back to article Ted Cruz slams DNS overseer ICANN a second time

Republican presidential wannabe Ted Cruz, along with two other Senators, has lambasted DNS overseer ICANN a second time for failing to answer questions over its former CEO's ties to China. In a letter [PDF] sent to ICANN chairman Steve Crocker on Monday, Cruz and Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Michael Lee (R-UT) demanded …

  1. Steve Knox

    In an attempt to perfectly define the term 'irony'...

    How about actually answering the questions, presidential candidate asks

    1. shaun

      Re: In an attempt to perfectly define the term 'irony'...

      he probably thinks its the thing you make steely out of

    2. Kurt 4

      Re: In an attempt to perfectly define the term 'irony'...

      Lyin' Ted, he CheaTED and is UntrusTED

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: In an attempt to perfectly define the term 'irony'...

        Give the haTED a rest.

  2. Kurt Meyer

    Republican presidential frontrunner Ted Cruz

    Kieren, I think you will find that Donald Trump is currently the frontrunner in the race for the Republican party's presidential nomination. Senator Cruz is in second place. Governor Kasich is trailing both of those men.

    Sloppy, sloppy, stupefyingly sloppy journalism.

    1. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

      Re: Republican presidential frontrunner Ted Cruz

      He, like many people, is probably in denial.

      1. Someone_Somewhere

        Re: Republican presidential frontrunner Ted Cruz [...] is probably in denial.

        Hopefully the crocs will get him!

      2. Alistair

        Re: Republican presidential frontrunner Ted Cruz

        Actually -- he is a frontrunner, The Donald will push him out (on the tracks/into the road/off the boat) in front of the Donald.


        The GOP now has the appearance of an ouroboros, down to its last bite or two.

        1. Someone_Somewhere

          Donald Trump - Miracle Worker

          The only man who could resurect the spectre of the universally loathed (and loathesome) Ted Cruz - you might almost begin to suspect he were in Cruz's pocket all along.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Donald Trump - Miracle Worker

            They see the name "Cruz" and just like one o' them corn-ditioned reflexes, out comes the pre-programmed (and tedious) ad hominem attacks. Sure would be nice to see some vague shred of reason associated with their opposition, but I guess just being a "creepy" republican is more than enough, right?

            Gentlemen, start your downvotes!

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Donald Trump - Miracle Worker

              Well, I see that face and I immediately want to punch it, then think about what it would feel like ... and ... then I get this itch like the thought of touching something slimy and spiny at the same time, like maybe a sea cucumber, and I suddenly don't wanna punch Ted (and I should probably clean my hands).

              Ah tell yee: There is something *wrong*, something very *unnatural* with that guy!

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Donald Trump - Miracle Worker

                Don't mess with the Zodiac killer

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Donald Trump - Miracle Worker

              Ted Cruz, with his rabid, fundamentalist religiosity, is very possibly more dangerous than "The Donald". Both would make very bad Presidents as they are too full of themselves and will work toward further enriching the wealthy at the expense of American society. Were either of them elected it'd be sad to watch the US's further spiral toward third world status, but without needed tax, banking, lobbying, electoral finance, and outsourcing reform that slide is inevitable.

              They'll both be strongly for increased surveillance of Americans through NSA, CIA, FBI; whatever is available and increased spending in those areas and anything Military while cutting services to the poor/middle class. I'm not sure how Cruz squares his religion with his politics, but as the first is made up and second is bought by the wealthy so I guess it doesn't matter. At least Donald doesn't have the first to slow him down, although in Donald's case I'm not sure that's a good thing.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Donald Trump - Miracle Worker

                Funny thing is, only one candidate is "further enriching the wealthy at the expense of American society." and that is the one who has made herself wealthy by influence peddling - Hillary Clinton. All the above criticisms surely fit Clinton far more than Cruz. You can't imagine Clinton doing anything meaningful about electoral finance - she's no doubt want to pass laws that forbid Republicans from raising money, but no way would she want to restrict her revenue gathering.

                Trump, one can't be sure but behind that ego lives a conman just like Clinton, I suspect he'd be Clinton in Drag with a side order of bluster.

                One thing is, Cruz along with Sanders would be far more likely to challenge the Washington status quo and actually work on some forms of reform. I'm sure we'd disagree on what those reforms should be but we might agree that an all out assault on crony capitalism would be in order. As for cutting services to the poor and middle class, so you think Cruz would just continue the current Obama policies ?

                I don't get how arse about face you get it, Cruz is not a bought politician like Clinton, and why the ad-hom on his "made up" religiosity ? We get you hate him in a viscerial way, but surely that's your mental state problem. Cruz just might be the only viable candidate to actually start a reform process.

                1. Someone_Somewhere

                  Re: Donald Trump - Miracle Worker

                  Don't make the mistake of thinking I believe Clinton to be much (if any) better.

                  It's just that Cruz is, if anything, even more dangerous than either her or Trump: if Trump is the ineffectual clown Mussolini then Cruz is the more disturbing option of Hitler.

                  I don't really know with whom I'd compare Clinton - Stalin?*

                  Perhaps one of the Brits - Blair maybe?

                  Tbh, I think they're /all/ evil and that the world would be a better place without them.

                  * Not as overt as Hitler but murdered a /lot/ more.

            3. Someone_Somewhere

              Re: Donald Trump - Miracle Worker

              > I guess just being a "creepy" republican is more than enough, right?

              No, but being Ted Cruz is.

      3. Kurt Meyer

        Re: Republican presidential frontrunner Ted Cruz

        @Throatwarbler Mangrove

        I note your use of the singular pronoun, but I must ask, do you refer to Cruz or McCarthy?

        1. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

          Re: Republican presidential frontrunner Ted Cruz

          McCarthy. I think Cruz and the rest of the Republican elite have come to the cold, clear, and unsettling realization about the precise nature of the chicken which has come home to roost.

          1. Kurt Meyer

            Re: Republican presidential frontrunner Ted Cruz

            @Throatwarbler Mangrove

            I agree with you about the realization dawning on the Republicans. In my opinion, there is no possibility that they foresaw this turn of events, and other than a belated, half-hearted, backing of "anybody but Trump", they appear to have no clue what to do about his so far successful campaign.

            I don't think Cruz is going to overtake Trump before the convention, but I believe he will continue to gain ground. Kasich, alas, has two hopes. Bob Hope, and no hope.

            Perhaps the Republican leaders are pinning their own hopes on a brokered convention, once a very common occurrence in US presidential campaigns.

  3. Yes Me Silver badge

    Seems normal to me

    Can you acually blame anyone for not answering such a letter?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Seems normal to me

      Can anyone actually be given a pass for avoiding answering uncomfortable requests from US senators, about issues that will affect everyone? I guess so, according to you.

      1. james 68

        Re: Seems normal to me

        When the senators avoid answering questions put forward by the people they are supposed to represent, then sure, why should the people in turn answer questions by those same senators?

        "A government of the people, by the people, for the people." - considering that this statement now seems to be little more than the punchline for a bad joke and is willfully ignored by government officials at all levels, why should anyone answer a question put forward by senators?

        BTW i wish a pox on ICANN and their houses. they should be abolished and recreated from the ground up into a body more fit for purpose. However the same can also be said for governments in general and the US government specifically.

  4. Huckleberry Muckelroy

    Given Ted Cruz's immense ignorance and immense arrogance, I would like to ask him if he has any idea what the contents of the letter that he signed means. As he is the anointed of God to lead America through the battle of Armageddon to establish the Thousand Year Reich of Jesus on Earth, what's he worried about DNS for?

  5. James Anderson

    Rather scary

    that I find myself in agreement with with a rabid Texan pit bull.

    However it has been clear for a number of years that ICANN is not fit for purpose. (Always assuming that the purpose is not to provide sinecures and ego boosts for a bunch of self serving members).

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Rather scary

      That's for sure, but if you looked really hard you could find one organization that would do an even worse job of oversight than ICANN and that's the US Congress!

  6. Gis Bun

    Wow. A Republican that knows [we think] what a DNS is!

    1. Someone_Somewhere

      Wow. A politiciam that knows [we think] what a DNS is!

      There, ftfy :D

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