back to article Wrist-top virtualisation comes to Apple Watch

Parallels has issued version 3.0 of its Access app, software that lets you access PCs or Macs from Android or iOS devices. Why do we care about a junior remote access player making an update? Because this time around there's also a companion app for Apple Watch that Parallels delivers the ability to connect to remote computers …

  1. g e

    RDP from a phone is useful

    But it's a bit of a last resort thing. Better on a tablet but you're still constantly zooming to read stuff, etc

    I like(d) MS's own RDp client until the latest update just slings out something like Error 0x4 and fails to connect to the Win7 Vbox headless I have running on the (Ubuntu) server at home... so switched to Afree RDP (from memory).

    Might well try Parallels, though

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Umm, no thanks.

    To give access to a reasonably secure desktop or laptop from devices that have considerably fewer defences and lesser update/patch capability strikes me as not the brightest thing to do if you value the data on the PC device, and for remote control of presentations this is overkill.

    So thanks, but this doesn't really fit into my approach to risk management.

  3. captain veg Silver badge

    very old story

    I used to do this with VNC from a PalmOS handset to a W2K machine, that I set up for the purpose, to browse web sites that were "optimised" for IE! Those were very much not the days.


  4. Kurt 4

    No thanks

  5. Fred Flintstone Gold badge

    The only remote access I use..

    .. is LAN based, via Synergy. That way I can use various machines from 1 keyboard and mouse, but even on my LAN that is encrypted because I like secure defaults. That also means it does not load on startup but has to be activated manually.

    Keeping things reasonably secure isn't hard, as long as you're consistent.

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