* Posts by Gianni Straniero

281 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Nov 2007


µTorrent silently fixes long-standing zero-day vuln

Gianni Straniero

Zero-day vulnerability?

If it's been open for two years, doesn't that make it a minus 730 day vulnerability?

Mine's the one with the calendar in the pocket.

CERN: LHC to fire first proton-smash ray next month

Gianni Straniero

You've done this one



Although this version has That Friday Feeling about it. As you were.

Carbon Trust: Rooftop windmills are eco own-goal

Gianni Straniero

Water, water everywhere

George Monbiot will be pleased. He gives micro-wind pretty short shrift in "Heat", saying they're more likely to rip the side of your house off, or poze a hazard to light aircraft, than generate any useful power.

So now this is dead, can we have another look at mini- and micro-hydro? There are hundreds, if not thousands of sites in the UK where you can re-use existing mill estate to produce electricity. It's not as simple as hooking a generator up to the millwheel and letting the race do the rest, as these handy resources will demonstrate:



Still, it's nice that periods of high rainfall coincide with periods of higest electricity demand, i.e. winter.

Congestion charge means less traffic, more congestion

Gianni Straniero


"Studies by TFL have shown accidents involving cyclists actually drop when Motorcycles use bus lanes as other drivers are forced to take more notice."


"Managing Director for Surface Transport at Transport for London David Brown stated in April 2008: 'The data used in the earlier report was not considered sufficiently reliable to inform a decision on such an important issue.' Following a review of the data Mr Brown's conclusion (April 2008) was that 'there is no evidence to indicate that motorcyclists would see any significant safety benefits from being allowed to enter bus lanes but that there were potential disbenefits for both cyclists and pedestrians.'"

Although this quote was published on the London Cycling Campaign's website, TfL's Managing Director for Surface Transport should have a balanced view, no?

Gianni Straniero

Third analysis

Fewer cars are entering the Congestion Charge zone, yet "congestion" (however you measure *that*) is the same. Hmmm. Maybe everyone who owns a car and lives permanently inside the zone is using their vehicle a bit more.

On another note, I don't understand why they want to allow motorcyclists to use bus lanes. They're never caught in traffic anyway. They're always zooming along on the wrong side of the road.

The London Cycling Campaign are in a bit of a lather about this proposal; they have "figures that show..." etc, etc. In my experience a cyclist in London is already tangling with fourteen-foot high double-deckers, black cabs, other cyclists and the occasional lunatic pedestrian. Season with a sprinkling of motorbikes, and will anyone actually notice?

Stop sign, so the cyclists can ignore it.

Killer Satnavs amok in 'Utah Polyhedron' phenomenon

Gianni Straniero


Usually these blunders are caused by the user typing something insufficiently unique into their Sat Nav box and mindlessly obeying its every subsequent command. It's difficult to imagine how these circumstances arose in these cases. I mean, who types "Staircase" into their TomTom? Do you not know how to get upstairs in your own home?

Perhaps this is why Argos have recently conflated "Home Entertainment" and "Sat Nav" into one handy category on their website.

Sumerians cracked world's oldest joke

Gianni Straniero

What's the world's largest crustacean?

Kings Cross Station.

Gianni Straniero

An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a pub...

... and the Landlord says: "Alright, lads, what's the joke?"

Gianni Straniero

A baby seal walks into a club

Boom boom.

Gianni Straniero

Olde as ye hilles

Stoppe me if thou hast hearde these ones:


Supercomputer to improve UK weather

Gianni Straniero
Thumb Up

I hope they give it a good name

The identical pair of Cray T3Es the Met Office ran in Bracknell were called "Ronnie" and "Reggie". Top that.

Google gives GMail always-on encryption

Gianni Straniero

Great news

Kudos to Google for this welcome development. Now it means that your private mail can only be read by Google, rather than Google + world + dog.

Southeast London is card fraud cesspool

Gianni Straniero

@ Stef

That's not my reading of it. It seems the locations are where the fraudulent transactions are taking place, not the postcodes of the credit cards' owners. And have you ever been to Thamesmead? Rich, it ain't.

Banking Trojan hides in fake Alonso F1 crash story

Gianni Straniero

@Andy Turner

I'm getting these as well. I was kindly informed that I had been "blacklisted" by the Mafia, that Jesus had destroyed Madonna's new house, and that JFK's memoirs revealed the identity of his lovechild (what, just one?). The body text contains some other story completely unrelated to the subject, so I'm mystified why anyone would click on the link. One born every minute, I suppose.

NASA: The Moon is not enough

Gianni Straniero

Re: isn't the ISS enough of an example?

The main thing the ISS taught its sundry space-agency collaborators is how *not* to build something in orbit, i.e. sending it up in twenty ton chunks:


Morgan shows 'light & slippery' fuel-cell car concept

Gianni Straniero

Two jags

"everyone should have more than one car anyway, for different kinds of driving."

What a dolt. At most you need one car, and if you live and work in the same city, none. Get a pushbike. Then hire as many different cars as you require for all your "different kinds of driving", e.g. a dirty great van when you move house, a horrible-looking Vauxhall when you need to visit the in-laws on the other side of the country, and a bright-orange Lambo to compensate for your erectile disfunction.

Volcanoes fingered in oceanic mass extinction

Gianni Straniero

@ Webster Freakout

My recollection is that the persuasive evidence for an extra-terrestrial origin of the iridium is the thinness of the deposit, and its worldwide distribution. If the iridium was spewed out in the long-term vulcanism of the Deccan eruption, you'd expect its stratigraphic distribution to be broader. Coupled with the discovery of the Chicxulub impact, it looks pretty persuasive.

I remember Stephen Jay Gould did an interesting statistical analysis of the distribution of fossils in the upper Cretaceous which ran counter to your assertion that the Dinosaurs were already in decline. I think it's one of the essays in "Dinosaur in a Haystack".

I'm prepared to believe it was a combination of both, with vulcanism contributing to environmental decline, and the impact the coup de grace that finally did for the dinosaurs.

Anyway, I only took Mesozoic v-pal as an option a good twelve years ago, so I bow to your superior knowledge in this area.

Gianni Straniero

Hot spot

$64 million dollars? Used to be $64k in my day, but that's runaway inflation for you, I suppose.

Maybe one of those magmatic hot spots like they have under Big Island in Hawaii. Could still be there, I suppose, what with a lot of the Windward Islands being volcanoes. But that sounds like a lot of magma. Things like this and the Deccan Traps make Krakatau look like a tuppenny banger.

San Francisco's 'rogue' sysadmin still being paid while in jail

Gianni Straniero

@ Tom

I am scandalised that you take time out from reading The Register to do some work. That really is indefensible.

Anyway, I wonder why they set bail at $5m. Seems a bit steep for computer tampering. Maybe they were afraid he'd go to Starbucks, log in and wreak more havoc, though to do that would be pretty stupid while awaiting trial.

Gianni Straniero


I'm trying to be nice here. I really am.

@ Tom Kelsall

He's being held on remand in lieu of $5m bail. It says it in the article. If you don't know what "remand" is, there are lots of places you can find out.

@ kns2c

Pittsburg, CA is a real place: http://www.ci.pittsburg.ca.us/pittsburg/

Pittsburgh, PA is also a real place, but, amazingly, a completely different one.

Nike pulls Air Stab trainers

Gianni Straniero

New name

Maybe they should call them "Sweatshops"


Boeing to build combo airship-copter flying cranes

Gianni Straniero

@ Mike Richards

Thanks for all that extra info. The static electricity theory is one which I will no longer be airing at the boozer. Party ballons and squeaky voices all round.

Gianni Straniero

Oh, the humanity!

Proceed to the trademark office and register "whirlyblimp" straight away. Do not pass go. Collect many hundreds of pounds.

I'm still not entirely clear on why blimpsters use Helium. It's outrageously expensive compared to Hydrogen. I thought by now everyone knew it was a combination of static electricity and the airship's doping compound that caused the Hindenburg fire.

Flames, for fairly obvious reasons.

Germans develop submarine-launched UAV

Gianni Straniero

Re: Acronyms and such

Luftaufklärung sind zwei Worte? Man lernt etwas neu jeden tag.

Are the ice caps melting?

Gianni Straniero


You are countering alarmist articles published in mass media with boring articles in a niche publication. In short, pissing upwind.

There are plenty of places in the Arctic that are ice-free: they're called "polynyas", and they're essential for the survival of marine mammals like Beluga whales and narwhals. They'd drown without them. If a polynya shows up at the North Pole, big deal. Santa's a big boy and can take care of himself.

And why is anyone surprised that when there's less ice in the Arctic, there's more in the Antarctic? Has everyone suddenly forgot that June 21st in Antarctica is mid-fucking-winter?

Wait until you read that there is NO ICE AT ALL in the Arctic. Then, if you're not standing in a pool of seawater, find out where it's all gone. My money's on South.

Asahi premiers pint-pulling robo-barman

Gianni Straniero

Have we learned nothing?

Look what happens when you mix beer and robots:


Think tank slams paedophile paranoia culture

Gianni Straniero

@Captain Jamie

I'ts been extablished that anyone who uses the word "FACT" in capital letters at the end of a sentence is completely unreliable, especially when that sentence is qualified with the acronym "IMO". FACT.

Enraged devil dog lover locks on to Reg photo team

Gianni Straniero
Dead Vulture

Crisp-munchin' dog

Well, he's not very handsome to look at:

He's shaggy and eats like a hog

And he's always killin' my neighbours

That dirty old crisp-munchin' dog.

Crisp-munchin' dog

I'm gonna stomp your head in the ground

If you don't stay out of my snack foods

You dirty old crisp-munchin' hound.

Now if he don't stop eatin' my crisps up

Though I'm not a real bad guy

I'm goin' to get my rifle and send him

To that great food-and-wine in the sky.

Crisp-munchin' dog

You're always a-hangin around

But you'd better stay out of my snack foods

You dirty old crisp-munchin' hound.

Sixth British Columbia stray foot a hoax

Gianni Straniero

'Reprehensible and disrespectful'

Quite. Very paw taste, if you ask me.

Croydon devil dog execution: Exclusive photo

Gianni Straniero

Re: The Camera Never Lies

Looks like Mr Prime has tidied the place up a bit, actually.

Stray left foot washes up on Vancouver beach

Gianni Straniero

"Bootnotes" indeed

"We are certainly not discounting the possibility that this may be linked to the other recovered feet"

One of the other feet at most, surely.

"... why the coastline of British Columbia has grown five feet since last year"

Sea levels falling in this part of the world?

It's OK, I'm leaving.

Lesbians like straight men, researchers find

Gianni Straniero


What consenting neuroscientists get up to behind closed doors is their business, just as long as they don't do it in public.

Anyway, here are the references for all you picky swine who don't like the size of the sample, or are otherwise upset about the quality of the science:



Labour isn't working for IT contractors

Gianni Straniero
Paris Hilton


God forbid I should actually comment on the substance of your article, but the original Saatchi and Saatchi slogan was "Labour's not working", which is a much better double entendre.

PH, because she once asked me for a double entendre. So I gave her one.

Gianni Straniero


I withdraw my previous comment unreservedly.

MS bashes Gay(wood) Xbox Live gamer

Gianni Straniero

Real names

I went to school with a Richard Head. Swear to God.

Climate profs 'can't recommend' enormo-space-parasol

Gianni Straniero

I for one ...

... welcome our new space-faring umbrella overlord.

After Debian's epic SSL blunder, a world of hurt for security pros

Gianni Straniero

Re: Beware applying the patch on remote servers!

> Is anyone keeping track of which SSL issuing authorities are providing instructions and free (zero-cost) certificate re-issues for affected certificates which need new CSRs?

I got a nice email from GlobalSign this morning:

"One of the advantages of being a GlobalSign customer and having the GlobalSign Certificate Center (Formally known as the Global Agent System) is the ability to re-issue a certificate in the event of private key loss, or in this case a possible weakness in the keys.

"If you do wish to re-issue your certificate, then please follow these simple instructions:-

"(1) Address the vulnerability by patching the affected operating system to the latest level.

"(2) Create a new CSR remembering to use exactly the same information that you used last time. (The information can be seen within your account area or within the certificate itself.)

"(3) Log into your GlobalSign Certificate Center account and click on the 'Certificate Application History' menu option and select the appropriate certificate that you wish to replace.

"(4) Click on the 'Re-Issue' button and enter your new CSR.

"(5) The new certificate, based on your new CSR and new private keys, will be issued and available for you to download in moments.

"Many thanks for choosing GlobalSign. We hope you see the benefit today and every day."

Google tips hat to St George - finally

Gianni Straniero
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Elvis McGonagall

By George! by Elvis Mcgonagall

Once more unto the breach, dear Morris Dancers

once more

Jingle your bells, thwack sticks, raise flagons

Cry “God for Harry and Saint George!”

Gallant knight and slayer of dragons

Patron saint of merry England –

And Georgia, and Catalonia, and Portugal, Beirut, Moscow

Istanbul, Germany, Greece

Archers, farmers, boy scouts, butchers and sufferers of


Multicultural icon with sword and codpiece

On, on you bullet-headed saxon sons

Fly flags from white van and cab

But remember stout yeomen, your champion was Turkish

So – get drunk and have a kebab

Were the snatched Brit sailors in 'disputed waters'?

Gianni Straniero

You'll never take me alive

"The initial posture of the Iranian personnel was friendly and the IRGCN Captain shook hands with OCRM and told him he was in Iranian waters, which OCRM refuted. The Iranians then adopted an aggressive stance, bringing their weapons to bear and physically blocking in the RHIBs. Due to the speed of change in posture and the overwhelming firepower available to the IRGCN, the boarding team took the decision to lower their own weapons in order to try and de-escalate the situation."

This might have ended differently if the Revolutionary Guard had brought their weapons to bear on the British personnel when they were aboard their RHIBs, rather than aboard the MV HANIN. I bow to your superior knowledge in these matters, but isn't boarding a merchant vessel in Iranian territorial waters (as they claimed) an act of piracy, or aggression, or both?

However, the next paragraph makes the blood boil:

"The RHIBs were then piloted by IRGCN personnel back into Iranian TTWs where they were joined by several other IRGCN vessels containing flag-waving IRGCN personnel including a cameraman who videoed the events."

Not only did the Iranians capture our personnel, but they took our inflatables as prizes. This the appropriate moment to start waving a cutlass around, before scuttling the boat and going straight to Davy Jones' Locker. As attributed to Ned Teach:

"Damnation seize my soul if I give you quarters, or take any from you!"

Google crawls The Invisible Web

Gianni Straniero

You're all just jealous

Google's been indexing my site like this for weeks. I keep seeing googlebot requests logged for things like this:








Also, somewhat disturbingly


and the weirdest


O2: We didn't know we were capping 3G data speeds

Gianni Straniero

Re: kb verses kB


I think you broke the first rule of Reg Club:


O2 says 128Kb/s is all its 3G customers need

Gianni Straniero

@wibblius maximus

> The most reliable phones were the old nokia "bricks"

I imagine you're thinking of the 3210 or 3310. I had several of the latter (being a klutz and losing them or dropping them in puddles) and thought they were great. Indeed I have a 3410 in my desk drawer, which I'd probably hold onto as a spare if the screen weren't dead.

In contrast, I now have an HTC Hermes, which I still can't operate properly, but it's handy for reading the news in an idle moment.

HSBC pops thousands of customer details in the post

Gianni Straniero

How many times?

Interesting to note that there's been a rash of these stories recently. They're obviously newsworthy since the Revenooers lost all the Child Benefit data last November, but considering the number of times these disks have gone missing since, we must presume this sort of stuff happens all the time.

Naomi Campbell cuffed in Heathrow Terminal 5

Gianni Straniero

Version control

No idea why all these people are using Terminal 5. I myself am waiting until Terminal 5.1 is built.

Mines the ski jacket in the suitcase on its way to Botswana.

Welsh couple cop Mosquito flak

Gianni Straniero

Re: If that were my neighbour

A 1 kHz square wave is indeed incredibly annoying. Try one for yourself here:


Aussie laser-pointer dazzle attacks on airliners: Bad

Gianni Straniero


Amateur astronomers sometimes use green lasers as a coarse aiming device for their 'scopes, and to point out areas of interest. They're particularly good because, for a given power, green is perceived as brighter than any other colour: the human eye is most sensitive to 550nm wavelength radiation.

UK law and HSE guidance should prevent the sale of all but <1mW Class 2 lasers for general-purpose applications, including amateur astronomy. Perhaps the Australians should look to issue similar guidance before sending a volley of Hellfire missiles down on some unsuspecting stargazers.

BT and Phorm secretly tracked 18,000 customers in 2006

Gianni Straniero
Black Helicopters

@Alexander Hanff

Look, there's no point in messing about with online petitions. If you are a BT customer and believe your traffic may have been intercepted, contact the Computer Crime Unit of your local police force. For example, if you live in London:


Of course you will first need to provide evidence that your traffic has indeed been intercepted.

El Reg reconstructs Heathrow T5 chaos

Gianni Straniero

New Reg illustration policy

Excellent. Can we expect all future NASA stories to be illustrated with Space Lego? And how about Weebles for Govt IT projects?

Boffinry bigwig puts another boot into biofuels

Gianni Straniero

Hooray for the Prof

I was never sure why we were seriously considering biofuels anyway. Note that the government's own figures show the energy supply sector generated 1.8 times as much CO2 as the transport sector between 1990 and 2005:


Now that Sarko & his tasty wife are visiting, maybe we can get some advice on how to generate electricity from nuclear power stations without screwing it up Ukrainian/Cumbrian style. Then we can plug our electric cars in to the grid like the Danes plan to do, and cut emissions from both sectors.

As has been said above, running aircraft on biofuels is a red herring. We simply have to make the airlines more efficient. Consider that short-haul flights routinely run at 62% occupancy, while long-haul flights aren't much better at 75%. Arseing about in holding patterns waiting for a free runway wastes huge quantities of fuel as well. There are plans for improved routing software that advises pilots to slow down or speed up so they arrive just in time (there's your IT angle).

And maybe we should consider flying a little less frequently. Although having just looked out the window, emigration suddenly seems rather appealing.

Reality crashes Google hippie code fest

Gianni Straniero


I'm sure those dorks at Google like nothing better than spending the nicest part of the year locked in their basements waiting for compiler runs to finish. And I'm equally sure they're baffled why nobody else wants to. How about Google's Winter of Code? Or are the students too busy getting wrecked over Christmas/Hannukah to churn out some lines?
