back to article Openstream implores you: Talk to your mobile browser

Feel a pressing need to shout at your phone even when no one's listening? Openstream's Cue-me browser, launched yesterday, implements the latest draft of the W3C Multimodal Interaction Activity, allowing you to do just that. The browser runs on Windows Mobile, Symbian and BlackBerry devices, with the inevitable iPhone version …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    What sort of Web site will you get...

    If you stub your toe while carrying your phone and shout "F*CK!"?

  2. david clarke

    Things to do while waiting on downloads.

    "Swearing won't make that page load any faster, you know"

    But it kills the time while you wait.

  3. eddiewrenn

    What a weird video!

    Did I hear right?

    "It's our anniversary. I'm seeing him in a few hours. Now what can I say? Ars*hole"

  4. Chris Matchett

    library images

    That presentation looks like it's trying harder to convince themselves than us.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    What about ars*hole?

    "Something both of us loved recently."

    Class! Although "All it takes is a cue" might be beyond the pale...

  6. BioTube

    Why would anybody use this question mark

    It just makes you look like an idiot. Sure, you can talk faster than you can type, but when you factor in punctuation and commands, keyboard+mouse is fastest.

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