back to article Microsoft super discounts Windows 7, cloud, online Office

Microsoft executives like to affix "super" to their words. In the past, we've had "super" important, "super" cool, and "super" nicely. The origin of this practice, we understand, is Bill Gates, who used it in a genuinely geeky way while others inside Microsoft tried to emulate him. Anyway, here's another "super" for you. It's …


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  1. Anonymous Coward



  2. Michael 77
    Paris Hilton

    Gee, thanks ...

    "With relatively few French artists following the international success of Etienne de Crecy and Alex Gopher, it seems "Super Discount" will remain a stand-alone classic."

    Thanks for the link, guys.

    Paris because at least she gets 'relevance'.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    No discount yet for down under

    ... unless you buy a copy of Vista now, and get an unspecified discount on W7. No pre-order offer for us :( Microsoft has always screwed over the Antipodes, so I don't hold out much hope for us to get any 'super' offer. But then if you look at the Oz version of their web site, Windows 7 hardly rates a mention anyway.

    I'll take a guess at AUD $460 undiscounted for an *upgrade* from Vista to W7 Ultimate. BEND OVER.

  4. JP Strauss
    Black Helicopters

    And me?

    I think I'll just wait for the free pirate copies to show up. ('tis a joke, gov'ner)

  5. Anonymous Coward

    and me?

    I'll totally ignore Windows 7 just like I did Vista and carry on using Ubuntu, which can do so much more than Vista.

  6. David 138

    Not so Super

    They need to get their asses in gear and reduce the upgrade Costs from Vista Ultimate - W7 Ultimate.

    Gona break out the Jolly rodger until they price it sensibly (Preferably Free) for muppets like me who wasted money on it.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Can't please everyone

    I'm happy, pre-ordered my 'full' (UK E) version of 7 Premium for £45... Can't fault it.

    "I'll totally ignore Windows 7 just like I did Vista and carry on using Ubuntu, which can do so much more than Vista."

    Umm, except for the apps, games and other software and hardware that it can't run of course...

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Gates Halo

    How can Ubububu do SO much more than Windows?

    @Anonymous Coward

    "I'll totally ignore Windows 7 just like I did Vista and carry on using Ubuntu, which can do so much more than Vista."

    When you say more... I assume you mean useful things. So what sort of things will Ubububu do for me that I cant do in Windows?

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