back to article EU plans giant IT network for 'freedom, security and justice'

The European Commission has laid itself open to accusatons of Orwellian doublespeak when describing its plans to run the IT systems behind a trio of security and border initiatives. The Commission has put together a legislative package "to establish a Regulatory Agency responsible for the long-term operational management of …


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  1. Scary

    For Great Justice?

    Take off every Zig.

  2. Dan 10


    So the end-game is for this to become the Orwell Team in the IT department for a European superstate, then?!

    Icon: can't decide between BB and 'suck on this'...

  3. Michael 28
    IT Angle

    What OS will they be using??

    Pity Ireland and Britain aren't part of it!

  4. Colin Millar
    IT Angle

    Man - what are they smoking in Brussels

    Come on guys - world recession and all? We know you love shoving the brown envelopes to your contractor pals for failing to deliver "IT" projects but don't you think you could wait a year or two for the next batshit crazy multimillion-euro piece of epic fail - give us taxpayers a little breathing space huh?

  5. John Smith 19 Gold badge
    Big Brother

    "Justice." Is an interesting word

    With *so* many different definitions.

    I'd look at the definitions used by the EU *very* carefully.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    If I prepare and deliver an IT system in the area of freedom, security and justice will I win an Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence?

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Yeh, EU gets it's own TSA

    Some giant list full of flags to say you are suspect of something.... the TSA Watchlist comes to the EU!

    Good old EU, if there's a discredited bad idea in the world, they'll copy it!

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Move IT network.

    For great justice!

  9. ElReg!comments!Pierre

    Pah. Not afraid

    A few gazillion euros and five years later, they'll notice that it doesn't work. In the meantime anyone with half a clue will have switched to strong end-to-end encryption and onion routing. Good luck guise. You may catch a few 8-yo pranksters if you're fast enough.

    Pub time...

  10. Anonymous Coward

    I suppose in the UK and EU we can only dream?

    Okay, I accept the links are rather tenuous (half hearted or haw farted?) and el Reg mods: the concept is accountability, transparency and respecting the public. These seem to be poorly done under things from a UK and EU.

    But just look at this and dream ...

    Now is that not a more pleasant way to treat the public?

    One might wish to ask oneself: where is the UK's, where is the EU's, ... and so forth

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