back to article First day WinPho 7 sales top 40k, claims market watcher

Microsoft and its WinPho 7 partners sold only 40,000 smartphones running the new OS on the days of its launch, it has been claimed. The figure only covers the US market and comes from an unnamed researcher who tracks mobile phone sales, according to website The Street. Microsoft hasn't said whether the total is right or wrong …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    someone want to tell Microsoft

    You polish a turd. Seems they haven't grasped this concept.






    Internet Explorer

    Windows Vista


    Not Turds:



    .NET and Developer Tools

    Office products

    Microsoft need to stick to what they are good at.

    1. whiteafrican


      Dude, check your facts:

      - Xbox360 outsold the Wii and the PS3 in the last quarter. Hence, not turd, rather: Market leader.

      - Kinect - by the time it went on sale in the UK, it had already sold out in most high street retailers' pre-order system. No figure yet for the few days since release. Either way, serious non-turd.

      - Internet explorer is still the most widely used browser in the world.

      - Zune - well, ZunePass is pretty popular (it's certainly a better deal than iTunes, since it offers all-you-can-eat music at a really low price). The Zune hardware was never released in the UK, so I can't comment.

      - Vista/ME - What is the point of commenting on old versions of windows? Does no tech company have past errors? Does Apple not have the Pippin and the Newton (which both crashed and burned)? Does Google not have Wave and Buzz (ditto, and much more recent too)?

      Bottom line - Microsoft is sitting on a massive pile of cash, and has released a phone OS that is sold out in lots of countries, in the first few weeks after its launch. You are a commentor on an internet chatroom, offering them product strategy advice. Do you have ANY idea how absurd that looks?

      1. Kevin Bailey

        Good try...

        My I remind you that a huge percentage of Xbox's died with the RROD - and lost customer faith in MS. Also, small matter that the XBox division was about six billion in the red recently.

        As for the other points - well - trying to defend the Zune etc just emphasises how bad they were - and floundering about trying to defend them is absurd.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @ whiteafrican

        Hmm, that's some selective factifying there.

        XBox360 sales in the last quarter are not in question, but what was the cost of all the Red Ring Of Fail XBoxen that filled the first few quarters of its existence?

        Every review I've read of Kinect has said that it's not the full shilling at present.

        IE: most widely-used != best


    2. The BigYin

      Allow me to adjust



      Never owned one, but the original xBox was capable enough in its day. It's still good now (especially when it's hacked), I can only presume that the 360 is similar


      Wrong on an epic scale. There's even open source drivers for Kinect now, it's free to be used with anything and I expect to see it get taken up big style.



      >Internet Explorer

      >Windows Vista


      Bang on the money, but IE9 looks like it may be a non-turd. It will, after all, be the first MS browser with a nod towards standards compliance.

      >Not Turds:


      Err...really? It might be my favourite MS OS, but XP certainly has some turd-splatter on it. Not releasing USB devices when I demand it is my biggest gripe. There are more.


      Are you serious? It is a total sack of bloated vomit (if have to suffer its suppurating pestilence on a daily basis)

      >.NET and Developer Tools

      Some of the GDI is nice, some integrations are good, debugging is great and, in general, VisualStudio is faster than Eclipse. But that's it. The languages are not cross-platform and TFS is a bucket of diseased sputum.

      >Office products

      Ah, I see. This is "humour" isn't it? Office is a raging pile of foetid balls, 2007 and 2010 even more so. Inconsistent APIs, inconsistent windowing behaviour, poorly documented (and inconsistent) file formats, lack of standards support, bloated and slow.

      1. DrXym

        @The BigYin

        Kinect may have drivers for it but that does not mean you can dance in front of Kinect wired to your Linux OS and expect anything notable to happen. The drivers enable basic webcam functionality since most of the functionality in the 360 is software side. It might make Kinect useful as a pan / tilt webcam, or perhaps a primitive 3D scanner. Don't expect it to be useful for much more.

        1. The BigYin


          Oh, I don't expect to see "Extreme Tux racer"* being Kinect controlled by tomorrow morning, I don't even expect it to be necessarily used with Linux. Once the drivers are stable enough to start passing meaningful values, people will use it for all sorts of things.

          The average PC (any OS) has more than enough grunt to do the processing the xBox does.

    3. DrXym

      Win Phone 7 isn't a turd

      It's more akin to someone recovering from major brain surgery. MS basically scooped out all the legacy apps from Windows Mobile 6.5 and reimplemented a new UI on top. In the long term that's a good thing. In the short term Windows Phone is disoriented, lacking basic functionality and drooling slightly.

      I certainly wouldn't want to buy a phone in this state but I expect in a year or so it will be a more compelling story. A year is a long time though, possibly too long given how fast these things are moving.

    4. Rattus Rattus

      I think

      you've put .NET and Office in the wrong categories there.

  2. Bilgepipe

    Give me an F, give me an A, given me an I....

    Still, it's more than the KIN....

  3. Geoff Campbell Silver badge
    Jobs Horns

    Are first day sales at all relevant?

    Especially in the case of Windows Mobile^WPhone - I suspect that if it does succeed, it will take off quite slowly. Let's see sales at the end of the first year, and then talk about it.


  4. Wibble


    Sounds like a North Korean dynasty Win Mo handed down to Win Pho. What happened to Win Dog?

    1. whiteafrican

      Ah, wibble, you again!

      I see you (yet again) have no actual merit to your comments, so you have taken to making up insulting names for WP7. You are the drollest troll I know.

      When you have time, you might want to consider the actual merits of the OS you are commenting on, such as:

      - Functionality,

      - Platform advantages,

      - Hardware choice,

      - Available software,

      - Music licensing model,

      - etc.

      Make a bit of an effort to, you know, say something relevant next time. For all of us. Cheers.

      1. Wibble

        Ok, I'll rise to the bait...

        You're right, it's too easy to say something like Win Pho sucky sucky. But why is it so easy. Oh, it sucks that's why.

        It lacks basic functionality. It's buggy. It's very much a first version.

        Platform & hardware aren't relevant as it's a software package. If you don't like Win Dog, just install Android. I'm sure there'll be a hackintosh hacked version of iOS to install one day.

        There's little available software. Certainly compared with the 300,000 apps available on the iPhone.

        To top the lot The iTunes^H^H Zune software sucks on Macintosh - I've never got any Windos Vista II on me and never intend to.

        You sure lurve your WinDog:-). Good. I'll stick to my iPhone & iPad (used to write this)

    2. hplasm

      Don't forget the assassinated-

      Win Me and Win Vi...

  5. Lionel Baden

    And this is bad news how ??

    Yeah look at windows 7 that didnt sell like mad on the first day either but its already lthe market leader due to styeady sales.

    So the premis of this story is

    MS FANBOiS not stupid enough to camp out all night just to buy a phone !!!

    *either that or their all busy playing COD BO on a computer that can game ?? :D

    1. The BigYin

      Define "sales"

      "Yeah look at windows 7 that [didn't] sell like mad on the first day either but its already [the] market leader due to [steady] sales."

      It is nigh-on impossible to buy a PC without Windows 7 due to OEM agreements. I do not call this abuse of a monopoly position a valid gauge of the popularity of Windows 7.

      1. Lionel Baden

        huh ???

        Been buying plenty of PC's with XP SP3 pre-installed from Dell ....

        1. Jess

          XP sales

          Won't they count as Win 7 sales and be using the downgrade rule?

          1. Lionel Baden


            Hadn't thought of that, but it wouldnt matter anyway.

            I got the stats of here

            Which was the first to show up under a google search for popular OS 2010.

  6. Charles Calthrop
    Dead Vulture

    Can't compare to iphone

    When the iPhone came out there was nothing like it before, so of course it sold better. The market is well established so it will be much harder for a new smartphone. Comparing this against the droid and nexus 1 the figures are broadly in line.

    Anyway, 1st day figures are largely irrelevant, it is where the market is in a year from now that counts, not a day.

    PS to the first commentator, IE 9 is actually pretty good IMO.

  7. TeeCee Gold badge

    Can't say I am surprised.

    WinMo has (or rather had) a user base for a variety of reasons, all based on its wide application base, it's excellent synchronisation with desktop apps and the ease with which it could be customised / tweaked / played with.

    WinPho 7 does none of these things, being instead a "me too" consumer device.

    That'll be those who want one buying an iPhone* and those who use WinMo refusing to touch it with a bargepole then. This thing's deader than the Palm Pre, it just hasn't stopped twitching yet.

    Yes, I am a long-term WinMo user and no, my next device will not be running WinPho. I'll be sticking with my old WinMo device (and possibly replacing like for like) until someone cuts an Android ROM with its fixation on gmail being the centre of the universe removed.

    *If you are covered in wool and prone to bleating, it's the better option.

  8. paulej72

    What about Dell

    Does the 40k include the 26k phones that Dell was providing for their employees?

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Gates Halo

    "Been buying plenty of PC's with XP SP3 pre-installed"

    Guess what?

    You and a few others. But (a) it's a drop in the ocean in the big picture (b) MS count them as Windows 7 sales because as far as MS are concerned, they no longer sell Windows XP (of the non-embedded variety, anyway).

    SO I'm not quite sure what that tells us, except that MS bend numbers any way it suits them, and we should therefore use due care when dealing with numbers from MS or any of their certified-MS-dependent supporters club.

    How many people have voluntarily paid for Windows 7 (e.g. as a retail upgrade) might be an interesting statistic. But all you routinely get from MS and their stooges is how many people bought Windows 7 because it unavoidably and non-refundably came with a PC (even if the PC later went on to be used with a non-Windows OS, which does occasionally happen).

    1. Lionel Baden

      ok then

      Try including Pirated Versions !!!

      you can at least Treble / Quadrouple the Sales figures.

      Hence i got my stats of what version of OS browsed web sites

  10. foxski


    Not surprising is it really? UK day of launch was a complete balls up, not 1 carrier had a clue what Windows Phone even was!

  11. DB2k

    too early to tell

    Bit early to tell isn't it, since the 3rd parties making the phones clearly didn't get enough stock out. Everywhere I looked in the Uk they were sold out and only had tiny volumes to start with.

  12. Tigra 07

    It's not so bad...

    40k is a good amount, it's only disappointing if they compare it to someone elses phone.

    Time will tell how good it is, and it doesn't help that their adverts for WP7 are annoying.

  13. Jason Hall

    Can't find one

    I was quite interested in trying one out on the day of release - not that I'm a potential customer... 19 months of contract left for me :(

    But I still have not managed to find a high street shop that has one ready to be played with. Nothing. Not one. Even when the iPhone 4 had sold out everywhere for weeks, plenty of shops had a display model to mess with.

    The other issue is that none of the shops I have been in even understood that it was a new platform, or could even explain anything about it. Most met me with a blank stare (nothing new there though from the normal phone-selling-muppet)

    Let's hope they can get those figures rising, since it can only help the whole marketplace by having more competitors.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    No supply

    Maybe this is an issue with supply? I have been back at AT&T for the past three days and I cannot come in soon enough to get a phone. They keep selling out of the Samsung Focus.

  15. PrototypeFive

    No supply

    Maybe this is an issue with supply? I have been back at AT&T for the past three days and I cannot come in soon enough to get a phone. They keep selling out of the Samsung Focus.

  16. Anonymous Coward

    Product names you don't want abreviated...

    Windows For Mobile Phones 7

    Who thought that wouldn't be turned into something offensive? You need to start off with a good name, if you don't have a good name, pick one without meaning. At least don't watch Pulp Fiction before brainstorming a new name.

    Windows has no prestige, it was never a high-end product. It is associated with being at work, locked-down desktops, corporate backgrounds, reboots, rogue AV, viruses and tech-support calls. It is not a selling point for a phone. Nobody wants the hassle of their pc on their phone.

    If MS want to do something in the phone space they need to spin off a new company with a new name and completely rebrand the phone stuff. Produce something stunning and cool. Developers will quickly work out if there is a similarity to the windows OS underneath which might make their life easier.

    1. hplasm


      How about... Kin? Sounds catchy!

  17. justaview

    more fanboys as usual

    When will the fan boys realise competition is good and that's how we get real innovation. I hope they succeed, I dont believe we will have another windows monopoly. A google monopoly is frankly the most likely in my view at the moment which has its own issues.

  18. Daniel Barnes

    Give it some time..

    When the iphone came out it was revolutionary, that's why so many people camped out to buy one and why it was sold out everywhere for ages. These days there are lots of good touchscreen devices around so the release of windows phone devices was always going to be a bit 'meh'.

    This doesn't mean that it is rubbish, it just means that you cannot expect it to fly off the shelves like the iphone did/does. I'm sure uptake will be slow but steady and lots of people will get one when their contract runs out.

    I won't be buying one myself, i'll stick with my HTC hero till it dies (or i get bored of it and fancy a new gadget) in which case I'll probably get another iphone. Not because I'm an apple fanboy (I am an apple fan however), but because I think it is a good device and does what i want it to do.

    1. Snapper

      How much time?

      No, it won't be rubbish, just an also-ran.

      I'm not a Fanboy either, but I do think that Apple electrified the smartphone market, and the only reason MS are offering something better than their hideous Windows Mobile is because someone forced them to. Predictably they are several years behind and can't....quite.....manage.....any.....real.....innovation even though the bar is quite obvious.

      Should we be surprised?

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