back to article Man pleads guilty for serving white hat with DoS, swearbot, sex toys

Oklahoma man Benjamin Earnest Nichols faces up to 10 years jail in a United States federal prison and a US$250,000 fine after pleading guilty to launching a distributed denial of service attack against security consultancy Nichols, 37, pled guilty to one count of causing the transmission of a program or …

  1. Elmer Phud


    " The offending post said that first conviction may "put other script-kiddie type hackers on notice that they can be tracked down and prosecuted"."

    And it worked rather well.

    Got a schoolboy response.

    1. frank ly

      Re: phishing?

      A more mature response would have been for Nichols to bring a libel action against McCrew Security.

  2. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    A case of...

    4chan /b/

  3. Mephistro

    The guy is a fuckwit and...

    ... deserves to do some time in the clink, but "...up to 10 years jail in a United States federal prison and a US$250,000 fine" seems totally out of proportion for causing damages up to 6500$ and harassing the victims. This sounds as some law from the eighteen century, when someone could be hanged for stealing a loaf of bread!.

    I hope the judge doesn't apply anything close to the maximum sentence.

    1. Erewhon

      Re: The guy is a fuckwit and...

      That's because the US is a police state with prisons run for profit.

      Screw the economy and steal millions, then you are a hero of a business man.

      Piss about with some low level website nonsense and get 10 years in jail.

      Ooooohhhh say can you seeeee. ...

    2. SolidSquid

      Re: The guy is a fuckwit and...

      As I understand it it's very rare for the judge to actually give the maximum sentences, it's just prosecutors use them to pressure defendants into a plea bargain rather than going to court

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

        Re: The guy is a fuckwit and...

        Unless there is a special law requiring "minimum sentencing", another "bipartisan" nazi initiative.

  4. g e
    Paris Hilton

    But hey, free sex toys..!

    Silver lining?

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: But hey, free sex toys..!

      "He was arrested in 1932 in Chicago for selling pornographic Bibles. The D.A. couldn't make the charge stick when the church refused to turn over the Bibles."

      Tess Skeffington (on Lionel Twain) in Murder by Death, 1976

      1. Mephistro

        Re: But hey, free sex toys..! ( @ allthecoolshortnamesweretaken)

        Thank you for the reference!. I think it's about time to watch that film again. For the 10th time or so.

  5. phil 27

    Had to laugh at the irc bot set up to spew insults. Takes me back "quite a few" years to the days of that cesspool of attacks known as efnet and writing tcl scripts for eggdrop bots (and having lots of geographically diverse hosts for a gaggle of eggdrops to stop someone smurfing all the opers off, we had a very desirable room name and erris free lacked any protection for chanops then). Ours just served beer and stuff when you did a !beer though. Learned a lot about ddos and keeping things secure though. I'd just laugh if all the attack bot did was shout a few insults in response to a !tosser or something. Its a bit monty python french taunter isnt it :D

    Have to read up why the "security consultancy" couldn't just ban it or get it a kline or worse.

    1. Mephistro


      Is it you?


  6. David Roberts
    Paris Hilton

    Am I the only one

    Who read the URL as

    And then wondered if they had got the two site names mixed up?

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Am I the only one

      I don't think you are. I reported it last night and haven't heard anything back yet.

      I also questioned the defining of "script kiddie".... I found that a bit condescending here.

  7. x 7

    I don't understand the plot line here. Is the website or

    And who did what to whom? 'tis all very confused

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Mccrew, mcgraw, potato, potahto, let's call the whole thing off...

    2. Chris Evans

      And who is RWM?


      I'm guessing someone at

  8. Someone_Somewhere


    All that effort for nothing - and to think, all he /really/ had to do was

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