in and as much as I would like to see that aspect of it change it isn't going to.

Don't like the stories? Don't read them. Why did you read this one... do you sit and watch television programs on subjects you don't like or approve of and then complain about them? Oh, judging by your actions here, I suspect you do.

To paraphrase: Dodge, you may get a hard-on from disapproving, but please do remember that it's used to BORE PEOPLE.

Like it or not, the tech is often ingenious and interesting.

IPS wants ID card service pilots


Nasty Future

Unfortunately this seems like a perfect training ground for grassroots rebellion. Here the gov tried to increase cig taxes gradually (boiling the frog) and ended up teaching more and more previously law-abiding (or rather law-obeying) people how easy it was to circumvent the law as bootleg cigarette operations sprang into existence. This little industry grew each time taxes went up and is now massive and associated with gun and drug smuggling.

They would be better off with a blizkrieg approach denying access to anything without a card rather than allowing people to gradually build up an alternate infrastructure.

They don't seem to have the technical skills for this so look forward to a more and more lawless society.

Naomi Campbell banned from BA flights


@David Wiernicki

You're quite right, of course. If someone was attacking or about to attack a child, any child, I would have no problem with 'settling' them down. The same goes if someone attacks me - that's called self-defense. And I will assist others in defending themselves. However, to return to the specific context - lost luggage? Or anything else as trivial (relatively speaking as in non-life-threatening)? And most things are that trivial even if they are sometimes extremely frustrating.

Adults might try behaving as adults. Character is proven in difficult times, not when the going is easy.



I can't believe the number of people who think there is any justification whatsoever for getting violent with someone who is NOT an immediate threat to your life. It's people like you who make life miserable for everyone else... not that you'd care.

Hint: I've worked in a couple of places where we occasionally had to deal with people like you. I can assure you that we would make enough of a fuss to make you think you were getting the treatment you 'deserve' and have 'paid for' and then do nothing. There were plenty of other more pleasant people we would rather be helping.

If I'd had to deal with your ravings over lost luggage (things go wrong - complain to management) I would make you feel as 'special' as you think you are and then ship your luggage to Paraguay.

Don't like the service? Go someplace else - please.


@Sarah Bee

Well, Sarah, if she has poor impulse control I don't want her on any plane I'm on.

"I think you're probably sub-human if you've never had the urge to have a go..."

Of course most of us will have had the urge but it's the sub-humans who won't control it - we humans manage to restrain ourselves (civil society and all that).

Now Sarah, put down that cell phone! Sarah! Sarah no!

Ouch! Good throw.

Jimmy Wales to chair World Economic Forum on the Middle East


Oh the Possibilities

"not necessarily any knowledge of the region - which he may or may not have."

Surely he will look it up in Wikipedia? Let's all start editing... could be hilarious!

Liverpudlians decapitate Ringo Starr


RE: Pathetic

And here I am thinking people were just having a bit of fun. Would expect the same in return if you knew my city (though of course none of it would be true!).



Liverpool celebration:

'Around the city in 80 Pints'

The MTV Music Awards

And for those who require a more elevated tone there is always, and I quote, "Gustav Klimt will be bringing the bling..."

That last one would have had me choking on my 'greaseburger'* if it was a bit later in the day.

*actually it would have been a Tim Horton's Doughnut as I'm in Canada.

Poor Britain. Where have the glory days gone?



"2008 European Capital of Culture"

I hope all those who criticise American culture are blushing.

Australia to restrict laser-pointers - Minister

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@Miami Mike

Well said, MM, well said!


Silly People

"six airliners approaching Sydney were compelled to alter their landing plans"

Too bad the Reg experts weren't there to assure them that there was no problem. Silly pilots and ground controllers don't know what they're doing - isn't that right, experts?

Check your brains - you'll probably find a little label saying something along the lines of 'should not operate heavy machinery'.

Mr. and Mrs. Boring sue Google over Street View pics

Black Helicopters


Anybody else suspect that many of those who are saying that the Borings shouldn't expect/don't deserve privacy are actually government/police employees trying to weaken expectations/demands for privacy from the general public?


Oh god I can't hear any helicopters must run... no no! Not the tas... aaargh!


if it had been an American police vehicle

@Elfoad Regfoad

"Yeah, because Britain is the only place with street CCTV... where do you live that's so surveillance-free?"


And I said "*relatively* surveillance-free streets". Compared to Britain which is now known as the most surveilled country in the world. How many cameras did they want just for the Olympics according to the Reg - 500,000 or something like that - and that's in addition to the millions they now have? Is there any other country in the world which is putting so much into surveilling its own population?

Of course Britain is so tiny you could drop it into a section of the province I live in (which is to Canada what Britain is to my province) so it's considerably easier over there.

Still, Britain does seem to be the west's lab for total surveillance experiments.

I repeat: "Think it through, sheeple. If the gov/police were doing this you would be livid." I think we can easily imagine what kind of comments would be showing up here if it had been an American police vehicle driving around taking photos of everyone's property. But it's google so lets just giggle and suggest anyone who objects is just silly.



Uh-oh. It just occurred to me that 'streetview' may just be a first step in preparing the North American population for a total surveillance society.

I for one welcome our GoogleStasi overlords. That silver 'Do no evil' pin looks great against your black shirt!

Success is assured as shown by the fact that several people have already reported possible infractions of the law based on your photos.

Mine's the one with the little lens poking through the buttonhole.


Oh it's google... OK then.

Ah the Streisand Effect - yep, better let those big ol' companies spit on your privacy (or whatever) because objecting will only get you more publicity and less privacy.

Yeah that makes sense. BigBiz is probably happy for your support.

I suppose it's a double whammy if you've got a name the chav-class techies will laugh at and use as part of their sarcastic dismissal of your concerns.

Think it through, sheeple. If the gov/police were doing this you would be livid.



Looked at google streetview for the first time today and I must admit I find it both interesting and a bit creepy . I can't imagine what it's like to live in Britain where government streetview is live all the time (even if only available to authorities).

I don't like anyone reading over my shoulder - don't know how I would react to someone living over my shoulder. I'm strong on law and order etc. but that might exceed my limit.

I'm off onto our relatively surveillance-free streets. My sympathies to all of you over there.

Ban using mobiles while crossing street, says US legislator



"Hopefully, evolution will set this right. Am not sure though, because most governments seem to legislating towards a "survival of the stupidest" policy."

I fear we *are* seeing evolution in action here. The development of civil society has allowed the stupid to sidestep natural selection and impose 'legislative selection' in an apparently successful move to multiply their own kind.

I'll get my coat - though there no longer seems to be anywhere to go to get away from these people.

Hmm... awfully cynical for a Saturday morning. My caffeine kickstart hasn't kicked in yet, I guess.


What next?

Nanny State.

It's a slippery slope - next thing you know you won't be allowed to use a phone while walking and we won't get to watch idiots walking into poles, slipping on doggy-doo...

Top cop: e-crime is the new drugs


@AC Re:Ima

"you ever dealt with any of the public services?"

Oh yes. I understand your sentiment. I just get tired of people whining about, or criticising, things you know they'd never do anything about.

Bitching is just useless noise in that situation.

Also there are some quite competent people in public service and some of them are police officers who would be quite open to competent help. I know - I've met them.

Perhaps it's different situation in your country... but I doubt it.

Paris Hilton

Here's your opportunity

"McMurdie suggested that the PCeU would benefit hugely from IT industry involvement, perhaps extending to staff on secondment from the tech biz."

So here is an opportunity for all the expert nay-sayers here to rush down there and tell them what should be done and how to do it.

Should I stand clear of the stampede?

Didn't think so.

Boeing's Honda-FCX-style fuel cell glider 'success'


Re: exercise bikes

Made me laugh.

"If you want to live, pedal faster you lazy bastards, pedal faster!"

Jules Verne mates with ISS


Admit it

Title: Jules Verne mates with ISS

Reason for Title: "Jules Verne’s docking probe was captured by the docking cone at the aft end of Russia’s Zvezda module "

tee hee giggle etc.

Long day, was it?

Aussie laser-pointer dazzle attacks on airliners: Bad



There has been frequent mention of the difficulty of aiming a 'hand-held' laser. Well, I have a camera intended to be used as a hand-held device. I guess it must be impossible for anyone to use it with a long lens (which magnifies the effect of an unsteady hand) because obviously no one would ever think of attaching it to a tripod to hold it steady.

And it is so difficult to use a telescope to find a particular star because no one has thought to invent a spotting scope. Oh, wait a minute...

Obviously no one would think of applying these methods to the problem under discussion... thank god all the malicious folks in the world are stupid.

Hmm... I guess I have to assume all these reports of security problems on the internet are bogus because they would require a level of intelligence that many writers seem to think is beyond the capability of malicious people!

Assuming that moral stupidity is a certain indication of general stupidity is... stupidity. Underestimating the intelligence of your opponent is always a stupid move.


Speed of light

Several references have been made regarding the difficulty of hitting a plane moving at several hundred mph. Aircraft speed is irrelevant. It's not as if you have to try to calculate the lead time necessary because of the length of time it takes the projectile - in this case light- to reach the target.

As to distance - I don't know about the situation there but where I am aircraft frequently make long low approaches. It's not as if they are little dots in the sky one minute and directly off the end of the runway the next.

A friend lives in an area where landing aircraft regularly bring conversations to a halt. You can practically count the rivets on the things.

This is an entirely plausible concern.

Pregnant man to hit Oprah with ultrasound


Where's the IT angle?

The IT angle lies in what is revealed about the tech/IT population (which, much to the chagrin of many, I'm sure, is a pretty good reflection of the general population).

There is the (too large) group which loves rules. They seem to have gravitated to IT because of it provides a psychologically safe haven (rule based life). They can be seen at User Groups etc. trying to impress each other with their knowledge of obscure little rules and their ability to apply them and their 'we're all in this together and against the idiots (any non-techie)' attitude. This group tends to be socially conservative (this surprised me when I started attending) though they're seldom aware of this. They are great for drudge work. You don't want them anywhere near designing user interfaces (users: idiots who don't know the rules).

Then there is the smaller group - those who were drawn by a sense of awe and wonder and possibility. They don't like rules - at least not those advocated by the general tech population. Perhaps it isn't so much that they don't like rules as that they see them at most as momentarily useful tools. If they are even aware of the rules. They tend to be very pragmatic. The Techie-drudge population see this group as somewhat flakey.

This second group are the innovators, the ones who see possibilities outside the rules. They tend not to worry about definitions and see everything as a possible source of new ideas. Their technical proficiency and open-mindedness can lead them to do things that make people ask 'How did they ever come up with that'. Their 'everything is interesting' attitude makes them much more accepting than the drudges and far more interesting to be around.

Obviously there are going to be some crossovers - but very, very few, in my experience.

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@Sarah Bee

"But, seriously, can all the hopper-up-and-downers explain exactly why they are so incensed? Do they even really know? And please don't pretend it's because you care about the future of the child."

Go Sarah Go! Looking forward to some answers.



They're not doing anyone any harm so why is how he identifies himself so important to some people? He could say "I'm a pregnant llama" and it still wouldn't make any difference in your life.

Get over it and wish them a successful pregnancy and a healthy child.

Raising a kid is expensive. Hope they make a ton of money off the gawping yokels.

The penguin because it's cute and cuddly and suitable for a child.

Microsoft meths up data center with 220 containers


Parked Containers

"As a practice, datacenters and their contents move infrequently. Shipping containers are designed to move,"

And when they stop moving? There is a little growth industry in turning containers into homes - a clever way of using unused containers rather than just letting them sit and rust in massive piles. I'm sure you could easily think of a dozen other possible uses.

Try google.

How an app called WarmTouch nailed a grenade-stockpiling cyber extortionist

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RE:Disguise your emails

@Senor Beavis

I think you were the first here to reveal amanfrommars secret method. I think the Reg should give you some kind of token award.

Patent shields customer support from customers


Got It

I just realised April 1st is the only day you DON'T publish a continuous stream of fake stories.

Jules Verne gets intimate with ISS


Stand Clear

I think I saw this guy trying to park in a local shopping centre. HOLD RETREAT ESCAPE ABORT - repeat sequence.

CIA demands UK halts interrogation tactics


Need more caffeine


"They're even giving this technique a name: Billboarding"

Thought that was good.

As for the 'article' - Started reading with my first cup of coffee - fell in to the usual Reg rhythm and then the caffeine hit... Hope Anne L Proeb will become a regular contributor... usually writes for UFO sites, does she?

Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid

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Missing the point

All these anti-religious nutters are so busy slamming the religious nutters* that they are all missing the point:

Wow! Spectacular! What an image! Clipped a mountain and kept on going! Put it in the next Die Hard or something.

*their term, not mine. No, I'm not religious.



""The in coming angle was very low (six degrees) and means the asteroid clipped a mountain called Gamskogel above the town of Längenfeld, 11 kilometres from Köfels, and this caused the asteroid to explode before it reached its final impact point."

Wow! Spectacular! What an image!

Snort coke, shaft the environment, say boffins


Full disclosure sorta

I said I was outa here but one last comment:

I'm an older guy (no surprise there) and it was my generation that made recreational drug use socially acceptable on a broad scale. I was part of that idiocy and said many of the same things that pro-legalisation people are saying here. Now I look around and see the consequences (ignore the criminal and look at the social) and it is one of the big regrets of my life.

The sad thing is that each generation is as stupid and arrogant as the ones preceeding it and thinks that it knows what is going on, what should be done, and what the consequences will be.




"Oh wait, you're implying that the only drugs that can destroy families are the ones that our guardians have deemed illegal, "

No. We are talking about the illegal drugs so that is what I commented on. Stay in focus.

"If adults of normal intelligence CHOOSE to take cocaine, and then get addicted, and ruin their lives, I could care less."

No comment required.

"actually gnuber, contrary to what gmtv

What's gmtv?

seems to have taught you NOT everyone who tries "drugs" instantly becomes hooked and dies, THAT is utter nonsense, why would anyone try it?!?

Yeah kids are so good at making those decisions. From the look of some streets near me I'd must say I'm not optimistic about adult abilities either.

"It takes a bit of effort to develop a dependancy on anything other than the truly addictive (and nasty) stuff like heroin or crack"

Right and Coca fields will still be there, and spreading, to produce crack. Poppy fields for heroin. Drug cartels and distribution networks won't vanish. Carpet bomb'em.

"Hold the phone there sunshine. I'm an avid cocaine user and I'm not a mess."

Wow. Someone who got away without serious consequences (I'm happy to take your word on that. Seriously). So I guess it's ok to legalise so everyone can start 'hoovering it up' without personal or legal consequences. Maybe when they start advertising their products you can start another career as product spokesperson. You know, the cool guy in the ad!

And there was that comment about the environmental impact of the Abrams Tank? Typical & WTF.

Pointless discussion really. Those who have dealt with the consequences will feel one way, those who want to party will go the other way... and never the twain shall meet.

I'm outa here.

Paris Hilton

It makes you weep

Yup, it's the war on drugs that is damaging the environment so better legalise drugs.


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No I'm not finished

What kind of airy-fairy world do you people live in? Have you never seen the destruction of a friend or family member or whoever by drug use? Maybe you should get out into the real world.

Perhaps you are of that silly Puritan mindset that thinks only weak (sinful) people can be adversely affected by the use of these 'recreational' drugs. Meaning of course that someone as wonderful as you would never be affected? Idiots. The success of these drugs is based on their addictiveness. Or are you dim enough to think that factor would be eliminated by legalising them?

Perhaps you think that legalising these drugs would allow their regulation? Honestly? Suddenly you have faith in government bureaucracy?

Comments about the 'poor third world farmers' make me laugh. It doesn't matter how much harm is done to other people (to your society) as long as that picturesque family can get by?

The more I read comments here the more I think "Bring on the surveillance cameras, give the police more rights to stop and search. It's the only way to protect ourselves from these idiots."

You want to see an end of the War On Drugs? Carpet bomb any area found to be producing them.

Get your German interior minister's fingerprint here


@Graham Dawson

"All an ID card does is prove that it belongs to the person holding the ID card, it doesn't prove that person exists (pretty obvious) or who they actually are. It doesn't provide "identity". Identity is innate."

Standing around finding fault with present attempts or settling for an existing philosophical viewpoint gets no one anywhere.

I will continue waiting semi-patiently for the Einstein of security 'cause it sure ain't me or anyone I've read here - conventional thinkers all.


So, what now?

A lot of criticism - no solutions.

I'd like to see Reg readers offer their solutions for the identity problem and then watch others tear them down.

Solve it - get rich.

El Reg offers cut-and-paste comments service


You Are Gods!

Wow! It's like you sucked my brain dry! I never have to pretend to think, or care, again!

Now, can you do one on how to talk to Hot Chicks/Guys/Mammals/Appliances (please provide option)?

Kids brought up by technology not parents, quango claims



Make the internet disappear in a puff of magic smoke and the same parents who don't know what their children do online still wouldn't know what their children are doing most of the time.

Canadians go out clubbing

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Another thought

I wonder what would happen if the seal hunt was incorporated into the production of bio-fuels? Would we see a lot greenies' heads imploding as they tried to assimilate the data?

@Based on lies.

Thanks for that useful information. As a Canadian I should have been aware of that.
