back to article German zoo separates gay vulture couple

German gay groups have protested the enforced separation of a couple of homosexual vultures who'd happily set up nest in Münster's Allwetterzoo. Griffon vultures Guido and Detlef had been together since March, gaily "grooming one another with tender sweeps of their savage beaks between rearranging the sticks that made up their …


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  1. Fuh Quit
    Thumb Up

    A taste of things to come at Vulture Central?

    Just checking...... is there an Eastern Block version of El Reg? Ze All Weather Regista Communista?

  2. Robert Carnegie Silver badge

    Well, would they split up heterosexual birds?

    Yes they would if they wanted to. It's only birds.

    What next, gay earthworms?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Earthworms can't really be gay.

      Earthworms are hermaphrodite anyways.

    2. Pierre Castille

      Gay Earthworms????

      Earthworms are hermaphrodite, so 'gayness' would not be an option would it?

      1. frank ly

        re. Gay Earthworms

        I've noticed that if I stamp on my lawn, with a rythmic, high energy disco beat; then quite a few earthworms come out and start wriggling around in a sort of dance movement. Is this significant?

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Well, you know ...

    ... birds of a feather

  4. steward

    Define "irony"

    Germany is still quite fanatic about denazification - banning sales of various memorabilia, etc.

    The pink triangle that is one of the primary symbols of the gay rights movement came from Nazi Germany, as well: homosexuals were required to wear them, just as Jews were required to wear a yellow Star of David.

    And now, the thoroughly de-nazified Germany is attacking homosexual... vultures.

    You just can't make this kind of stuff up - any fiction editor would reject it without even a letter.

  5. mullerovsky

    gay, gayer, Geier

    Just wanted to mention, that the German word for vulture is 'Geier'.

    1. frank ly

      followed by....

      Geist. (Just getting into the spirit of things.)

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    So what's the point of the Zoo?

    By separating them they have denied the public the opportunity to be enlightened about vulture behaviour. So zoos aren't for education then?

  7. Steve X

    carrion up the Münster?

    OK, so El Reg obviously sympathises with vultures, but those two sound more like a pair of old retired mates (the odd couple? Pete & Dud?) than a couple of queens. Separating them & helping one to get laid sounds more like a Last of the Summer Wine script than standard zoo behaviour.

  8. Havin_it

    Hey Mr DJ

    Anything by Them Crooked Vultures, plz

  9. Sandra Greer
    IT Angle


    Separating bonded friends is just meanness to birds, who (like people) have relationships. Although it is only since March, so maybe they should get out more...

  10. Annihilator

    Disney's Jungle Book

    What we gonna do? I dunno, wotcha wanna do?

    No-one accused them of being gay.

  11. SirTainleyBarking

    There has to be a pecker joke somewhere

    But I just can't bring myself......

    Oh Hell

    I'll get me coat

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not vultures

    Actually, they were eagles, but Benedict XVI went back home and had them put on the rack to repent their abominable crime. So what appears has a long feather-free neck is actually a normal stretched neck. I hope this clears any confusion.

  13. Detlef_Guido

    our new lbog

    Detlef and Guido have started their own blog, and encourage you to read it. Please stop by to learn more about their story of true love and devotion.

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