back to article iRobot cops US Army droid order, aces Q2 results

iRobot Corporation, famous as pretty much the only major consumer robotics company in existence, has announced a new military order and results defying market expectations. The iRobot SUGV. Credit: Boeing Or you could have about 300 Roombas. The firm, maker of the iconic Roomba floor-cleaning droid, issued crowd-pleasing …


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  1. Lionel Baden

    GTFO that is not a robot !!

    it is a remote controlled device.

    Thingamajiggy at best

    It is not a robot,

    *im going to go have a lie down somebody take those red bulls away from me my eyes are whizzing round !!!

  2. The BigYin
    Jobs Horns


    How long before Apple uses them?

    1. some vaguely opinionated bloke
      Paris Hilton

      "Did you mean..."

      Sues or uses?

      Either way, it might still fit.

      (as Paris said to the bishop)

  3. Mark 65

    Big dollars

    I'm sure it has features and properties that justify the $155,000 price tag but it sure looks cheap and shitty in the photo - almost like a ponced-up kiddy toy. Like I said, I'm sure it isn't though.

    1. some vaguely opinionated bloke

      I, for one, welcome our...

      ... human-portable ponced-up kiddy toy overlords, as it means there might still be a need for us humans to carry them, so they won't wipe us *all* out. Or something.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The dick said

    "Warfighters"?? How about soldiers, soldier?

    1. Tim #3

      Title here

      I'd take a guess that "warfighters" is used in order to include contractors such as Blackwater as well as proper soldiers.

      1. Bumpy Cat

        Stupid word

        No, it doesn't include Blackwater etc mercenaries, it's just for soldiers. Because soldiers wasn't suitably heroic or some rubbish.

        Actually, it may be that the term was coined to include airmen and sailors, who make up a fair number of US Special Forces and so are quite involved in fighting the current wars. Soldiers refers only to members of the Army, not Air Force or Navy. It's still a stupid word.

  5. Fred 4

    if it works as well...

    as their carpet cleaner then there are going to be some badly injured "warfighters" out there.

    iRobot roomba - didnt make 3 months, replacement made < 2 months. I gave up - it still drive around -just doesnt do anything - kinda like I expect this thing will do.

  6. JaitcH

    For $155,000 ... I have a question ...

    can it do the cleaning chores around the home or barracks?

  7. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    "Partnered with Boeing"

    Boeing collects the checks and fills in most of the paperwork.

  8. Peter Clarke 1

    Expensive Replcement ....

    ... for a helmet on the end of a rifle trick to flush out the enemy.

  9. TeeCee Gold badge

    155 grand a pop?

    You've got to hand it to iRobot, they know how to clean up.....

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