back to article Intel, Nokia, Ericsson square off against Chinese IoT threat

US and European vendors have linked arms in an effort to set low-bandwidth mobile communications standards. Intel, Ericsson and Nokia have thrown their weight behind a standard proposal called Narrow-Band LTE (NB-LTE) to support the comms requirements of Internet of Things devices. If adopted – there's a vote on narrowband …

  1. toughluck

    (...) battery life* of more** than ten*** years****.

    *) Where "life" means "the ability to store any charge" as opposed to "ability to store enough energy to power a device for a given length of time".

    **) Well no, not really.

    ***) Or one, or maybe ¼.

    ****) Assuming the device stays connected to mains power*****.

    *****) Assuming the mains power does not lose power for more than ten minutes at any given time.

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