back to article Mole: international iPad out on 24 April

Apple's UK website still lists the iPad - out in the US on Saturday - as due to debut over here in the "late April" timeframe. But when exactly? According to one source, the 24 April. According to an mole in Canada'a Apple Store, cited by website iPad in Canada, employees have been told that data is 'no time off' day. While …


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  1. Neur0mancer
    Jobs Halo


    Now I really want one. I think it would be the perfect simultaneous tv watching computery device.


  2. Geoff Campbell Silver badge


    I'll wait and see what the market releases to compete, probably using Android. I'll probably buy something by the end of this year, but it'll only be a Jesus Pad if the market has failed to respond, which I doubt.

    Got to hand it to Apple's marketing machine, though. They know what they're doing.


  3. Anonymous Coward


    you must really have an iPad for review but have been sworn to secrecy by His Jobness. How else did you get your hands on an iPad Hyperbole production app* to write this article?

    Ha ha!! Rumbled!


  4. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    You almost had me

    Good one. Happy April 1st to you too.

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