back to article MS dreams big as IE 6 for Windows Mobile nears

Microsoft is prepping developers for the latest version of Internet Explorer on Windows Mobile, while trying to lock America's biggest wireless carrier into an internet search deal. The company has released emulators for Internet Explorer 6, even though it's preparing to release version 8 for PCs. Despite the version lag, …


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  1. Alan W. Rateliff, II
    Paris Hilton

    Microsoft search?

    Could the problem be that Microsoft does not do search worth a crap? Seriously, Microsoft search engines are absolutely horrible. I use Google to search the Microsoft Knowledge Base because it turns up results that MS's own search misses.

    And I will refrain from jumping around angrily about Outlook search.

    Paris, using Microsoft to find a clue.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    I say tank and tank now ....

    I mean it. Live search is shit! Yet my 8 year old daughter will happily use it with all of her friends. My 12 year old however has learned that Dad just might be right and has switched to google because it returns better results and thus gives her higher marks in class*.

    * Boy I can't wait for next year when they teach them the folly of trusting wikipedia, I love that my children's school principal is somewhat tech savy . :)

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Last para but 3, iPone -> iPhone

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Now there's an oxymoron if ever I heard one..

  5. David Kelly


    IE6 was the worst browser ever! IE7 is better but still rubbish when it comes to web standards. Why anyone would want such crap on their mobile is beyond me.

  6. Stephen Gazard

    Am I the only one...

    who thinks that this article seems to be about IE6/IE7 and can't keep the story clear at the beginning?

    Oh, and 'from' needs correctly spelling on the first page just by the transition from IE6 on a phone to IE7 on a phone

  7. This post has been deleted by its author

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    IE6 !

    Wow what a huge technological leap M$ are making there, what next are we going to hail the return of steam carriages as the biggest advance in road transport since the horse ?

    Next week featuring on Steve Bs wonderful new world ideas:

    MS Cobol running on the all new MS spectrum !

    Reg any chance of a steaming turd icon to cover items such as this ?

  9. richard

    can't wait for the iphone version...


  10. Dave

    Which version?

    @Stephen Gazard; no you are not the only one! The link says IE7 verizon so I guess the story is *actually* about IE7 mobile, not IE6 though the writer can't seem to make their mind up! I think there already is an IE6 mobile, but just in case: if there is, it is rubbish ;) If there isn't it will still be rubbish! *hehehe*

    El'Reg really needs a "confused" icon...

  11. lord_farquaad
    Paris Hilton


    apart from very poor spelling, the article is really unclear about the version of IE it deals with. Or is it me ?

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