Questions over how Ian Livingston's peerage was granted

This topic was created by Vimes .

  1. Vimes

    Questions over how Ian Livingston's peerage was granted

    Work in journalism and illegally intercept messages?

    Get taken to court over it and face criminal charges.

    Force access to the internet usage of tens of thousands of customers as the MD of the retail arm of a large multinational telecoms company?

    Get made a baron and given a house of lords (not to mention the possibility of claiming expenses for the rest of your life)

    How could the commission miss something like this when checking the propriety of Ian Livingston before allowing the appointment? Or did they see it and simply ignore it? Or asked Livingston about it and took him blindly at his word (can't go about questioning a chaps word can they?)

  2. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

    The Commission takes the view that in this context, propriety means:

    i) the individual should be in good standing in the community in general and with the public regulatory authorities in particular; and

    ii) the past conduct of the nominee would not reasonably be regarded as bringing the House of Lords into disrepute.

    Well within parameters then.

    1. Vimes

      Well within parameters then.

      Assuming for a moment that wasn't sarcasm, how exactly is it not bringing the house into disrepute when the government allows somebody to join it who was closely involved in the illegal mass interception of private communications belonging to tens of thousands of BT customers?

      How can a house whose responsibilities include passing laws command any respect when their members are the very same people that have been breaking them?

      1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

        Well, it's all about peers, isn't it?

        C'mon, they let in The Rt Hon. The Baroness Thatcher, LG, OM, PC, FRS (1995–2013) - what else is there?

        1. Vimes

          OK, so it was sarcasm after all. My bad...

          1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

            No problem.

            Hey, let's start a petition to give Sir David Attenborough a peerage, that would raise the overall quality in the house. He got along well with the gorillas, the HoL should be a piece of cake.

  3. TRT Silver badge

    Ian Livingstone?

    You mean the "Fighting Fantasy" bloke? Seriously?


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