* Posts by Phil Hare

71 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Nov 2007


Daily Mail loses employee info

Phil Hare
Black Helicopters

It's an MI5 conspiracy

And a damn good one too. How can the Mail ever again point the finger of shame at the security services when they hold their bi-annual laptop bonanza after this little cock up?

Sony pulls PlayStation 3 software update

Phil Hare

Different version?

I've got a 40GB and it installed fine. Perhaps this is specific to the 60GB version?

Asus readies iMac attack with all-in-one Eee

Phil Hare

Let's be honest...

...most people that buy a Mac buy it for OSX and the Design/Photo/Video/Audio software that will run on it. This device won't change that, however pretty it is.

Google plugs YouTube into Playstation 3

Phil Hare


...I've been watching YouTube videos on my PS3 for quite a while now via the PS3's built in browser; I think Sony updated it to handle them at around firmware 2.0. It even opens them in a full screen window if you ask it to.

Add that to upgrading the internal HDD to a 320GB device (there are instructions on the web, it's safe and simple to do) and I see exactly no point in this offering from Google. Music, Video and Photos can all be stored on the PS3 itself or on any wireless NAS running UPnP software (which is most of them) and accessed via the PS3.

The only advantage that Google's offering may have is that the PS3 doesn't handle YouTube playlists (yet).

CERN declares Large Hadron Collider perfectly safe

Phil Hare

@Edward Rose

Dear Mr. Rose,

Do you have any idea how important the work these machi... oh I really can't be bothered.

T-Mobile doubles 0870 call costs

Phil Hare

This could be a good thing...

I use T-mob, and I am pissed off about this. However, hopefully this move and associated bad press will encourage other providers to specifically include 08 numbers in their tariffs as a PR exercise, eventually forcing T-Mob to follow suite.

Unless, of course, this isn't a perfect world we're living in...

AMD to pair CPUs, GPUs with Intel's physics tech

Phil Hare
Paris Hilton

PS3 Confusion

How come most of the games on my PS3 - which uses an nVidia GPU - are labelled as using Havock? What have I missed?

Paris because I think my IQ is hovering somewhere around hers today. maybe it's time to start believing in God.

The New Order: When reading is a crime

Phil Hare
Thumb Up

@She looked a bit funny...


Economist: girls actually better than boys at maths

Phil Hare

What about the culture effect?

I strongly suspect that "equality" is defined differently depending on where you are in the world. There will always be some stuff men can do that women can't, and vica-versa. The balance is found in what is culturally acceptable in the location in question.

I personally get royally pissed off every time I see an advert for a women only car insurer, as they are discriminating against me on the basis of my gender, not on my 7 year without claim proven driving ability. But it's culturally acceptable, so it happens, and I couldn't and wouldn't try and change that.

Bottom line? People is people. The statistics will never show a fifty-fifty split either way, so let's stop wasting time on studies like this one and do stuff that really matters.

Optical boffins cut the cost of quantum cryptography

Phil Hare
Thumb Up


...when will it be ready for practical application?

American auto dealer offers free handguns

Phil Hare


A couple of things:

1) From what I can see nearly all of the comments here are written by Americans.

2) Thanks very much for loaning us all the guns back in the forties. Just one question: If the British hadn't managed to win the battle of Britain, and the island had fallen to Germany, thus closing the western front allowing the Nazi's to concentrate on Russia whilst simultaniously depriving the US of A a place from which to launch European operations, what do you think the world would look like now?

I am in no doubt that the UK and Europe owes the USA a debt of gratitude for the heroic actions during the second world war. But be in no doubt: the USA furnished us with weapons and later troops as much out of self interest as anything else.

'Experimental' Linux distro Exherbo eyes serious developers

Phil Hare

Another linux distro looking for developers

Shame none of them bother looking for DESIGNERS.

Mines the one with "Does it work for you?" written on the back.

Brennan JB7 Micro Jukebox

Phil Hare

I have something similar...

...it's called a "PS3". Plays games too. And Blu-Ray discs. And music and video from my NAS. And it was cheaper.

I'm not a Sony fanboi in particular, but to me the PS3 just makes more sense.

Phones 4u accused of misleading customers

Phil Hare
Dead Vulture


"...apparently accusing phone retailers of failing to notice the stupidity of their customers."

Is it a person's fault that they're stupid? I mean, are you implying that people *choose* to be stupid? The responsibility has to lie with the retailers, because stupid people are, by definition, too stupid to handle it.

Grand Theft Auto 4 queue man stabbed in head

Phil Hare

RE: Life immitating art

I'm not necessarily condoning it, but out of curiosity can anyone tell me exactly what the consequences of letting a person under the age of eighteen play this game would be? What, exactly, happens to a person on their eighteenth birthday that suddenly means they are less likely to be influenced by games like this?

I remember playing the blood and guts versions of Carmageddon and Duke Nukem 3D when I was in my early teens, but I have so far not run over someone in a spectacular fashion or cut off someone's head to shit down their neck.

To AC I say this: You know your youngest son. If this game has content you personally would not want your son to be exposed to just yet (because he will be, eventually), don't buy it for him. If you think he is the kind of child that would be directly influenced by this game and go out and commit some of the acts portrayed in it, then don't buy it for him; seek counselling instead. If, on the other hand, you want to show him that you have faith in his ability to distinguish fantasy from reality, buy it for him and take the time to play it with him. That way you can ensure that he is not getting over-zealous and, if something appears in the game you'd rather he didn't see, you will be on hand to wrap things up or tell white lies to explain things away.

At the end of the day, how well do you know your kid?

Blu-ray Xbox 360 to be sold at a loss?

Phil Hare

Blu-Ray games

I agree with everyone on here who's said that the Blu-Ray player should be an add on, as it's only ever going to have any value as a HD film platform. I'd love to say that there will be games on the market for my PS3 that take full advantage of the BD format but there just aren't; no development studio has the patience or funding to develop games that fill up a BD.

Free software lawyers warn over Microsoft patent pledge

Phil Hare
Paris Hilton

I think...

...that El Reg probably has a capable enough readership to define an all conquering standard for office type files. It should be called the Paris Hilton XML Office Type File Standard Thingy. Rolls off the tongue.

Just how cute are cats? W3C can help

Phil Hare

Thanks guys.

TheMyriad of comments my original post has spawned has gone some way to show that the issue is confusing enough to be important, as all important IT issues are.

I am deeply saddened, however, to see that <i>none</i> of you wanted a pint.

Mine's the long black woolen job.

Phil Hare


...wouldn't <i> </i> achieve the same thing? Or have I missed something crucial? I may have missed something. It's been a long week. Anyone for a pint?

DARPA whirly-wing jet gyrocraft hits noise snags

Phil Hare
Black Helicopters

You would have thought...

...that they might have learnt something from the Osprey program.


Oz Army eyes electric vibro vest to replace batteries

Phil Hare

How about...

...Flexible Regenerating Integrated Energy Device , or FRIED?

Coat + Door = Taxi.
