back to article Stop climate change by drinking Coca-Cola says Oz government

If you want to understand the quality of advice the Australian government wants in the climate change debate, you need only need one passage from page 56 of a new report into the energy sector. Discussing carbon capture and storage, which currently has “failed technology” status nearly the whole world around, the government's …

  1. jake Silver badge

    The mind boggles.

    Personally, I drink water, coffee, beer or wine (in that order, heavy emphasis on water). I doubt there is a single soda on the property. That stuff is really, really not good for mammals.

    "While these [CO2 capture] processes are promising, there is no commercial CO2 re-use in Australia"

    No? Personally, I grow produce. Seems to me that that is re-use of CO2. So Australia doesn't grow produce commercially? Interesting.

    (Y,y,y, I know, the Australian .gov is almost terminally clueless about science. Nearly as bad as the US .gov's GOP, in fact. And that's bad ... )

  2. Omgwtfbbqtime

    Here's an idea on about the same level of sanity

    Why not trap the CO2 and react it with sea water to get sodium carbonate/sodium hydrogen carbonate and just release that pesky chlorine into the atmosphere, after all it's not a carbon dioxide....

    (Yes I know i'ts not that simple, but I cannot be bothered to look up the latent heats or methods of separation, though electrolysis seems to ring a bell....)

  3. Al Black

    Carbon sequestration?

    Carbon sequestration?

    1) Cut down big trees and build houses out of them. Carbon is locked away for hundreds of years.

    2) Then plant new, fast growing trees which thrive in high CO2 environments and lock away more carbon in wood.

    3) When trees grow, Repeat 1) and 2).


    1. Martin Budden Silver badge

      Re: Carbon sequestration?

      Pretty sure we already do that. Every new house I see being built has a pine frame.

    2. Leslie Graham

      Re: Carbon sequestration?

      It has been calculated that humans would have to plant an area the size of Texas every year for ever to balance out the 35 Billion tonnes of CO2 we are currently pumping into our wafer thin atmosphere every year.

      I am all for planting trees - in fact I made a career out of woodland management and design - but it's not going to happen.


    3. Fluffy Cactus

      Re: Carbon sequestration?

      Wait I got some input on that.

      In the USA, there is an actual tax credit. It is claimed on form 8933, Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Credit. The credit is $20.73 per metric ton of Carbon Dioxide put into secure geological storage. But you have to store at least 500,000 tons of CO2 to be eligible for the credit.

      So, my plan to ceremoniously encase 24 cans of Coca Cola into a cement block and properly sequester it by letting it "swim with the fishes" was not enough for the Sequestration credit to kick in. Then I thought: What if we outlaw all champagne? Would that work? The environmentalists are sure-fire kill-joys, and will try anything, just like the temperance folks of old, which in turn provided us with drive-by shootings, Al Capone & the Kennedys. So, if that happens, it's "no champagne for you!", and you no longer can "pop the question", "this question", or "any question", because that would release CO2. Instead, they'll pop you if you do that. Then we certainly won't get a kick from champagne, but a sure kick in the head from the environmental protectorizers.

      Where will this lead to? : Breathing in will be tax free, but breathing out will require a "CO2 release permit" with the related fees and taxes. Just put the needed tax stamp right near your mouth, so the tax man can see that you are "legally breathing out". Holding your breath does not work to well in the long run. Which of course brings us to the fact that, yes, sexual activity does involve a certain time period of fairly heavy breathing, which releases more CO2, which kills the planet, which requires a "temporary heavy breathing license, fee, tax and insurance". For those purposes, the specific tax stamp can be affixed to your ass, not my ass, or may be the back of your hand, which you know like the back of your hand. Of course, we are not inhumane, so there will be a special form "3210 - Short sex affidavit" in which married couples can apply for a refund by certifying that the whole thing didn't last longer than 2 minutes - hence, they'd be eligible for a full refund. The usual "de minimis" exception.

      It all makes sense now.

      1. Myvekk

        Re: Carbon sequestration?

        I guess that rules out the Olympic Games in future as well...

        And sport, and gyms. Hey! The seatbound geeks are environmentally friendly!

  4. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

    My sides

  5. julianh72

    The answer is obvious, really ...

    Everybody knows that if you leave a bottle or can of soft drink (Australian term for "soda") open, it loses its fizz. This is true for both flavoured carbonated drinks and unflavoured Soda Water.

    All we need to do is have a big Soda Water plant attached to every coal-fired power station, making gigalitres of soda water. The soda water can be dumped into a holding pond for a few days until it loses its fizz, and then the fresh water can be released for other purposes, or even recycled to make the next batch of soda water.


  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Far canal!

    I am truly embarrassed by my government.

    Anon because I'm a public servant (which means I have to put up with this fuckwittery until the next election when hopefully I'll get a new boss).

    1. Alan Brown Silver badge

      Re: Far canal!

      The problem is that Australian politicians mostly are fuckwits. It's almost as if the population votes them into Canberra to get rid of them. ( the alternative reason they vote them in isn't pleasant to think about)

    2. Myvekk

      Re: Far canal!

      Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss...

      Remember; it doesn't really matter who you vote for. A politician always gets elected...

  7. Mark_S


    Every ton of co2 recovered from emissions and used in a fizzy drink is a ton that is not explicitly manufactured for use in fizzy drinks. It is just one of many possible dispositions of the captured co2. An important question is whether it is pure enough to use in food products.

    I once read a write up of a plan to draw co2 out of the atmosphere and electrolysize it into carbon and oxygen. You need a non carbon energy source do do it. The author suggested nuclear. It can all work using exisxting technology - no inventions, just do it.

    He wanted to reduce atmospheric co2, but If you capture the co2 from a plant that runs day and night, you could also use solar to break down the co2 during the day - effectively storing your solar energy by converting it into coal. You could even make a closed loop out of it. The only thing we need is a way to capture the co2 as fast as it is created.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: But...

      >Every ton of co2 recovered from emissions and used in a fizzy drink is a ton that is not explicitly manufactured for use in fizzy drinks.

      Bit late but... AFAIK they don't manufacture CO2 for fizzy drinks. Beer brewers capture the CO2 from fermentation and sell it on to soft drinks manufacturers. And as they're capturing it from a food process it is food grade and no problems with purity. So if they did try this power station soda sequestration it would just mean all the brewers release their CO2 into the atmosphere, no net improvement for the planet.

      1. Alan Brown Silver badge

        Re: But...

        When I visited a brewery in nz as part of high school biology, they proudly informed us that the last stage of the process before loading the product into 20,000 litre tankers was to add carbon dioxide.

        It seems unfizzed IPA doesn't appeal to a lot of drinkers, but then again the product tasted like cat pee. (Appropriate given the name of the brewer)

    2. Alan Brown Silver badge

      Re: But...

      If you use nuclear to generate most power and also for district heating then you'd reduce the level of co2 produced dramatically.

      At that point you could tackle transport emissions with better power distribution or by pushing EVs harder

    3. Dodgy Geezer Silver badge

      Re: But...

      ...He wanted to reduce atmospheric co2...

      He's a nutter. If you do that you will kill all life on Earth.

  8. realtking9


    The CO2 would be released from soft drinks as soon as it was open. Carbon dioxide is needed by anyone wanting to reduce our carbon dioxide production would be guilty of killing plant life which is needed to produce oxygen...which would find them guilty of premeditated murder.

  9. Infernoz Bronze badge

    Not only is this stupid, carbonation even looks harmful

    I have not seen any overall evidence that AGW is proven beyond a reasonable doubt, so this looks just a possibly more expensive way to source CO2, of dubious quality, for the consumer fad for carbonated drinks.

    I've seen suggestions that consuming /any/ carbonated drink can be harmful to health, especially if drunk during a meal, because it can interfere with the digestion of food molecules including by stomach acid, digestive enzymes and gut flora, thus cause malnutrition, allergies, fat gain, inflammation and disease. Most carbonated soft drinks also contain unhealthy amounts of sugar(s), toxic artificial sweeteners and other harmful chemicals, which are more reasons to avoid them.

    Beware, too many food and drink companies care more about profits than your health, and have been proven to use bad science, even deliberate misinterpretation of science, and other deceptions, to back harmful products (e.g. Cereal grain products, low fat foods, most vegetable oils, sugars etc.); many governments have also been compromised, and /still/ give bad dietary advice despite all the recent science!

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Drink liquid CO2

    So, drink soda but don't burp....ever.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Drink liquid CO2

      Most of the CO2 that you drink is actually farted out.

  11. razorfishsl

    If the entire population of Australia stopped breathing, it would have more of an effect on Co2 output.

  12. Dodgy Geezer Silver badge

    ...Australia has worked closely with other countries which rely heavily on fossil fuels to investigate opportunities to utilise CO2 in products such as carbonated drinks...

    Perhaps this will make more sense if we add a bit of emphasis:

    "Australia has worked closely with other countries which rely heavily on fossil fuels TO INVESTIGATE OPPORTUNITIES to utilise CO2 in products such as carbonated drinks..."

    You see, this is nothing to do with saving the world, or even science. This is to do with giving environmentalists large lashings of taxpayer money. The environmentalists lobby for huge handouts of our money, and promise the politicians that they won't attack them on social media in return - a bit like a protection racket.

    When the money is given, someone has to make up some kind of story to justify it. But because no civil servant understands engineering, and the environmentalists don't care, you end up with this kind of tripe.

    In a decent world this would be called out. But people are nowadays too scared to do anything about it...

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