back to article Brown red in face after blusher found in cab

Prime Minister Gordon Brown acquired another light dusting of woe when his make-up bag was left in the back of a taxi last week. Rather more seriously the bag, left by a junior aide, also contained information on how he and Home Secretary Jacqui Smith would be getting to Yorkshire for an official visit. Less dangerously, but …


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  1. Jim Carter

    I'm quite surprised

    That his makeup regime doesn't include white face powder, red lipstick and a large comedy nose. Not forgetting of course the silly wig and outsized clown shoes.

  2. dedmonst
    IT Angle

    IT website?

    I thought we'd been through this before - *please* stick to IT stories

    I neither know nor care about the makeup regimes of politicians

  3. umacf24

    Bloody Cabbies

    What is the point of riding in a black cab if you can't trust the driver? I hope the PCO tracks him/her down.

  4. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

    Re: IT website?

    Humblest apologies, dedmonst - we do sometimes forget that we must consult and thereafter defer to you without question on matters editorial.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    I think you'll find

    ...that the original piece of paper held detailed instructions for making him look sweet in his "evening attire".

    The miniskirt, low-topped blouse and high-heels were in a different bag, so we'll never be sure.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture

    Re: Re IT Website?

    Have to agree with him - clearly you should consult because he obviously has a better grasp of what constitutes IT than the El-Reg hacktards.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    slow news day

    slow news day at elREG, oh, well, it's back to the usual .. :)

  8. Simon Painter

    no way...

    So let me get this right; that's what he looks like _with_ makeup on? Where's the baboon's arse icon when you need one?

  9. liam tipler

    @ dedmonst

    re: "I thought we'd been through this before - *please* stick to IT stories

    I neither know nor care about the makeup regimes of politicians" ...

    dont speak for all of us. i want to know other none-it related stuff too. i for one shudder at the thought of this place being 100% it related.

  10. Andy Neale
    Thumb Up

    @ Jim Carter

    @ Jim Carter .....LOL

    Also...I take it Mr Brown is getting it all replaced on 'expenses'...Clinique isn't cheap

  11. Admiral Grace Hopper


    Very nice powder, not cheap though. I wonder if he gets his slap on ex's?

  12. Nick
    Thumb Up

    I wonder...

    ... if perhaps his fingerprints and DNA could be grabbed from the bag 'o swag.

  13. daniel
    Paris Hilton

    Please may I be the first to say.........


    Paris, she's also careful when applying make up.

  14. Tony

    No way.

    You cannot be serious... They put makeup on him AND HE STILL LOOKS THAT BAD?

    What the hell must he look like before?

  15. Anonymous Coward

    @Mistress Bee

    Who are you and what have you done with Mistress Bee?

    Surely dedmonst should now be the proud owner of a freshly ripped arsehole?


    This passive aggression is unbecoming...

  16. Xris Middleton
    IT Angle

    IT Angle

    One would assume that the "detailed instructions" were written and printed on a computer, maybe even one that is connected to an unsecured goverment network.

  17. david

    I suggest...

    if((reader.ITOnlyStories || reader.NoSOH) && channel.toLower()=='odds & sods')








  18. The Dorset Rambler


    Look right up the top of the screen, no, higher - that's it - right at the top...

    What section are you in? That's right....BOOTNOTES


  19. Anonymous Coward

    Oh dear

    Give over carping about the IT angle, in these troubled times we need a bit of cheering up.

    And all you contractors currently resting, how about dreaming up some cool anti phorm-uberdatbase software, call it pro bono work!!!

  20. dedmonst
    IT Angle

    @Sarah Bee

    if you don't want our opinions, why do you have comments? Seems like I'm in a minority on this one, but I can live with that.

    that said - if you'd *really* like me to take over editorial duties for el reg, I'll go get my lobotomy and sign up!

    let's see now... surf web for vaguely amusing story... <cut> <paste>

  21. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

    Re: @Sarah Bee

    But that wasn't an opinion as such, was it? It was a demand to know why we're wasting your time with our frivolities. Slight difference.

    If you want to come and work here, do send us your CV. I need a new... assistant. The previous holder of the position.... left... suddenly.

  22. dedmonst

    now I'm enjoying this...

    ahhh I *see* an opinion is an opinion only when you say it is?

    all opinions are equal, but some opinions are more equal than others?

    I'm not sure I really have the SOH for a career in journalism - at least that's some folks opinion

    maybe cr*p articles can be justified if the comment threads end up being amusing... I know, no IT angle though

    yours in hypocrisy etc.

  23. Anonymous Coward

    Because you're worth it...

    Britards! Half of you will still vote for Gordo and chums at the next General Erection.

  24. N

    as well as

    A fucking big trowel to plaster over the cracks...

  25. Daniel Wilkie

    @AC Mertard

    If half of us vote for him, then unless the other half of us all vote for just one party they'll get in... Which isn't that likely... So there :p

    And Dedmonst, seriously - bootnotes? As in off topic?

    Dammit now I just copied everyone else and fed the trolltard :s

    @Sarah Bee - does the post come with a company Aston? If it does, consider my CV in the post :p

  26. Seanie Ryan
    IT Angle

    IT Angle

    of course there is an IT angle, they referenced the other sensitive data that has been lost on CD's etc in the same way that this was lost. An obvious link.

    Also, the instructions were on an A4 paper, no co-incidence that A4 is the same paper size you will find in most printers in a typical IT office.

    Right Sarah?

  27. Steve


    A cabbie that reads the Sun... Never.

  28. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward



  29. Tony


    "*please* stick to IT stories"

    I understand your feelings, but I think that this does have an IT angle.

    Don't forget that these people are the ones that are intent on spending billions of pounds (yes that's billions with a Buh, not millions with a Muh) on an IT system that they insist is absolutely essential, will be totally secure, and will make everyone's lives better - and yet they cannot even get to grips with the most basic of security processes. I think that it is highly appropriate for a technology based web site to point out these flaws.

  30. Peyton

    can't stop laughing

    As if the article itself wasn't enough, some great comments to boot! Especially appreciate dedbehindtheyesmonst chipping it - can't tell you how much I love it when some tool's comments are ominously followed by the "El Reg" icon. It's like watching someone out in the ocean with floaties being trailed by a shark fin.

  31. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    An open missive to whingers:

    Please to understand the direct relationship between loss of data and the simple loss of makeup left in the back seat. It's only further proof positive of the general ineptitude and inability of the government at all levels in protecting what doesn't need to be seen by the public.

  32. /etc

    Dead Trees

    Why do they cart around all these print-outs?

    In these people's minds computers seem to exist as something to make documents on or exchange email on *before you print it all out on dead trees*.

    Can't Brown get an iPhone on expenses? ... although having said that I suppose they don't come with full-disk encryption, so whenever the device was left somewhere sensitive information like his beauty routine would still stand to be revealed to the world.

    I hope Brown has a fetching gown to go with all that. Ah, the Labour movement! Doesn't thinking about the gallant efforts made its current national representative make you go all sentimental and teary-eyed? Nearly teary-eyed enough to make the mascara run. Wouldn't Kier Hardie have been proud, if he'd lived to see it all?

  33. Trevor

    @dedmonst && @ Sarah

    Two people enter, one Sarah leaves!

    Two people enter, one Sarah leaves!


  34. Martin Lyne

    El Reg - Funny Articles

    El Reg - Funny Articles = ZDNet (- the funny bits there)

    If the cab had set fire then it'd be even more Reg-relevant and even LESS IT-centric! *gasp!*

    My advice: Build a bridge and get the fuck over it. I felt the same way about Paris Hilton articles because even giving such a vapid moron column space for irony's sake seemed like more than she deserves. S'not like you see me moaning about it *sniff*

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