back to article ICO: Upgrades must protect privacy

The Information Commissioner's Office is urging organisations to consider the impact on privacy before developing new IT or changing methods of handling personal data. The call came as the ICO published the latest version of its privacy impact assessment handbook. The handbook aims to help organisations address the risks to …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    ICO on the Cutting Edge

    The. Closing. Horse. Bolted. Stable. Shut. After. Door. Has. The.

    Are companies and indivudals not *required* to ensure only the most essential personal data is held and access limited.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Webwise Discover - where is the PIA

    Good point from the ICO.

    I wonder where the PIA is for the new Phorm vapourware widget, Webwise Discover? There are a number of new privacy implications around the operation of this new "search engine/targeted browsing preferences" implementation linked to the existing Webwise DPI interception and profiling, and I have seen NO privacy discussion of the technology nor any clear technical explanation of how it works. Surely Phorm didn't forget to do the PIA did they? After all, they only managed a "late stage implementation model" on the original Webwise, so surely they will have done a PROPER PIA on the new "beta" product - if it actually exists.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Heh, "Must protect privacy"

    Tell that to wannabe uber data mining 'la la la I can't hear you' egotards like the team behind the Firefox extension we used to lovingly call 'Foxmarks'.

    No warnings, no cautions when installing Xmarks. Oh, and if you upgrade an existing Foxmarks to Xmarks, you're happily, silently, opted in as well. Suuuure, you can opt out. After the fact. What, you opted out of our service, but we'll still use your data because we never fully confirmed *everything* will be deleted did we now? we just said something so you'd be quiet. Thanks for helping us start up our business though. Now go away, I must count my money.

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