back to article 9 hilarious election tweets worth remembering

It was an epic night for nettards and social inadequates as Barack Obama beat that guy the Vietnamese tortured to become the United States' first black African-American president-elect. And hey, it was all go down at Twitter, as the microblogging service exploded in a veritable bukkake of inanities and half-baked blogulations …


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  1. Mark
    Paris Hilton


    Who suggested using twitfelch? (I don't dare google that one at work)

    PH - might let you

  2. Hollerith


    By the wit and wisdom displayed in the tweets. Makes the average El Reg thread look like a convocation of Nobel Prize winners mainlining Isaiah Berlin.

  3. Sam


    Shouldn't that be Caroline McCarthy, or was that a test?

  4. Bill Gould
    Gates Halo

    At least it's over... let us all simply ignore it for 4 more years.

  5. Dave The Cardboard Box

    Leave it to The Onion

    .. seriously

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton


    And puppies have to be the worst election bribe yet. Unless it's the kind with the pink nose, chomsayen?

  7. Andy Bright

    Is this allowed?

    What's the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and her vagina?

    Not everything that comes out of her vagina is retarded..

    Why did Sarah Palin keep reaching out to Joe Six-pack?

    Her answer make more sense after six beers..

    What did John McCain say when his plane was shot down over enemy lines?

    Curse you, Red Baron!

  8. Daniel B.

    Re: Twitfelch

    I think either someone thought about "For ELection CHannel" (or some weird spin on "election") and failed to see what that word means.

    Or someone pulled a pretty good prank!

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    >> "a veritable bukkake of inanities ...."



    I'll have to add that to my collective nouns list.

  10. John Bayly
    Jobs Horns

    Twitter #3

    "If you're stupid enough to wait three+ days to buy a fucking iPhone then you deserve to wait on line to vote for a week, you friggin' asshats."

    Personally, I'd be happy to wait on [sic?] line to vote for a week, imagine how many votes you could cast in seven days. It's the next big thing in democracy, the more dedicated you are, the more votes you get.

    btw. Not stupid enough to wait three+ days to buy a phucking iPhone though.

    Hate Steve? Well, I did mentione the iPhone.

  11. Paul Young
    Paris Hilton


    I never heard that term before

    now I wish I never had


    PH - I bet she's heard of it

  12. W

    Lemme get this straight...

    Lemme get this straight...

    This is a barely adequate satirical poke at a weak article on twitter status update thingys because twitter status update thingys are a bit lame yet El Reg's "Media Partner" deemed a twitter status update thingy worthy of inclusion and included twitter status update thingys by El Reg contributors?

    Am I right? it ok to do a barely adequate satirical poke at a weak article on twitter status update thingys because twitter status update thingys are fine but articles on twitter status update thingys are a bit lame?

    Or...was the twitter status update thingy on a satire in the first place?

    Basically...this is just an in-joke of an in-joke, isn't it?

    (Whilst we're on the subject of in-jokes, we never did get the skinny on what the "other other place" is - the "other place" being The Inq.)

  13. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

    Re: Lemme get this straight...

    Actually we failed spectacularly at our use of Twitter, and there wasn't much of that at all in any sense.

    I don't really see the problem. In any case, anyone who uses the contraction 'lemme' when typing ain't gonna get much love from me.

    (Yes I know, that was the point.)

  14. W
    Thumb Up

    To be fair, the tweet of "McCain just rickrolled his audience, "I will never let you down!"" made me chuckle.

    Any chance of a return of the glorious pollcat for tonight's follow-up - You guys are still gonna be doing that, yeah?

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Racism is alive and well.

    Why is someone who is 1/2 white and 1/2 black branded as "black"? Is he not as "white" as he is "black"?

    Why is it that you have to be 100% pure white to be "white", yet even the tiniest bit of African genes qualify you as being black?

    I think the world's media needs to take a long hard look at themselves and realise just what a racist, white-supremacist view they are espousing.

    Obama is mixed. Heck, we all are.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Yes.... hilarious

    ....apparently ...???

  17. The Dark Lord

    Re: Lemme...

    If the whole article was nothing but a set-me-up for the #1 tweet (or twit, or whatever the hell you're meant to call these comments), then that's entirely fair enough.

  18. Justin

    What the?


    Oh, come ON. Is "E-jaculation" too much of a stretch?

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