back to article Yahoo!: the future is HTML5 (plus native code)

For Yahoo!, the future of mobile applications is HTML5. But that doesn't mean they'll run solely on the web. "I think you'll always have [mobile] applications with native components because you'll have some elements where native will be better optimized," Sandeep Gupta, the man who oversees Yahoo!'s mobile app development, …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Futuristic Stuff

    Interested to read the other day in answer to the question, 'when will HTML5 be finished?' the spec editor reckoned it will probably reach Candidate Recommendation in late 2012 and become a full W3C Recommendation sometime around 2022.

  2. James Woods


    I don't understand why these people can't follow standards. Standards are a requirement for everyday business.

    Im sure yahoo/google follow standards when it comes to:

    hiring "affirmative action" staff

    doing whatever is "necessary" under employment law (and nothing more)



    having their ways in the court system(s)

    I mean google wouldn't like to walk into a court room and have the judge be a hybrid monkey hanging from the ceiling now would they? Nobody would expect that because we have standards.

    So does the internet and it's about time these idiots start to follow it and stop abusing it only for their own competitive edge.

    I aim this a little more at google since yahoo would do the same thing if it wasn't a gigantic failure of a company.

    and as only yahoo's ceo can understand, f*c* y*u.

    1. heyrick Silver badge

      @ James Woods

      We end users are partly to blame here. If the majority demanded standards, then standards would be met. Okay, so it might hark back to the web 1.0 days (in which we might just, today, have tables and text styling if it was left to the official standards track), however an awful lot of us suffer from the Apple syndrome, namely: Oooh, shiny! I want!

      Frankly, I don't give a rats ass about video in HTML5 as YouTube and streaming TV already work using their respective plugins. Nor do I care about super-special markup as what I do already works. To the end user, HTML5 might come across as change for the sake of change. You and I understand some of the points behind it, but how do we explain to the cute-kitten crowd that it will replace their snazzy displays and videos with... snazzy displays and videos? But if they manage to pull a rabbit out of the hat, then forget about standards, it will be "oooh shiny!" that wins.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Oh really?

      "I mean google wouldn't like to walk into a court room and have the judge be a hybrid monkey hanging from the ceiling now would they? Nobody would expect that because we have standards."

      Having done more than my fair share of jury duty, I'd say a hybrid monkey would be a pretty accurate assessment of most of the judges I've met. They just fling poo with more grace than the suits on either side.

      Anonymous in case I'm not smart enough to get out of jury duty next time.

  3. Alastair 7

    Sadly, very true

    I'm working on a mobile app for my work right now. I can do everything I need to do with HTML5, but we're wrapping the whole thing up in a PhoneGap framework just so that we can get it into the various app stores. Why? So that people can have an icon on their homescreen for it.

    Yes, I know you can bookmark web pages on your homescreen. Sadly, 99% of users don't.

    1. Gabor Laszlo


      Just build a stub that puts a bookmark on their homescreen, and put THAT in the store!

      Sorry, no "Durrrr'phhhbt" Icon

  4. OffBeatMammal

    browser wars

    "Firefox and Opera then — let alone IE9"

    sadly it's becoming a two horse race again... IE vs Chrome. Both Firefox and Opera are losing out and Safari (as another webkit clone) isn't making huge grounds on the PC (and I prefer Chrome on my Mac as well)

    Ironically IE is doing better at supporting developers ... this open bug for instance is causing pain for some of the major frameworks but keeps getting swept under the carpet while IE and Firefox support it fully...

  5. IGnatius T Foobar
    Dead Vulture

    Ya Who?

    He says this as if Yahoo still matters.

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