back to article The Holy Grail of services: SCA

How many times lately have you come across a column on Service Oriented Architecture (or SOA)? Or an article telling you that SOA is the next big thing? Or that SOA is the way we should all be building systems? Personally, it seems to happen to me all the time. Recently, I was in a hotel in Frankfurt, and was waiting in the …


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  1. richard nicholson

    A distributed SCA open source project

    An example of a distributed SOA architecture based on SCA and OSGi can also be found at, this development supported by Paremus (; a UK company based in Fleet Street, London.

  2. Jeremy Boynes

    Apache Tuscany not just a Reference Implementation

    The goal of the Apache Tuscany project is to create a robust infrastructure for service-based application networks based on the SCA specifications and not just a minimalist reference implementation of them. Although we will follow the specifications as they evolve, the project is also providing support for federated networks, distributed provisioning and management, as well as new component types and transport protocols.

    We intend to demonstrate some of these features at The ServerSide Symposium later this month.

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