back to article Cable box unlock block

US Congress has delayed plans by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to open up the cable set-top box, a decision that critics say will cost US consumers $1.6bn a month. The Senate Appropriations Committee has approved a rider in a key budget bill that would require the FCC to carry out additional studies into the plan …

  1. fnj

    Dear FCC

    Please conduct an additional study of the matter for 5 minutes tomorrow. Then tell the Congress buffoons you studied it and found nothing has changed since the last time you studied it.

    That's if Obama doesn't veto the goddam budget bill because of this stupid rider. Then the buffoons will either have to sheepishly advance another bill without the rider, or lose another "government shutdown" PR battle like they always do, and THEN advance an acceptable bill.

    Jeeze, these buffoons just don't get it. They are the DEFINITION of stupid.

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Dear FCC

      Jeeze, these buffoons just don't get it. They are the DEFINITION of stupid.

      No. The definition of stupid is the buffoons who keep re-electing these idiots because they are "good <$religion of choice>" or "my wife's second cousin twenty times removed" and not on their voting record or any other sort of rationality. Seems to be going on world-wide.

      1. Gene Cash Silver badge

        Re: Dear FCC

        > who keep re-electing these idiots

        Look at the wonderful choice we have: Hillary or Trump. It's shit all the way down.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Dear FCC

          Look at the wonderful choice we have: Hillary or Trump

          That is one Android and one Postcoital Cat:

          We in the meantime, have a whole Creepy Hollow to chose from: Gove, Boris and Ian Dunkan-Drakula himself. In a hindsight, compared to these the used Nexus 6 model offered as a choice to USAisians looks appealing.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Dear FCC

      Please conduct an additional study of the matter for 5 minutes tomorrow. Then tell the Congress buffoons you studied it and found nothing has changed since the last time you studied it.

      Hmm. Who takes responsibility for all these people "opening up their cable box" (from the article)? Isn't electrocuting those who want a choice a bit harsh?

      Oh, you meant figuratively. Ah. Carry on then.

      1. Mark 85

        Re: Dear FCC

        Isn't electrocuting those who want a choice a bit harsh?

        Nah.. it's embracing Darwin.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Corporate welfare for Google

    Google owns the FCC, so Google will get what it wants: all that cable TV content for free.

    It can afford to wait, and Clinton will owe Google a few favours come January.


    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Corporate welfare for Google

      You forgot the sarcasm tag.

  3. Ron Guilmette

    Follow the Money

    OK, so which one of the congresscritters got the quid pro quo, exactly?

    More to the point, why is it that we essentially NEVER find out the answers to such questions?

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