* Posts by Eddie Edwards

970 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Oct 2007

Chaos feared after Unix time-zone database is nuked

Eddie Edwards

The point is - and this is so mind-numbingly obvious I'm surprised it didn't occur to your keyboard as you typed that - if all the source material ends up in the database no one will need to buy the book.

What it's actually similar to is the postcode database, or Google Earth's images, or the Ordnance Survey's maps, all of which are well-known to be subject to copyright.

Eddie Edwards

There are only 24 time zones? Really? No half-hour timezones or anything then? And these have been static throughout history?

Dude, failing to understand that a subject is complex doesn't count as insight into that subject.

Gas bill climbed £13,000 after correct online reading given

Eddie Edwards

Funny, EON wrote to me when their meter reader made a balls up (instead of reading 05454 or whatever, he'd read 15454). They didn't state the amount, they just said "mind checking your meter reading and giving us a call, you're due a large bill and we want to make sure it's right". Much better than the heart attack of receiving a 5-figure bill.

I ended up figuring out how much gas they reckoned I'd used, and it was half a gasometer's worth. You'd have thought they might have noticed that much gas going missing ...

Apropos of nothing, does anyone else find Chrome crashes with regularity *only* in the Register's comment form?

Crooks beat anti-fraud cops with old-school bank scams

Eddie Edwards
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"Your bank or the police will never cold call you or email you and ask you for your login details, cards or PINs. If anyone does, they are probably a criminal, so hang up the phone or delete the email."

Except the banks will, regularly. They'll call you saying there's some problem with authorization on your card, and then grill you for personal information to make sure it's really you they're talking to. If you say, "uh, you called me," you get treated like some kind of obstructionist wierdo.

What's not in the iPhone 4S ... and why

Eddie Edwards
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NFC doesn't matter yet

I'm not sure what the case is in London, but in my rural neck of the woods I've yet to see an NFC terminal in the wild.

Add to this the basic statistical fact that 50% of those on 2-year contracts now won't be renewing until iPhone 5 comes out (mine isn't up until June 2012, but I do plan to wait until the next release cycle rather than snap up a soon-to-be-obsoleted model).

Add to this the fact that Android users also have contracts.

I don't see a headstart of more than a year, during which the banks have to get around to actually rolling NFC into shops.

In other words, Apple is right on the money as far as the mass market goes (as usual).

Judge cracks down on Bayesian stats dodginess in court

Eddie Edwards


"A DNA match to one in a million does not mean that it's a million to one against the bloke 'aving done it, m'lud. Rather, it means that in a population of 65 million that 65 people, based purely on the DNA, could have done it. Our DNA tests thus mean that we now have to go and exclude those other 65, or at least regard them as the prime pool of suspects, not convict our man in the dock purely on the basis that one in a million is beyond that reasonable doubt. Yes, these sorts of mistakes are made in the chain of reasoning."

Yes, they are.

THAT'S WHY WE USE BAYES' THEOREM. It's ONLY by applying Bayes' Theorem that you obtain paragraphs like the above.

Bayes' Theorem is not an "option", it is a necessity, otherwise travesties like Professor Sir Roy Meadow will happen constantly.

So what is the author arguing?

Security by obscurity not so bad after all, argues prof

Eddie Edwards


It can be modelled as a game, so game theories are relevant. Worse consequences are modelled as higher costs in the game. You multiply those costs by probability and hey presto you have expected cost.

Poll: Porn-watching, net-savvy kids are a myth

Eddie Edwards

You're kidding?

Even tech-ignorant kids around 15-16 are able to use proxy servers to access Facebook etc. at school when they're not supposed to. Maybe they didn't understand the question.

Memo to open source moralists: Put a sock in it

Eddie Edwards

Don't be ridiculous

Don't be ridiculous. There are other free compilers, and other free UNIX toolsets (ever heard of BSD?). There are even, believe it or not, competing philsophies about open source.

Linux would be just fine without gcc, without the GNU toolset, and without Stallman's moralistic highground of bullshit - a platform you obviously subscribe to, seeing as you use the word "evil" in relation to the *software industry*, for God's sake.

To misuse the word "evil" in such a way is the absolute epitome of "first world problem" syndrome. The only issue I can see with the article is that the author fails to hit us with the double whammy of how ridiculous it is that someone dedicates their life to fighting a very very small point of personal preference regarding who gets to edit source code, as if it had some deep moral aspect or even appreciable impact on the average person. Stallman isn't an idealist, he's a self-righteous prick with a disturbing tendency towards absolutism, and a following that can only be described as cultish.

Meanwhile, the "evil" Gates tackles real problems, such as poverty, poor sanitation, poor education, and so on, with the mountain of money he's made fighting this philosophical bullshit with practical reality and actual useful software. Which is kind of the point the article is making.

We need a special triple-fail icon for people who still think Stallman is sane.

Eddie Edwards
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I think the idea is that it's the *software* that has the freedom, not the *user*. Otherwise, like you say, it makes no sense.

It doesn't work anyway. Digium (creators of Asterisk) use the GPL to beat around the head anyone who tries to make money from value-add in their market without paying them a royalty. It's anti-competitive, in that case, and that has nothing to do with freedom. It also restricts the freedom of their users. Ironic that I can sell an Internet Explorer plugin without paying a dime to Microsoft, but I can't sell an Asterisk plugin without paying Digium their "GPL tax". And Digium are in no way unique. Go freedom!

Eddie Edwards

Fundamental human right?

Please, are you serious? First let's solve the real issues around fundamental human rights, such as getting 5 bars everywhere on my phone, and having internet connectivity with 5 9s for less than £5 a month.

Arduino to add ARM board this year

Eddie Edwards

I've done entire Arduino projects in assembly - had to, to get precise timing for composite video output. I can't remember the details in their GUI, but basically you write assembly files and assemble them and link them in. The toolchain is all gcc-based so it's not rocket science at all.

Loving that clock speed and RAM.

Intel extends JavaScript for parallel programming

Eddie Edwards

Like Web Workers then?

How gizmo maker's hack outflanked copyright trolls

Eddie Edwards
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Yes, the path of least legal resistance is to buy an HDMI decoder chip with HDCP functionality (e.g. http://www.analog.com/en/audiovideo-products/analoghdmidvi-interfaces/ad9381/products/product.html) and buy an HDCP key. What this device does is only impossible if you don't want to pay to play.

Hacker defaces Irish Catholic paper: 'Gotta love false hope'

Eddie Edwards

He didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition.

Cancellation technique doubles wireless throughput

Eddie Edwards


They should apply techniques like this to speech, then we could have phones with speakers on them (or "speakerphones" as I call them) without getting feedback.

Google brings out new programming language

Eddie Edwards

News FTW

"There aren't yet any technical details on Dart"

Can someone wake me up when there are? Thx.

How Apple's Lion won't let you trash documents

Eddie Edwards
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Not Apple's fault

Maybe they're assuming you're NOT an idiot, and both know what a versioning file system is, and why you would want one.

You'll be singing its praises in 6 months when it's saved your ass. Unless you disable it, of course, since it does seem to be a little "not quite ready for prime time" in implementation.

Coders howl over Google's App Engine price hike (natch)

Eddie Edwards

Still costs less than nothing

Has anyone done any analysis of how much App Engine costs *assuming you have Google Ads on your site*?

The link here [http://www.characterandwealth.com/public/319.cfm] suggests 3000 users/day translates into around $1,000/month in ad revenue.

3000 users/day, each receiving 10MB of data each and each performing 1,000 database queries on a single instance, still only costs around $10/day. Under the same model, at 50 users/day, or $15/month in ad revenue, Google Apps is free. There is an awkward place between having to start to pay and breaking even at around 200 users, but if you can't afford to inject $30/month of your own money to get your business through a teething phase, quit entrepreneurship now.

French letter shock: Tax us more, demand rich people

Eddie Edwards

Not really

No, being "prepared to allow" something is not the same as requesting it.

Eddie Edwards


"So while we get all sorts of rhetoric from all sorts of people arguing that taxes should be higher, almost no one seems to think that it's their own taxes that should be higher."

The signatories to that letter are saying their own taxes should be higher, so what's your point?

That really must be the most mean-spirited piece of writing I've read in several years.

'Devastating' Apache bug leaves servers exposed

Eddie Edwards

Is that a joke?

"I think that the proprietary world is much better at wielding the knife to cut out old stuff and sticking with just one or two ways in which things are done."

Is that a joke?

UK could have flooded world with iPods - Sir Humphrey

Eddie Edwards


Andrew, the first hard-disk MP3 player WAS British.


iPhone app tracks Android-equipped Surrey cops

Eddie Edwards
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And therein lies the snag

"the copper selects from a list of activities they'd like people to think they're doing"

Love it

Ofcom mulls smackdown for rogue religious TV channel

Eddie Edwards
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I'd be more impressed if you started a channel whose audience was *not* self-selecting.

PHP users warned to stay away from latest update

Eddie Edwards

Unit tests

Hmm, so one of the pillars of the LAMP model doesn't actually do unit tests before shipping a new release. Just goes to show you get what you pay for with open source.

ARM vet: The CPU's future is threatened

Eddie Edwards
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Coherency is not a requirement

As the Transputer guy said just the other day, when will Americans get over the fact that you can't have a hundred cores all with the same view of a single shared memory system? ARM, you're going to screw your architecture if you kow-tow to this nonsense. Cell does just fine without coherent memory. Just put in fine-grained partial cache flushes and async notification of when they complete, and you're golden. Coherency costs - you spend silicon on it, you decimate your design space to achieve it, and then you use Watts to maintain it. Spend that silicon on something useful, and save the power.

That goes double for hardware that's going to be specialized to radio transmission using a given protocol anyway, and can be programmed once for all users.

T-Mobile JavaScript comment stripper breaks websites

Eddie Edwards


Jesus, guys, read a book on lexical analysis. Stripping comments is a trivial O(N) process with one character of lookahead.

id Software Wolfenstein 3D

Eddie Edwards

Try holding Alt down!

Not only did Wolf 3D invent the move, it also invented the misnomer for it (look up the word "strafe" in a dictionary sometime).

Eddie Edwards
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I remember porting it to RISC OS :)

Stars Wars icons join Queen Elizabeth on Pacific Island coin

Eddie Edwards


I was just about to chastize El Reg for posting obviously-fake photoshop pictures of these coins, and then I clicked the links, and apparently they really do look like that.

I'll have a thousand.

Google lands patent for, um, estimating shipment time

Eddie Edwards


It appears to be that Google's servers will ping DHL's servers regularly the day before delivery, presumably noting the time at which it transitions to (say) DHL's warehouse nearest your house, and from that estimating the time of arrival based on this data and no doubt terabytes of previous experience with DHL in that area in true Google style.

Stupider things have been patented.

Google kills off app maker

Eddie Edwards

Runs slow?

"until the world remembers that natively-developed code runs faster"

Er, 1985 called and want their reason not to use productivity tools back.

In fact there is absolutely no reason in principle that a graphical tool couldn't produce code as fast as native C or even native assembler. The reason people don't use graphical tools, so they never mature to that level, is that a few lines of C translate into an A3-sized diagram, and no-one wants to wrangle an A3-sized diagram. Which is sad, because once you get above the low level to, say, integration of heterogeneous systems over a network, the diagramming approach should win out by a mile.

This is the same reason, incidentally, that most chip makers write VHDL or Verilog instead of making football-pitch-sized schematics. (Ironically, in that case, the people that do use football-pitch-sized schematics do so to get extra speed.)

Peaches Geldof explains Kubrick's 2001

Eddie Edwards

The star child

The star child part is OBVIOUSLY a pastiche of the scene in Harry Potter 7: Part 2 when Harry "dies".

The real reason most source is closed? Open is hard

Eddie Edwards

Take home from this?

My take home from this is that you can't open source stuff because it's legally problematic.

Leadership is unimportant - the project can stagnate but at least the code is out there. Leadership is important for a successful open source project but here we're talking about not having an open source project at all.

There's a strong sense of the legal department covering their asses here. Surely the whole "no warranty" disclaimer that you can copy from anywhere is the answer to this? Universities have legal departments too, and they seem happy with this approach.

The problem is then political - getting the legal department to give a shit. Having the CEO as champion may help here.

Google offers to pop round and take some piccies

Eddie Edwards
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Sadly Legoland doesn't even have its internal layout in 2D on Google Maps ... they should do this for all the major attractions. Far easier to whip my phone out than a big foldy paper map.

Google Go boldly goes where no code has gone before

Eddie Edwards
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Slight nitpick

Node.js doesn't have a user-visible event loop; it uses callbacks.

Otherwise, bang on.

Boffins develop method of driving computers insane

Eddie Edwards

AI in talking gibberish shocker

Surely the hard part is making the AI talk sense?

Boffins develop liquid crystal solid-state raygun turret

Eddie Edwards

A mirror is, as many suspected, more efficient

Wikipedia: "Alubond Solar Reflector panels are aluminium composites achieving over 93% reflectivity"


Eddie Edwards
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And less chance of the heat seeking helicoppers seeing you. I imagine.

UK's oldest working telly up for sale

Eddie Edwards
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What's even more awesome is that he bought it from HMV!

Apple iPad 2

Eddie Edwards


My 3GS has the jack on the curved part and you can see the metal. It's not as pronounced as on this iPad 2 but it's there.

Who cares anyway? Tony's suggestion that they bore a bigger hole is the dumbest thing I've heard today (and I read a Guardian comments section earlier). Make the port less useful for the sake of a minor aesthetic concern - yeah, great idea.

To call this a mistake is to ignore the design tradeoffs. One might prefer aesthetics over function (after all, one is an Apple buyer) but that can be taken too far.

Fukushima: Situation improving all the time

Eddie Edwards

Read all the coverage here

I just wish Lewis Page would get off the fence and take a position with regard to nuclear power.

Apple handcuffs 'open' web apps on iPhone home screen

Eddie Edwards

Nothing got slower

As far as I can tell, web apps run the same speed on iOS 4.3 as on iOS 4.2?

So, no story really.

Xperia Play gets UK debut date

Eddie Edwards

Analog sticks look interesting

They seem to be using mousepads as analog sticks - interesting approach given the form-factor.

Hated contractor tax might disappear

Eddie Edwards

Not what IR35 is at all

"It stopped one-man service companies paying themselves low wages, with limited National Insurance payments, but stonking share dividends, which do not attract NI payments."

Way to mischaracterize the entire debate. That's not what IR35 did at all.

What IR35 tried to prevent was people doing the above *while effectively being in full-time employment*. IR35 looked at the contract between you and your client and tried to infer whether or not it was in practice an employment contract. If it was, you got seriously fucked over, and had to pay NI on your entire *revenues* (so, those flights and hotels you bought and expensed to the client - you're paying NI on that, sonny).

It was a glorious piece of FUD, in that some saps actually pre-empted the possible investigation and coughed to the extra NI. That'll be the 30,000 idiots mentioned in the article.

Meanwhile anyone who changed clients every few months, and wrote their contracts carefully, was safe as houses. These people continued to pay zero NI (not "limited" - if your salary is the right amount you pay no NI at all; I haven't paid NI since 2005, and it still counts as if I had).

Dim Brits think TARDIS IS REAL

Eddie Edwards
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It's true

Idiots can travel in time using a device called the RETARDIS.

Google adds tool to block shabby, dirty, vulgar sites from search results

Eddie Edwards
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Cuts both ways

Sometimes you *are* searching for porn, and all that other stuff just gets in the way. What they need is a porn checkbox next to the address bar.

Whitehall to puff punters: 'Hide your fags'

Eddie Edwards

Actually, no

"When used as intended by the manufacturer, tobacco WILL kill you"

Actually, no. Only 1 in 2 life-long smokers actually die from smoking, and that's ignoring those who quit at some point.

There's also a huge difference between smoking a few at the weekend and smoking 60 a day - which starts sounding like risk management if you're not careful. Oops.

Of course, the reason people smoke is that they're addicted to nicotine. I'm interested in your anti-addiction technique of calling people stupid, but I'm not sure it works in practice.

Spaniards bemoan 'joke' speed limit cut

Eddie Edwards


Golf TDI Mk5 3,000rpm is 90mph in top gear. It's not the best MPG I can get from that car ...