back to article Premium rate regulator stops providers charging for free info

The premium rate phone regulator has moved to stamp out charges levied by operators for information provided elsewhere for free. It also objected to operators promoting premium-rate services on websites with the .org suffix. PhonepayPlus (PPP) said that it had faced growing numbers of complaints, many upheld, about operators …


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  1. bertie bassett

    reg Fail: UK not the US

    ok so PPP sound's like some kind of medical insurance company but it's actually the regulator for premium rate here in the good ole UK

  2. Alan Mackenzie

    Re: reg Fail: UK not the US

    Actually, PPP sounds like the way your modem talks with your ISP. You know, modems - remember them?

  3. It'sa Mea... Mario

    PPP is also a type of pension..

    Regulators that do thier job - We like!

  4. Lost in a maze of twisty messages, all alike.

    Good grief

    An official body which cares about the distinction between the commercial and non-profit GTLDs. I thought everyone had forgotten the difference, wonders will never cease.

  5. Lord Elpuss Silver badge


    "...targeting the vulnerable..." - is that Politically-correct speak for targeting the thick?

  6. Soruk

    @ Alan Mackenzie

    Your ADSL modem or router will be talking PPP to the ISP's kit or to a box in between.

  7. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse
    Thumb Down

    @ Lord Elpuss

    No. It's not.

  8. Anonymous Coward


    Such firms are "Strongly advised not to..." charge for such information.

    Oh. That'll learn 'em, then.

    Forry, haf anybory feeng my keef? Fey feem koo be miffing. Borrockf.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Too little...

    ...and always, always too late.

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