back to article Sealand seeks satellite and movie deals

That tiny speck of sovereign delusion known as Sealand will finally reclaim its former glory as a platform for pirate radio, the fantastical micronation hinted this week on its website, and Mike Newell, of Donnie Brasco fame, has agreed to direct a movie based on those very same pirate radio origins. Full circle, and to a …


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  1. Nick

    Nice but...

    Even if they do get their independant deal, I would hazard a guess that the residents of any country accessing "dodgy" content held on said soverign nations servers could expect the fuzz to be breaking down the door forthwith. It just means that the Navy turning up and trying to remove these servers could 'theoretically' be accused of starting a war. They should try and join the UN.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If they are for sale for 8 figures

    And they are such a problem to Great Britain, why don't they just shell out the 10 - 99 million £ or $, evict the current tenants and lob a nice not so smart bomb at the place and be done with it.

    Heck, here in Ontario, Canada our provincial government dropped $12M to start negotiating with the local Natives over a land dispute. They effectively paid a land developer $12M to walk away and leave the situation unchanged.


  3. David Wilkinson

    Open for invasion!

    Somehow I don't see the members of the U.N. Security Council approving the economic sanctions called for by the Sealand government in exile.

    Just get an expert to testify that their possession of the latest Die Hard movie is direct evidence of an advanced cyber-terrorism program. Invent a few scary James Bond-ish nicknames for the IT staff, "Fire-Sale Fred", "Dr DDOS".

    If somehow that doesn't seem like sufficient pretext for invasion, you can leaked reports about an attempted purchase of "yellow cake" (based perhaps on expert analysis of an intercepted grocery list detailing negotiations with an international arms deals known only as "Little Debbie") as evidence of a nuclear weapons program.

  4. Peter Rowland


    More power to them.

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