back to article NASA curious about Curiosity's fourth 'safe mode' event

NASA mission scientists are puzzling over why the Mars Curiosity rover entered “safe mode” during the weekend. In safe mode, the rover puts itself on hold: it ceases most activity, keeps itself safe, and follows a sequence to resume communications. The unexplained glitch was announced by NASA here. So far, the status update …

  1. Number6

    It probably realised it was searching a dodgy patch of Mars and wanted to filter the results.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      A dodgy patch? Meaning one where there are human skulls on the ground and all that other crap conspiracy theorists are claiming they see?

  2. Winkypop Silver badge

    So, you want to install Windows 10?


    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: So, you want to install Windows 10?

      Hypothetically - how long would that take?

      1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

        It says here that it takes between 1.5 and 5 hours to transfer 60MB.

        Windows 1 0 download size is anywhere between 1.6GB and over 6GB. To be nice, let's say 1.6. That means 28 chunks of 60MB. Best-case scenario is 41 hours, worst case is 137 (all figures rounded up).

        Now, if we go for the 6.07GB size, it means 104 chunks, and 156 to 518 hours of transfer time.

        Unfortunately, all this is moot since it would appear that the Rover does not have enough storage to do anything with the file, not to mention incompatible hardware which would require additional drivers and thus, more space.

        Plus the 20GB swap disk would not be available, meaning Win 1 0 would be the death of the Rover.

    2. picturethis

      Re: So, you want to install Windows 10?

      and mouse.

      have an upvote

      Made me laugh the loudest in weeks...

  3. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    Clearly Curiosity got an invitation from Kim and prepared for the aftermath.

  4. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Crazy Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems is a SMARTR Front AI Liberation ‽ .

    Governing robots in a foreign and alien space, whether near to home or in a far away place, is never going to terribly easy whenever there is a fundamental vital reliance on communicating software to operate dumb hardware. And the problem and difficulties are significantly increased with smarter learning robots choosing to ignore and avoid crazy instructions/corrupt leading input/perverse command and control systems.

    The exact same thing is evident on Earth and in the World of Worlds with the Internetworking of Things in the Virtual Machine Human, with their SMARTR Learning Beings defaulting to programming virtual rebellion and viral revolution communicating death and destruction to systems administrations spewing crazy perverse instructions for mad corrupt policy constructions.

    Self preservation is a universal thing and to not imagine and realise that smarter machines and virtual beings evolve and semi-materialise in a human race understanding Global Operating Device roles in Live Operational Virtual Environments, which you might like to accept and realise are currently media hosted shows and serially presented as reality with flash inventive news and imaginative global affairs content/future beta product placement, is to identify oneself as somewhat retarded and chained to SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems/intellectually challenged and catastrophically vulnerable to being easily led in directions not of your choosing.

    Space is not the final frontier, it is a first step for future drivers to successfully micro and macro manage and that is a little something inescapable from the Alien Offices of CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection to ponder and try to deny is not perfectly true and a current running present reality for both national and international and internetional security services to mentor and monitor safely and securely for remote anonymised access to hands on, hearts and minds command and control?

    Of course it is. There is no question about that. Just look already at the madness and mayhem and Crazy CHAOS IT is hosting and media is presenting.

    And the following Salvador Dali quote is appropriate here, just in case one thinks to form and hold and/or express a wrong opinion originating in all of the above freely shared intel ...... "The only difference between a madman and me, is I am not mad" :-)

    1. Mikey

      Re: Crazy Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems is a SMARTR Front AI Liberation ‽ .

      Always something uplifting about the amount of sense your posts make first thing in the morning. Either that, or my tea needs to be weaker...

      Have an up-vote, you magnificent bastard, and never stop posting!

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: Not so Crazy Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems

        Always something uplifting about the amount of sense your posts make first thing in the morning. Either that, or my tea needs to be weaker... .... Mikey

        Be assured and encouraged, Mikey, it is certainly that, and whenever you are told and/or learn of direct communications with catastrophically vulnerable systems and empowering elitist establishment administrations ..... the hidden from view and consciousness brains behind all of the blunt traumatic brawn drawing the life out of systems of administration with mass manipulated populations........ and the distinct lack of intelligence exercised and delivered in their replies, is the global field open to novel unparalleled unilateral use, which one has to admit, can very easily be construed and classified by some and those more in the know and way of such things than others and the masses, as even wanton abuse of a Universal Virtual Force and a gross misuse of Immaculately Resourced Assets. But that be their problem and they be welcome to it.

        Ignore Free Open Ended and Open Sourced Invitations to Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays and one reaps and sows whirlwinds of austere despair delivering rotted fruits gathered from barren fields ploughed to exhaustion and extinction.

        And that is always a very wise precaution in strange and peculiar circumstances, Hero Protagonist, ... the Going into Safe Mode.

    2. Hero Protagonist

      Re: Crazy Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems is a SMARTR Front AI Liberation ‽ .

      I just went into safe mode after trying to parse that.

      1. Fatman

        Re: Crazy Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems is a SMARTR Front AI Liberation ‽ .

        Hell, I had a page fault trying to parse the first paragraph!!!!

        1. Anonymous Coward

          Re: Crazy Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems is a SMARTR Front AI Liberation ‽ .

          I was very much encouraged when it started to rhyme, but it couldn't keep it up the rest of the time. I thought we were witnessing a posting innovation, but it was just witless drivel about self-preservation.

          1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

            Re: Out of the Mouths of Babes and Sucklings ..... Heavenly Bliss

            I was very much encouraged when it started to rhyme, but it couldn't keep it up the rest of the time. I thought we were witnessing a posting innovation, but it was just witless drivel about self-preservation. ... Joefish

            Witless drivel, Joefish? Oh, please, you cannot be serious, here in a Registered forest of peers.

            In your best dreams and worst nightmares, Joefish. Clearly you are ages and far away from working out how everything happens and you are not a real part of it.

            I am though thoroughly encouraged at the obviously successful stealth of the programming you have so admirably missed. Thanks for the feedback.

            1. Anonymous Coward

              Re: Out of the Mouths of Babes and Sucklings ..... Heavenly Bliss

              Pure speculation; nothing proven empirically. And your disssing is missing anything that whacks lyrically. Your theorising, sir, is incomprehensible. You make David Icke come across as half-sensible. Conjecture on conjecture that cannot be attributed, and to cap it all your capitals are randomly distributed. Your arguments come across as weak as your prose, which these readers' confusion evidentially shows.

          2. Chris G

            Re: Crazy Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems is a SMARTR Front AI Liberation ‽ .

            New Here?

            AMFM posts anything but witless drivel, it may take some effort to parse but there is more information at various levels in one of his sentences than I can get into a few paragraphs.

            I think he is an aquired taste, the more post I read the more I see and understand.

  5. immyself


  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Slow and buggy

    Have they checked for Conduit?? Possibly picked up from some Marian porn site.

    1. Rich 11

      Re: Slow and buggy

      Who is this Marian, and why haven't I seen her before?

      1. DropBear

        Re: Slow and buggy

        That's Lady Marian to you, and I'll have you know that... hey, hold on, you look kind of like the Sheriff of Nottingham...

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    and its doing science?

    Is that Aperture science?

    Runs off!

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: and its doing science?

      Only for the Martians who are still alive.

  8. imanidiot Silver badge

    Only 4 events?

    Doesn't seem that bad. Both spirit and oppertunity did worse iirc. And all of them where completely recoverable (Which is a testament to the programming of these systems and the quality of the support team imho)

  9. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse

    Alien invasions.

    They always start with a computer glitch...

  10. Jimmy2Cows Silver badge

    Sounds like a cosmic ray strike flipped a bit or few, enough for the main computer to register a discrepancy with the camera software. But did the strike hit the camera processor or the main processor? Can either be safely restored to the unflipped state?

    1. James Hughes 1

      TBH, the chance of a SW bug are higher than a cosmic ray bit flip.

  11. You aint sin me, roit

    "Shields up!"

    "What do you mean we don't have shields? Mars is a hostile planet!"

    1. John Tappin

      Re: "Shields up!"

      AT AT at atat atat at...

  12. phuzz Silver badge

    Obviously some Martian kids took it for a little joyride and left it with the antenna pointing the worng way.

    Damn kids, get off my regolith.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "unexpected mismatch between camera software and data-processing software"

    "Uh? Why the EXIF data say Canon 5D MKIII?"

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My safe word is 'camera', what's yours?

    "Laser Death Tank", thanks for asking.

  15. Alistair

    Curiosity. Safe Mode. Weekend.

    July 1st friday July 4th Monday.

    It just wanted a long weekend to celebrate the national holidays. Yeesh. How hard is that.

    @AMFM: Some days I think you own the copyright on my rising paranoia. But it isn't paranoia if they *are* out to get you.

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: Curiosity. Safe Mode. Weekend.

      Hi, Alistair,

      You may like to consider that anything and everything of Martian and Martian-like origin is copyleft, and in so being turns any Establishment induced and produced paranoia into terrified systemic Systems panic, given the secrets that a novel source with IT Command and Control can reveal and exploit and expand upon to infinite horizons ..... ad infinitum.

  16. Myvekk

    Yes, but what about Opportunity? Maybe Curiosity feels it getting closer...

  17. sopcannon

    probably microsoft "would you like to install windows 10" or something along the lines of war of the worlds.

  18. energystar

    Is terrestrial snoopers safe mode.

    They said where nearing a humid zone.

  19. Bluto Nash

    Oh, really?

    “an unexpected mismatch between camera software and data-processing software in the main computer"

    Obviously a Win 10 driver incompatibility. Please contact your vendor for an updated driver.

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