back to article Iran clamps down on mullets

As part of its audacious bid to become the first nation to ban absolutely everything, Iran has reportedly taken exception to the infamous mullet, meaning footballing legend Chris Waddle will have to cancel that Tehran weekend break he was planning. Rudi Voller, too, would be well advised to street clear of the Islamic fashion …


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  1. Blubster

    Iran clamps down on mullets

    Pity they don't clamp down on Mullahs as well

  2. bluesxman

    For once I agree...

    ...with these religious zealots. Down with the mullet.

    Troll cause, well, his hair looks like that of an infidel too.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    No problem

    He can wear a burqa.

    Mulla Steve

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Old news

    This is old news. Iran has banned Mullets for at least 5 years, if not more.

  5. Anonymous Coward

    I had arranged for a Vatican spokesperson to comment on the Catholic perspective on this....

    but they pulled out at the last moment.

    1. ravenviz Silver badge

      Re: NTNON:

      NTON archive 2 April 1979:

      Funnily enough from the same page:


      And in the wake of the Islamic referendum last Friday...


      ...the Ayatollah has decided not to close all cinemas, but in future, only Islamic films will be shown. Films like 'Perda On The Orient Express', 'The Man In The Iron Mosque', and '28 Brides For 7 Brothers'"

    2. Ken 16 Silver badge
      IT Angle


      wearing a mullet is a church approved form of birth control

  6. Tigra 07

    Fail on behalf of Iran...

    Religion really is the opposite of evolution.

    What does it say about a country that is so backwards, they have only just reached the 80s, while everyone else is in 2010?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Fail on behalf of Iran... → #

      ... the 1280s or the 1380s?

      1. Christoph

        Not that recent

        more like 80 AD

        1. CD001

          apart from one teeeeny technical fact

          ... that Islam didn't exist in AD80.

          To be honest, if it keeps Dave Mustaine out of the country I'm all for banning mullets!

  7. Jamie Kitson
    IT Angle


    Well if Catholic Online is commenting on a Muslim state, of the axis of evil no less, it must be true!

  8. Christoph

    As PTerry might say

    It's an Abomination unto Nuggan

  9. Anonymous Coward

    I guess Ahmadinejad doesn't like Kajagogo lead singer Lemal.

    His wearing of two completely independent mullets at once is more than enough to enrage the king of mullets, Billy Ray Cyrus, let alone the maddest of mullahs.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    .....just when you think these eastern countries are starting to progress, you get this.

    Its just too extreme.

    1. Ondrej Doubek

      When geography knowlegde is as precise as a compass...

      You have a funny interpretation of "Eastern"...

      Middle-Eastern maybe.

      Not the same, dude, not at all!

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Brilliant idea!

    I am ashamed to admit that I sported the famous hairstyle only as far back as 1998! It's an abomination against sense and good taste and I am glad when my hair started thinning as I got a damn good excuse to shave it all off!

    While they're at it, can they come over here and get the classic Charlton Comb-Over banned too! Gregor Fischer's Baldy-Man was funny, but it's ten times sadder to see some poor sap fighting nature while a 50mph gust of wind through a tube-train window blows his 1 foot skinny bit of hair up in the air!

  12. Anonymous Coward

    As part of its audacious bid to become the first nation to ban absolutely everything

    And we wonder why they're so keen to blow themselves up.....

  13. Reality Dysfunction

    old news...

    this was in the papers months ago (with great official pictures of valid islamic haircuts - short back and sides, no skin jobs and no mullets), just because the christian nutjobs comment on it doesnt make it newsworthy again.

    ......dissapointed in El Reg

    1. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: old news...

      I'm disappointed in your face.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Playmobil construction...

    of a Mullet (pronounced Moo-lay) wearing 80's rocker trying to slip into Iran. Or this article is completely bogus.

    Paris because she too laments this Brave New World where the mullet (pronounced Moo-lay) does not form the centrepiece of high-fashion

    PS: @Sarah Bee - Superb retort!

  15. Anonymous Coward

    Poor Chris Waddle ...

    He'll either need to change his vacation arrangements or face the penalty.

  16. Mips
    Jobs Horns

    Peter Stringfellow's famous barnet...

    ... has life of it's own. Probably a fan club and Roller as well.

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