back to article Britney's wares exposed online

The release date of troubled chanteuse Britney Spears' forthcoming album has been moved forward two weeks after some of the tracks found their way into cyberspace, Reuters reports. Her label Jive Records confirmed today that the appropriately-titled Blackout will thrill the planet on 29 October (30 October in the US), ahead of …


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  1. Dam

    Pirates ? that can't be :o

    I mean, the RIAss.A is here to protect us from this scum isn't it ?

    Isn't it ?

    Mom ?

    Anyone ?

    I'm alooooone :'(

  2. Phil Rigby

    Who is worse?

    Kinda off-topic, but how bad must she really be when the best choice for the kids is to be with K-Fed....

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    Pirates here, seriously it wasn't us, we want nothing to do with it, we all know it was the music label trying to drum up interest in their has been.

    So please, don't bring the release date forward - hell cancel the album all together. PLEASE T_T


    Mighty nice boat.

  4. Anonymous Coward


    A simple way of getting some attention before the official release, poor pour Britney another one.

  5. Jason Togneri
    Dead Vulture

    Gimme More*

    > *Yes, yes, but give me more what exactly?

    More publicity, obviously.

  6. /\/\j17


    Perhaps Ms Spears is requesting more Pirates?

    Arr, tis true or may I sink to Davy Jones* locker.

    * Though quite why pirates insist on references to the one-time Monkey I do not know, though I respect him for living in Beavertown! (

  7. Andy
    Paris Hilton

    Good lord

    I don't blame pirates for the simple reason that a p2p network implies that there is more than one person interested in the file.

  8. Dave Burns
    Paris Hilton

    Something odd about this..

    I don't think anyone would download her music illegally and admit too it its pretty dry and a true pirate would be downloading stuff worthy of the bandwidth. Wheres the Paris angle on this story?

  9. Martin Maloney

    Get a clue, Jive Records

    From the article:

    * * * * *

    The release date of troubled chanteuse Britney Spears' forthcoming album has been moved forward two weeks after some of the tracks found their way into cyberspace, Reuters reports...

    A Jive Records statement declared: "Due to these numerous unauthorised online leaks, the label is doing everything possible to prevent and avoid any further illegal distribution of songs, including moving up the release date of the album to 30 October."

    * * * * *

    Within hours after the CD is released, 320 Kb-quality rips of the CD will appear on BitTorrent networks.

    In short, they are "...moving up the release date (of 'further illegal distribution') of the (entire) album to 30 October."

    Oh, yeah, that will really "...prevent and avoid..." the nefarious activities of music pirates, won't it?

    Perhaps Jive Records should have chosen a medical insurance company that does not provide "no co-payment" coverage for lobotomies!

    It's Martin, bitch...and, as far is your performances are concerned, gimme less...lots less...

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Shiver me mainbrace...

    ...and luff me sails!

    Thar be a bloated whale upon yon horizon! Nay! It be the good (?) ship Britney Pop-tart! Take us a point closer to the wind, Master 'Awkins and beat to Quarters! We'll lay her by the lee and plunder her goods!

    Yarr, what's that you say Master 'Awkins? She be laden with the Pop-tart's music..?! Bear away, 'Awkins me boy! We be havin' none of that scurvey bilge-wash smellin' up the boat. Bear away!

  11. Alan Davies

    What is this world coming to?

    Britney's unreleased album appearing on BitTorrent?

    Shame on you pirates. Release something worth downloading.

    I'm gonna go play Portal.

  12. g e

    Ah that'll be it, then

    No doubt when her album sales flop it'll be because of the leaked files and nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that it's utter shite.

    Cunning trick, that, the pre-emptive leaking of crap music to blame the subsequent lack of sales on the intarweb thus perpetuating the RIAA's mythos.

    Wag The Dog, anyone?

  13. BoldMan
    Thumb Down

    Excuse me but does anybody care?

    I mean is anyone really interested in the car-crash career of this trailer-trash mime-artist who can't even mime properly?

  14. Phill
    IT Angle

    How Exactly

    How did an unreleased album end up on BitTorrent / P2P networks? Hacker? Inside job? Idiot at the company accidentally running a P2P client?

    These questions need answers.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Gimme more*

    More boobies actually.

    Uncut version of the video has been put on youtube. Link can be found from Holy Moly (yesterday's stories).

    And she's been going out knickerless again.

    She certainly does give more than your average pop singer.

  16. Anonymous John

    Makes a change from

    Paris Hilton non-stories, I suppose.

  17. Graham Jordan

    Sex vid

    According to the delightful Metro some one broke into her house and nicked a bunch of sex vids...

    Poor girls in for a right treat if its true

  18. Philip Bune

    Abandon all hope

    Bittiny spares music on the pirate scene, whatever next, her singing in tune & refusing Drink, Drugs & Junk Food.

    Any self respecting Pirate would run a mile rather than allow their bandwidth to be used to proliferate such vile bilge from a washed up minger.

    Must be the record company's attempt to drum up some trade & get back the money they wasted before they dump her too.

  19. Anonymous Coward

    No don't

    Give her any more drugs she's on the same path as Anna Nicole Smith of course she's younger but it only takes a few Methadone and Dilaudid sandwiches to kill even the hardiest bimbo.

  20. the Jim bloke
    Paris Hilton

    Wrong Album title

    Bratneys most recent album had a perfect name, chosen right here on the Reg.

    I beleive the favoured title was

    "Cupid Stunt"

    as voted by Regsters

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