back to article Wireless power delivery gets blended

Bored of being associated with delivering milliamps for trickle-charging gadgets, wireless-power company Fulton has decided to show its muscle by equipping a kitchen blender with its wireless technology. Wireless power has been possible for a long time: most electric toothbrushes are recharged that way, but delivering a decent …


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  1. J
    Black Helicopters



  2. Andy G
    Thumb Down

    Big Deal ! ! !

    They got some bit of totty to make a milkshake with a battery powered blender ! ! ! !

    not impressed !!!!

  3. Thomas

    "... our feet surrounded by transformers..."

    Optimus Prime, for a start.

  4. Elrond Hubbard

    Is it just me?

    I may just be a bit jaded, but did anyone else notice a possibility of this thing being fake? Battery operated is one thing, but since the video has a scene cut in it before they actually start the blender, they may be using just a corded blender with the cord placed behind the blender and not showing.

    Take note from David Copperfield, continuous shots or I'm not buying it. :)

  5. jubtastic1

    No Ta

    Aside from the sheer wastefulness of this tech, A kitchen blender that looks like it's electrically dead yet isn't? that won't end well.

  6. Peter

    Question is...

    ...Will it blend?

  7. Anonymous Coward

    What frequency does this run on?

    Anyone studied possible danger from radiated energy/energy absorbed by humans?

    I'm not worried about cell phones or other RF devices, but if you're broadcasting enough energy to actually power something, what are the long-term effects of exposure?

  8. Anthony

    health risks

    People are already moaning about the health risks of cell phones, microwaves, etc... how we're going to get wireless electricity?

    Just wait - some poor guy with a pacemaker is going to die because wireless power was in use in a building.

    This is a step too far

  9. Anonymous Coward

    I, for one

    Welcome our "power-point" presentation on the counter.

    Sorry...just threw up a little after that.

  10. Bad Beaver


    On the one hand, this is superbly nifty. It enables cable-free surfaces and eliminates all sorts of related problems, especially with spillage and such. There is also a safety bonus, as say something falling over will automatically turn off. On the other hand it is vastly limiting. Your stuff has to be placed on the "enabled area", it will not work elsewhere unless it also comes with a plug. And that "enabled area" will still have to be plugged into the wall.

  11. Aldous
    Thumb Down


    doesn't this sort of thing scramble anything magnetic based nearby, leave your laptop on the worktop accidentally and you've bricked it!

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: What frequency does this run on?

    50Hz, I'm guessing -- mains.

    Switching frequencies back and forth would only lead to loss of power. What they're doing here is really not that much different from what goes on in the PSU of your computer -- it's just a slightly oversized transformed.

  13. Alex

    @What frequency does this run on?

    Well presumably at 50Hz (or 60 depending where you live) in order to power the blender.

  14. Peyton
    Thumb Up

    Sign me up

    I @#!$! hate, loathe, abhor, & despise cables. (Been working with computers and their requisite nest of wires too long I suppose) If they can get this to where I can have it in my floor or wall and just position stuff in the general vicinity of it - I'd be in heaven... well, assuming that the associated magnetic fields don't lead to some sort of horrible mutations...

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Is it me ?

    A wireless device which needs to be placed on an 'access point' ??? That's even less flexible than having a cable going into a mains socket.

    Nice boobs, though.

  16. Frank Bellavance
    Dead Vulture

    So not only ...

    is this completly useless, as it as to be on a specific point on the counter, but it also probably consumes a shitload more power then using a standard cord.

    What, pray tell, is the adventage?

  17. jake Silver badge


    How efficient is the power transfer?

    Last time I checked, getting around inverse-square wasn't an option ...

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Access point = Desk???

    Can they embed the access point technology into work surfaces?

    I can imagine that if you kitchen worktops, or the surface of your desk acted like an access point then this could be a real improvement.

    On the other hand, I'm really not sure how a one size fits all supply could work from everything from milli-watt devices (Mobile phones?), to mega-watt devices (Microwave oven?). For heaven sake, we can't even standardise the power requirements of laptops, at the moment every one requres a different power brick.

    Sure wires are a pain in the ass, but just having one cable regardless of the device that we want to connect would give us 75% of the benefits without having to worry about extra radiation/safety concerns...

  19. Law
    Paris Hilton


    Don't chop stuff on the work surface... could be a shocking experience!! :S

  20. Antony King

    mega what ??

    @AC (Access point = Desk??? ) - if you have a megawatt microwave, I want to know which county you live in, so I can move to a different one :-) Military might be interested though...

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Anyone who knows...

    .. anything at all about electricity knows that wireless power fall into the Bloody Stupid category.

    Wireless recharging of toothbrushes is one thing, it is done on a docking station and is basically a very lossy transformer. The second you put any distance between transmitter and receiver the efficiency drops by several orders of magnitude. Just think, radio and TV transmitters manage to transmit kW rating but the receivers get only femtowatts. All the rest is used to heat up the atmosphere and surfaces in general. The power does not go from A to B at all.

    And there is another point. Many people are campaigning against phone masts, power lines, power transformers, wireless IT in schools etc. They insist that it causes all sorts of ailments from cancer to loss of sleep. And here we are developing yet more broadcasting. How stupid is that?

    Then there is another thing. My phone tells me to unplug the charger once it is charged to save energy. This new technology is soooo inefficient and is not turned off when the charging is complete. All because some bug**rs are too idle to use a plug. And we are now going to reduce our carbon footprint to 20% of current level. Someone is having a laugh.

    Just because it can be done does not mean that we should do it

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