back to article Canadian Sex Party stands proud at polls

Sex and politics, together at last - this week the Canadian Sex Party became the first of its kind in the English-speaking world to stand registered candidates in British Columbia, in Canada's provincial elections. One candidate, Sex Party leader John Ince, achieved a reasonably creditable tally of around two per cent of the …


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  1. Paul Murphy
    Paris Hilton

    I for one welcome our...

    Black leather-clad mistresses.

    Joking aside our society would be much healthier if we backed off the prudishness and health and safety dogma and started ephasising personal responsibility more.

    Anyway PH, black leather ... I'm off for a lie-down.


  2. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    NIce to see...

    That the campaigners against Bush's influence in this regard have adopted his linguistic foibles:

    "For the last eight years, it has been almost impossible to obtain funds to look at any questions in this area that were not focussed on producing answers that conform to this new puritanity."

    Puritanity? Could this be the new stupidism?

  3. Ian Halstead
    Thumb Up

    Like buses...

    Not a sniff of a sex party for ages, then all of sudden three come simultaneously.

  4. Tobor
    Thumb Up

    I'd give them one vote, obviously.

  5. Anonymous Coward

    @Ian Halstead

    I've never had a bus come anywhere near me, except that one that squirted thick ropes of hot coolant all over my ex girlfriend's face.

    Come to think of it, she left the city to start a new job in FirstBus...

  6. Anonymous Coward


    @Ian Halstead

    "then all of sudden three come simultaneously" A premature posting?????

    The Sex Party has been active in Ireland for a long time now, except here they are are known as Fianna Fáil; they've a bunch of wankers that totally screwed and fucked up the country.

  7. GrahamT

    Not going to make much difference

    Much as it pains me to say it, it doesn't matter what Canada, Australia and even the UK do. As long as the US has the deep streak of puritansim running through it, influencing the media and government, it is unlikely anything will change.

    After all, Scandinavia, Holland and to some extent, Germany and France (publc nudity is not an issue in either country) have had these freedoms for years, and the world still hasn't changed. The fact that Australia, the UK and Canada (!?) are "English speaking" is pretty irrelevant.

  8. Robert Grant

    @Like buses...

    Mind like a monorail...:)

  9. TeeCee Gold badge

    Re: Like buses

    Did you really intend to invoke a mental picture of a veritable jism tsunami there?

    Here, you can have this drycleaned.

  10. Robert Ramsay

    Won't vote for us?

    Then you must commit - seppukkake!

  11. Rob

    Same story different subject

    So not to dissimiliar to the issues with drugs and probably a few others as well.

    They refuse to really tackle the issue and so take the knee jerk reaction of the puritan way. The best method for these subjects is education, educate people well enough and let them make their own desicions.

    The cynical view being that governments don't like the general public being happy or making happy by themselves unless they can put a tax on it, so next best thing to do is ban it.

    (P.S. any puns in the above mentioned text were not intentional, it's friday afternoon and I couldn't be bothered to word it otherwise).

  12. This post has been deleted by its author

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    NOT a good article

    Starts with yap about the Sex Party in BC, where everyone is already half-stoned anyway, and then neatly segues to the Bush regime, which is a horse of an entirely other color.

    I just voted in the BC election on Tuesday; if there'd been a Sex Party candidate I would have voted for him/her/it, but no, all we had was a "Liberal" candidate (a dim rightwinger, actually, the BC Liberal party having been kidnapped by conservatives 15-20 years ago), an NDPer ("New Democratic Party", a bunch of very soft-centred would-be socialists that couldn't wipe their own asses clean without using a mirror, and even then would probably leave skidmarks in their undies), and a "Green" party candidate (another bunch of dimwitted ideological types who tag all their pet political yearnings with "green", regardless of the truth).

    Meanwhile in Vancouver, Wreck Beach is full of naked bodies enjoying what they can of the scanty sunshine, the grow op industry is continuing to crank out some awesome weed, and the population at large tells the pols to fuck off and not bother people who have more important things to worry about. What's for dinner, dear?

    Where is the Rhinoceros Party when you need them? (Canada's answer to the Raving Monster Loony Party)

  14. Anonymous Coward

    Help for those on the sidelines of life

    >This, in turn, raises awkward questions of whether it is legitimate for the state

    > to condone - or at least turn a blind eye - to sex workers being allowed to

    > interact with those who would otherwise be condemned to a life without any

    > sexual release whatsoever.


    You mean... geeks?! Those of us who are slightly overweight, happen to share accommodation with our parents despite being in our 40s, have an extensive collection of comics (or as it may be DVDs of crap films of people with pointy ears), with highly paid but terribly stressful jobs in the technology sector demand to know... I for one have been itching for a chance to share my amazing new strategy for adapting fast booting from Linux to OpenBSD with a beautiful young woman for (what seems like) aeons.

    "I am very unhappy and wish to express my discontent", 'cos I'm not /entirely/ joking...

  15. J
    Black Helicopters

    Yeah, but...

    Are they hard line? Horrible, I know...

    @ Rob

    I agree with the main idea of what you said there, but...

    "They refuse to really tackle the issue" ... "The cynical view being that governments don't like the general public being happy or making happy by themselves unless they can put a tax on it, so next best thing to do is ban it."

    They who? Gee, people love to knee jerk anytime "government" is said, or even just implied. And I like to remind such people that there is no "they", there is no "government"... All there is is us all. Each people has the government they deserve, as we say in Brazil. Corrupt, inefficient, puritanical government? Well, how did they get there, and where from? They are us, sad but true.

  16. James O'Brien

    Nice to see

    That they are honest about who they want to screw. . .

  17. Andrew Williams
    Jobs Horns

    Sex party?

    Why not go the whole hog and have a human/goat/other sacrifice party, or even "We should be able to marry hamsters" party?

    After all, it's about as pathetic.

    Ballmer, because we all know he'd be in favour of it, especially if Microsoft had perpetual media rights.

  18. Dave The Cardboard Box

    How well did they do against...

    the food party and the shelter party. My understanding of primitive drives says that the "kill anyone who doesn't fit in" party should win every time (AKA UKIP and Republicans). I want to vote using the conscious part of brain and a spoiled ballot seems the only choice.

  19. John Angelico


    "that sex between consenting adults is a normal, enjoyable activity that should be allowed to take place without state interference or any attempt to dictate boundaries."

    How about these folks cease to act like the square root of minus one?

    There is no way to live life without boundaries. Otherwise, they would be advocating rutting 24/7/365 - impossible!

    Yes, that's it, the one with log tables in the pocket.

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