back to article Microsoft: Silverlight youth beats Flash experience

It sounds like Microsoft is getting the same treatment from Apple as Adobe Systems when it comes to putting its media player on the iPad and iPhone. It's been put on hold. Regardless of whether Silverlight makes it on to either, Microsoft still feels pretty good about how it stacks up against Flash in security - an area where …


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  1. ChrisInBelgium


    No, it's the old delivery system as usual, it comes installed by default with Windows 7. The same way IE had a meteoric "uptake". And the usual stealth installs with other programs like WMV-player on the Mac, you have to actively remove Silverlight from the install or you'll get it, if you want it or not.

    Good old rubbish as usual.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Oh Dear

      Look, I know it's cool to hate microsoft (Sorry, Micro$haft) and everything but please, do a little checking first:

      Try putting "is silverlight installed in windows 7 by default" into your favourite search engine and getting some facts before spewing tired, unproven shite all over the interwebs. (Google) (Bing)

  2. Eddie 4

    Java Web Start

    Both Silverlight & AIR remind me of Java WebStart (JWS) technology that was kicking around some 5 years ago - a way of delivering 'desktop' apps over the internet. JWS never caught on, which was a pity because you could write real RIAs using familiar technologies such as Swing, which could access OS resources while running in a sandbox.

    I wonder if AIR & Searchlight are in any way superior to JWS or just have better marketing depts behind them?

  3. Mage Silver badge


    Seems to me that whatever Silverlight 3 was is irrelevant to Silverlight 4.

    executes outside the Silverlight3 sandbox and an access numerous HW direct. Looks like an ActiveX / DCOM / COM / OLE type disaster waiting to happen. Don't they learn?

  4. Chemist

    Re : SIlverlight beats flash

    "is now approaching 60 percent installation on all Internet devices worldwide."

    Given the claimed penetration of Windows I'd guess you'd expect it to be on lots of machines, doesn't mean it's actually USED.

    It's like two loan-sharks arguing who's got the moral high ground

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    spelling mistake in article - don't post as Comment

    "That's a maybe, but there's still one device they all want to be one and that won't be running Silverlight, Flash, or AIR anytime soon"

    should be

    "want to be *on*" ?

    No need to post as an actual comment.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    No Flash bugs!

    "Adobe's chief technology officer Kevin Lynch fired back: "We don't ship Flash with any known crash bugs.""

    That's funny. Someone posted a comment a few weeks ago with a link to a site which was specifically designed to crash and take out your browser tab/window.

    Obviously, if Adobe don't know about this then they haven't been paying any attention to the myriad complaints they've been getting...

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