back to article eBay Earl beats rap for punting Parliament tours

The 20th Earl of Caithness will not be punished for offering US tourists trips around the Palace of Westminster and the chance to meet "various colleagues" including the Speaker. The House of Lords Commissioner for Standards Paul Kernaghan said the Earl had clearly breached the rules on use of Westminster facilities but he had …


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  1. Flugal


    I cannot think for a moment why trust in Parliament and parliamentarians is so low.

    "Earl had clearly breached the rules on use of Westminster facilities but he had apologised and promised not to do it again."

    Well, that's OK then! Who would be unpleasant or suspicious enough to question this?

    "He said the adverts had been changed without his knowledge and could have suggested he was set to gain from the trips."

    Again, look! See! it's been fully explained and this is, er, 'evidence' that he would not have personally benefited.

    How reassured I am that we are not governed by a bunch of self-serving, freeloading, greedy shitbags.

    Mine's the one with my wallet, a bunch of American tourist wallets, and every UK taxpayers' wallets in the pocket.

  2. LinkOfHyrule

    "but he had apologised and promised not to do it again."

    "but he had apologised and promised not to do it again."

    Oh, well that's okay then. CLEARLY!

    Mines the one with "connections" hanging out the back pocket.

  3. Geoff Campbell Silver badge

    Truly, we have the best democracy....

    ....that money can buy.


  4. Rogerborg

    "I mis-interpreted tha rrrrrules"

    Didn't he just.

  5. Hieronymus Coward


    That is all...

  6. The BigYin

    Let's see

    "Earl had clearly breached the rules on use of Westminster facilities but he had apologised and promised not to do it again."

    for comparison

    "[Huntley] had clearly breached the [law of the land] but he had apologised and promised not to do it again."

    Either the rules (law) are enforced for all, or they are enforced for none. You cannot have a two tier system.

    Our leads must not only obey the rules, they must been seen to obey the rules and lead by example; or pay the consequence. If I had a say (and I don't under our current 'democracy') I would strip the Earl of his title and eject him from the house.

  7. Saucerhead Tharpe

    He has to make his money now

    Anyone that has ever seen the Earl of Caithness will know that he is obviously a Deep One and any day now may be forced to abandon land for the sea

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